
The HomeScholar Store

Don't you wish you could find a homeschool store that specialized in middle school and high school? Well, you just did!

Welcome to our homeschool store - where you will find the homeschooling tools, training, support, and wisdom you need to homeschool through high school graduation and achieve success beyond your wildest dreams. If you are committed or homeschooling through high school, or are just curious about whether such a crazy idea is possible, take a look around. We have a range of products from individual training courses to personal coaching to complete SOLUTIONS that tackle your most daunting homeschool challenges.

If books are your thing (you know, like a homeschooler), Lee is a best-selling author of over 40 homeschooling books on every conceivable high school topic. You will find them all here and on Amazon.

Take a deep breath and relax. The help you need is at your fingertips! You are going to love our homeschool store.

Browse through are range of homeschool solutions to ensure a wonderful learning experience for your child. You can also join our homeschool club where you can have discussions and interact with fellow homeschool parents.

The HomeScholar Store

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Happy Customers

Andrew Pudewa, Director of IEW
Andrew Pudewa, Director of IEW

Lee is an expert in homeschool transcripts. Many people send me things to review but Lee's stuff really grabbed me. I said 'this is a like minded person. This is woman with the voice of experience... Read More

Cherie in South Carolina

I have been using your coffee-break books, newsletters, and your Total Transcript Solution package for the last several years for my oldest daughter. We have been working on college paperwork for... Read More

Rachel in WA

I had a friend, who worked in college admissions for years, peek at the transcript I wrote (with your tips). “You made this?!?! This is incredible! One of the best homeschool transcripts I have... Read More

Beckie in Zambia

You provide a much needed service. I must tell you that I've spent the past three hours going over all the materials and still haven't exhausted all that you offer. Your service is an answer to... Read More

Allyson in Canada

Hi Lee, It's been ages since we've spoken, but I have been thinking about our family's homeschool experiences and of course, you came to mind! We would never have changed our decision to homeschool... Read More

Kathy and daughter, Sarah
Kathy and daughter, Sarah

I have been following your advice for 3 years now! Last year I leaped into the Gold Care Club with the purchase of the Comprehensive Record Solution.  I am so thankful for your willingness to... Read More

Kathy and daughter, Sarah

I have been following your advice for 3 years now! Last year I leaped into the Gold Care Club with the purchase of the Comprehensive Record Solution.  I am so thankful for your willingness to... Read More

Nancy in California

I have really enjoyed having your support in our journey through homeschooling. I especially enjoy the online workshops! I am so happy that I've made this purchase and have no regrets. You are a... Read More

Kathy in Nebraska

I just want you to know that I regularly share your website with other homeschool moms who are homeschooling high school or will begin soon. You have been such a help and blessing to our homeschool... Read More

Donna in Oregon

Real live samples, like the sample Course Description and Grades and Credits Resource sheet, really clarify things and give homeschoolers a starting point in creating their own, which is very... Read More

Cynthia in New Jersey

I am writing to say thank you and to share our success story with you. Our was just accepted early decision into College! Your resources were invaluable in helping me wade through the application... Read More

Jean in North Carolina
Jean in North Carolina

Thank you so much for this info and for talking with me today. Your personal experiences that you shared with me, along with all the information, really helps a lot. Thanks for listening also. I tend... Read More

Steffi in Georgia

The admissions officer told her that one of the factors in their decision to give her the scholarship and the invitation were her impressive homeschool transcript and course descriptions!!

Janice in Washington
Janice in Washington

Our son, who you helped us with years ago (getting full-tuition scholarship) has graduated from medical school and is a 2nd year psychiatrist resident in Seattle. I always credit you with your great... Read More

Tracy in South Carolina
Tracy in South Carolina

With Lee's guidance, I gained freedom from homeschool clutter. I transitioned from mounds of paper to a shelf of binders. Lee offered me step-by-step instructions through the Gold Care Plan. I used... Read More

Debbie in Colorado

Your help understanding the language that colleges speak was helpful. With that information, I was able to craft a transcript for my daughter that showed the depth of her learning throughout her... Read More

Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine
Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine

Thank you for your recent help with my daughter’s transcript! The LORD is faithful to give us the help we need, and this time, YOU were that help! The college stated that with her excellent... Read More

Traci in California
Traci in California

I just had to write to let you know that my daughter received the Regent's Scholarship for Pepperdine University! This is a $40,700 annual award. I am still in shock daily. We found out a week... Read More

Carletta in Texas

I spent an entire morning perusing Lee's materials, and I am thoroughly impressed by breadth and depth of information she provides. As a busy homeschooler, you don't have time to spend hours upon... Read More

Renee in Europe

It really made for a more professional look. You are providing a service much needed by many. Her scholarship will be paying for four years of tuition, out-of-state fees, room/board, book stipend as... Read More

Angela in South Carolina
Angela in South Carolina

When a family decides to homeschool their children, they are committing themselves to a journey. When facing the high school years, the vision can be overwhelming considering the paths to choose and... Read More

Michelle in California

College Acceptance News! I worked with you getting my child's transcripts and college applications done under trying circumstances. My child was accepted at FOUR colleges and accepted the offer from... Read More

Tracy in South Carolina
Tracy in South Carolina

Thank you so much for walking this journey of college admission, scholarships, and aid packages with our family. My son gained acceptance at a school in Maryland and the aid package quickly followed.... Read More

Heidi St. John, The Busy Mom
Heidi St. John, The Busy Mom

Lee understands the struggles that mothers face when they take on the challenge of homeschooling through the high school years. But more than that, she knows how to point moms back to Jesus. Lee is... Read More

Laura in China

I can’t tell you how much the Lord has used you over and over again to give me peace, direction, and confidence during my homeschooling journey thus far. My husband and I see so much value in your... Read More

Allyson in Ontario

Thank you for your educational website. The Total Transcript Solution has been very helpful! In the last month -- since we found your site -- we have been making changes regarding our record... Read More

Erin in Indiana

I first became acquainted with you 4 years ago when we first started homeschooling. Having spent a couple years in the public schools, moving to homeschooling was obviously a daunting task. I went... Read More

Christa in Texas

I bought the High School Solution last week and I am part way through the first presentation. So far, I am really liking it. I am green, green, green to home school so I had no expectations except... Read More

Lizanne in WA

My daughter filed her first application yesterday! I had decided college was not for her until Aug 15th, when I was able to miraculously get a local SAT spot - the last one for 100 miles. We have... Read More

Angela in South Carolina

I have purchased all Lee’s solutions and am a Gold Care Club member. I am so appreciative of the quality and caliber of the recommendations from the HomeScholar! I recommend Lee Binz and The... Read More

Sarah in Washington

I felt like I went from feeling discouraged about homeschooling high school to completely confident after all your encouraging and informative webinars! I pass you on to all my friends and hope to... Read More

Sherri in VA

Thank you for everything! It was a huge blessing to have your wisdom and expertise through this process. I was caught off guard how quickly everything came up but I was prepared because I worked with... Read More

Karen in Texas

You can count me as a completely satisfied customer.  The Total Transcript Solution made the process a pleasure.  Our transcript was a wonderful summary of the rich educational experience a home... Read More

Erin in Georgia

My son ended up applying to 8 colleges and was accepted to all 8. He was accepted into Georgia Tech, Embry-Riddle, Penn State, Rensselaer, Florida Tech, Rochester Institute of Technology, Purdue, and... Read More

Nikki in Nevada

Seven years ago, when my daughter was nearing the end of sixth grade, I attended a presentation for homeschool moms on how to keep records in high school. Your resources were highly recommended, and... Read More

Lisa in Washington

During the registration process, one of the representatives stopped me and said, 'Your documents for your son were amazing. We would like to use them as a model for others, as they were really... Read More

Kim in Missouri

It was so great talking with you today! Thank you so much for all of your advice, your time, and your encouragement. I am so excited to know I have someone so knowledgeable that I can go to for help... Read More

Kelley in DC

I purchased your Total Transcripts Solutions and Comprehensive Records bundle and it was AMAZING! Our daughter was accepted into her one and only choice school WITH an amazing scholarship. I had been... Read More

Yvonne in Michigan

From using your webinars and materials through the highschool years, I gained valuable knowledge on how to prep my oldest son for college admission, and yet still allow him time for delight directed... Read More

Kari in California

I'm a Gold Care Club member. You have been such a blessing, giving me the advice I need each week. My husband has been really impressed, too.

Kate in Texas

I loved Finding a College.  It was so helpful, so much great information!  You shared many of the concerns that I had about college. I see so many "so called" Christian Colleges/University's that... Read More

Pastor Diane in Washington
Pastor Diane in Washington

You have created such an incredible resource and I'm thrilled to be mentored through these high school years. It's obvious you are a woman of great excellence. I believe you offer so much to the... Read More

Tauna in Oregon

I wanted to make sure we started the high school years right in our homeschool. I had heard Lee speak at a conference and a good friend highly recommended her resources, so I went ahead and purchased... Read More

Cris Rowen, Author of
Cris Rowen, Author of "The Virtual Child"

Lee Binz has hit the nail smack on the head for clearly identifying the impact technology is having on our children, families, and schools, and what to do about it. TechnoLogic demystifies a very... Read More

Debbie in Minnesota

I thought I would also take this chance to thank you for your assistance with my daughter’s transcript and course descriptions. The information that I learned in your book, seminars, and talking... Read More

Sanae in Washington

When my son went to interview for college, the admission’s counselor praised his Comprehensive Record we submitted saying he had never seen anything like that before. "Best transcript ever, for it... Read More

Linda in Washington

You helped me out a couple of years ago, and assisted me with a high school transcript for my son Landon. I was just beginning to deal with some brain tumors and several surgeries and so appreciated... Read More

Lori in California

Thank you so much for the links and resources. Thanks, too, for being available to talk yesterday. I truly enjoy talking with you! You help me to feel more confident about putting Meaghan's... Read More

Lynette in Florida

The girls applied to various schools' Engineering departments and were accepted to every one. After visiting all schools, they finally decided to accept Florida Institute of Technology's admission... Read More

Todd Wilson, The Family Man

I’ve always considered myself a manly kind of dad…but after reading Lee Binz’s book, my fears were confirmed that I’ve been a little afraid of the college scene. Perhaps it’s because of my... Read More

Sue, mom of Brittany
Sue, mom of Brittany

Even though I am in the field of education, finding a plan for homeschooling high school and preparing good college transcripts was not easy. Then I came across Lee’s website and everything... Read More

Tracey Pieters in Mexico
Tracey Pieters in Mexico

As one of your Gold Care Club members, I am so excited to share our good news. We are so proud of our daughter, Kiana, for being selected for the top scholarship. Thank you for all your help in... Read More

Jen in Pennsylvania

I want to thank you for all that you have done for me in my homeschool-mom journey.

I’ve been a Gold Care Club member for a long time and it has been invaluable to me. I wanted to thank you! My... Read More

Annie in Florida

Again, just 20 minutes with you and I feel so relieved! This "high school" thing is gonna be alright! Thanks for the list of books. Reading is the love language of both of my boys also. So I truly... Read More

Dana in Oregon

I’d like to thank Lee for helping me gain the confidence I needed to start teaching high school this year. Instead of timidly requesting information from various sources I simply devoured... Read More

Steffi in Georgia

Lee, I couldn’t have done it without you and I give thanks to God for leading me to you!! Thank you for all your help and coaching over the last two years, I feel so thankful and blessed!!

Kim in Oregon

Thank you, Lee, for making me feel like I can teach high school and prepare them for college. You have really made me feel that this stage of my home schooling journey is doable.

Mary in North Carolina

I'm just a grateful mom who wouldn't do without Lee's continued valuable help at this point in my homeschool career! I still have two in high school so I have a ways to go and I still depend on her... Read More

Jill in Illinois

What you have to offer is by far the most comprehensive, clear, and encouraging information I have received on home schooling in high school! I am truly blessed to have found your website! It is so... Read More

Sheila in California
Sheila in California

I was just telling my husband how good it feels to have a coach. He is a realtor and he has a coach too, so he sees the value in it. I look forward to talking to you next week. I have my list going... Read More

Sally in Washington

I just finished going through it and I am amazed at the wealth of information you have provided for homeschool parents and their high schoolers.  As I am in thick of the application and admission... Read More

Brenda in Texas

I am finished with the transcript!! Thank you so much for all your help and guidance with the Total Transcript Solution. I feel really good about the grades my daughter has, taking more into... Read More

Sally in Washington

You have taken an enormous amount of information and put it into bite-sized pieces so that the homeschooling parent can learn the information and process without becoming overwhelmed and... Read More

Monica, Blog:
Monica, Blog: "Chocolate Covered Boy Joy"

Lee Binz is a genius at taking complex information and making it simple. She simplified the information in a fun and quite comical way. I felt so empowered! I now have the information I need to... Read More

Trish in Michigan

I just wanted you to know that while I have enjoyed your program very much, and that you have answered all of my transcript questions. I have 7 children and 5 of them still are waiting anxiously for... Read More

Sally in California

Thank you for all the help (and friendship) these past six years… Once you taught me what to do, it was easy. With Wednesday calls to talk things through and your eye to look and make sure things... Read More

Jennifer in Florida

This information is so much more than I ever could have hoped for from anyone! You're truly providing a wonderful service. Thank you so much for your help. I had this little voice in my head telling... Read More

Angela in South Carolina

When a family decides to homeschool their children, they are committing themselves to a journey. When facing the high school years, the vision can be overwhelming considering the paths to choose and... Read More

Kathleen in California

I have been so blessed by your newsletters, website, and the Total Transcript Solution. Last October, my daughter was accepted and awarded the highest academic scholarship from all four of the... Read More

Penny (Workshop Feedback)

Long time fan - I used your book to help my eldest get a full tuition scholarship! Your ideas work! Child #2 is a bit more free form in her learning, so I'm hoping to refine my course description... Read More

Aleyna in Maine

Your book, 'Setting the Record Straight' helped me compose my own unique transcript and course description document. Mine did not look like any of the examples in your book, but as you encouraged in... Read More

Raymond in Michigan

You have provided so much helpful information so many of my questions have been dissolved. I want to put into practice many of the things I have learned so far over the summer. I now am a more... Read More

Lynne and Tony in Rhode Island
Lynne and Tony in Rhode Island

We started homeschooling in 2014, without an idea that we would continue to homeschool during high school. Four years ago we happened upon one of Lee's webinars and signed up straight away. From... Read More

Stephanie in Pennsylvania

We have been accepted to almost every University we applied for, most with scholarships. I believe your transcript and Comprehensive Records was one of the key factors. I spoke to several schools,... Read More

Bonnie in Maine

Your kind words written back to me filled my heart with joy!! I appreciate that you took the time to read what I wrote. That really tells me that you are 100% invested in your business, but I... Read More

Betsey in VA

I have graduated two already and used your Total Transcript program. One daughter graduated debt free in May, the other is on track for similar results. My youngest is a Sr in high school this year... Read More

Susan in Kentucky

What you do is a wonderful ministry.  I gleaned wonderful insights from your seminars at the convention. The information on transcripts was so simple and straightforward, that I'm actually looking... Read More

Tia in Indiana

Thank you so much Lee!!!! I have loved all of the webinars I have watched and really appreciate the workbooks! This has been my first year homeschooling. I have a son in 9th grade and his sister... Read More

Lori in Florida

With your guidance and the Total Transcript package my daughter got into her top school choice and was offered enough scholarships that they would be paying her each semester.

 Monica in South Africa
Monica in South Africa

You have been the most wonderful of helps and have brought me light when I was in darkness of what to do for my son- I was overwhelmed by too much information. I am so grateful for you.

Jenna in New Hampshire
Jenna in New Hampshire

I just wanted to update you and let you know that my daughter was accepted into their music program as a Piano Performance (B.M.) major, essentially earning a “half-ride” merit scholarship with... Read More

Jennifer in the Midwest
Jennifer in the Midwest

I needed to email you because... MY SON WON THE FULL-TUITION SCHOLARSHIP AT THE SCHOLARS DAY COMPETITION!!! They only gave out one, and he got it!

They told him his interview clinched the deal,... Read More

Michele Williams

Dear Lee,

Thank you! Thank you! My name is Michele Williams and I am one of your Happy Customers! I have a daughter that is getting ready to graduate, she is my first and I was so nervous on how... Read More

Lisa in Florida

I want to highly recommend Lee's services to anyone who has questions about the high school years! I had a consultation with her yesterday and it was so helpful and amazing to watch the transcript... Read More

Joyce in Virginia

I have loved all of your work, ideas, and especially Lee's coaching me through the homeschool transcript and college issues process. You helped daughter get accepted into 11 colleges and helped her... Read More

Linnea in California

I started working on my daughter's high school records this past week using your Comprehensive Record Solution. Thank you so much for everything you've provided. With your guidance and templates,... Read More

Janel in North Dakota

In applying for the summer institutes I used your model to the best of my ability. I watched the videos enough to have them pretty much set to memory. I plan on putting together a complete... Read More

Ann in Connecticut

I knew I had to prepare transcripts for college admission, and my son had taken the SAT, but I knew NOTHING about what I should be doing to prepare for college admissions. I decided to purchase the... Read More

Sharon in Texas

Thanks you for your time to advise and encourage me. You are definitely gifted in listening and also analytical skills. I consider every minute and dollar spent a worthy investment for me as well as... Read More

Chelle in Georgia

I've been doing a happy dance all day and I just had to pass the excitement along to you! Late last night I took the plunge and submitted my first ever high school transcript accompanied by 13 course... Read More

Sue in North Carolina

In April, my homeschooled senior daughter was applying to a very competitive specialty summer college program at a major Ivy League university. I had to come up with a really professional looking... Read More

Reesa in Texas

I signed up for your transcript program, read through all of your materials and we had a phone consultation shortly afterward. Speaking with you that day gave me the extra confidence I needed to... Read More

Julieanne in Washington
Julieanne in Washington

Thank you so very much for your kind words....words of such wisdom and depth to me. I really can't take enough time to explain to you how I am thankful for all of your advice to me...and experience... Read More

Michelle in Florida

I used your transcript & watched your videos on grading, etc! I’m so thankful for your program & information! I would have been so lost without it! I’m happy to report that my son, who is a... Read More

Mechelle in South Carolina
Mechelle in South Carolina

You really helped me when I graduated my oldest from high school, and helped us through the college application process. My daughter has graduated from University and in August she heads to Law... Read More

Kim McDaniel, Author and Parent Coach
Kim McDaniel, Author and Parent Coach

Lee Binz deftly guides parents about the dangers that accompany gaming and internet addiction in this valuable book. Follow her advice, end the power struggles with your children and teens over their... Read More

Lynne and Tony in Rhode Island
Lynne and Tony in Rhode Island

We started homeschooling in 2014, without an idea that we would continue to homeschool during high school. Four years ago we happened upon one of Lee's webinars and signed up straight away. From... Read More

Bryan Jones, Admissions Director at SPU
Bryan Jones, Admissions Director at SPU

Your homeschool transcripts and records were the best organized and documented I have seen.

Paul in Oregon

I have seen no other site on the web better equipped than yours to help homeschooling high school students, and I will be telling others nothing but good things about your site. I am the type who... Read More

Sherri in VA

Thank you for everything! It was a huge blessing to have your wisdom and expertise through this process. I was caught off guard how quickly everything came up but I was prepared because I worked with... Read More

Cynthia in New Jersey

I am writing to say thank you and to share our success story with you. Our was just accepted early decision into College! Your resources were invaluable in helping me wade through the application... Read More

Jay Wile, Berean Builders

I strongly recommend this book to all homeschooling parents who think that college might be in their child’s future. It not only demystifies the process of college preparation, it will also put you... Read More

Tesa in VA

You feel like a family friend walking alongside us on this homeschool journey. I am so grateful for your services. Thank you!

Cyndi in Arkansas

I have only been a Gold Care Club member since Thanksgiving, but I can tell you that the price is a small investment given the amount of help you and Matt have provided to me. The transcript is... Read More

Cindy in Washington

You saved me many tears by helping me with your Gold Care Club this past year... Just so you know our son has been accepted at all the colleges he has applied and one admissions officer commented "I... Read More

Maria in Ohio

I received so much wonderful help and support from Lee over the years. I'm pleased with how the whole home school journey has turned out.

Our oldest son, Daniel, is currently a junior in... Read More

Tauna in Oregon

I wanted to make sure we started the high school years right in our homeschool. I had heard Lee speak at a conference and a good friend highly recommended her resources, so I went ahead and purchased... Read More

Lisa in Florida

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your audio workshops. I often listen to them on my iPod while I walk in the mornings or on my computer while I’m making dinner. They offer such practical,... Read More

Nancy in the Philippines
Nancy in the Philippines

Good news from the Philippines! Our son was accepted at his first-choice school. We are so very grateful for all of the material you made available to us, Lee. How helpful the videos were! I listened... Read More

Tonya in Connecticut

"Thank you, Lee, you helped me tremendously complete transcripts, and especially, course descriptions. Your ebooks are fantastic and have helped me for years! I especially love that you empower us to... Read More

Jill in Washington

One of the major reasons I'm no longer anxious about homeschooling high school is because I've had the benefit of reading Lee Binz's book "Setting the Records Straight," as well as her many other... Read More

Lynne and Tony in Rhode Island
Lynne and Tony in Rhode Island

We started homeschooling in 2014, without an idea that we would continue to homeschool during high school. Four years ago we happened upon one of Lee's webinars and signed up straight away. From... Read More

Tauna in Oregon

I wanted to make sure we started the high school years right in our homeschool. I had heard Lee speak at a conference and a good friend highly recommended her resources, so I went ahead and purchased... Read More

Mary in North Carolina

As these kids were going through their high school years, my homeschool mentor, Lee Binz, helped me realize that seeing their individuality and capitalizing on this as well as their strengths and... Read More

Kim in Oregon

There is so much here to value. The course descriptions are absolutely wonderful! I absolutely love it when I realize that we are taking a class that you have already outlined for us. The... Read More

Martha in Georgia

My daughter is in 9th grade, and I will be using more of your products as we go along. We are seeing many of our homeschooling friends throw in the towel at High School, and part of that is the fear... Read More

Angela in South Carolina
Angela in South Carolina

When a family decides to homeschool their children, they are committing themselves to a journey. When facing the high school years, the vision can be overwhelming considering the paths to choose and... Read More

Chung and Christine in Malaysia
Chung and Christine in Malaysia

A heartfelt thanks for your guidance helping our two daughters navigate through the college application process. Having bought and read most of the wonderful resources and listening to your seminar,... Read More

Tami in Oregon

Thank you for the help The Total Transcript Solution gave me during my son’s senior year… he graduated last June and this was a huge life line for me to preparing his transcripts! Boy do I wish I... Read More

Lori in Idaho

I want to give a little testimony and some kudos to YOUI I compiled my beautiful spiral-bound booklet of course descriptions, reading lists, awards & activities, and sample work for my son Sam a few... Read More

Tracy in South Carolina

I felt overwhelmed. I knew that there had to be a better way, so I began researching. I signed up for the free class. Listening to you share your experiences and give small practical steps that I... Read More

Stacie in Kansas

After getting over the shock of scholarships, my first thought was 'Thank you Lee!' It wouldn't have happened without the Comprehensive Records and encouragement from you!

Donna in Louisiana

First, Lee, you have been a great help in answering my questions concerning my daughter taking a Gap Year. Second, I raved over your High School Planning Guide and the Sample Grading This is how I... Read More

Cheryl in Indiana

Thank you so much for all that you have done to support me and our family over the last several years. I first met you at the homeschool convention in Michigan. Your workshops and personal... Read More

Erin in Georgia

My son ended up applying to 8 colleges and was accepted to all 8. He was accepted into Georgia Tech, Embry-Riddle, Penn State, Rensselaer, Florida Tech, Rochester Institute of Technology, Purdue, and... Read More

Donna in Angola

Thank you for your resources on the Gold Care Club. I now feel confident that with your help and resources I can do it on my own and make her transcript for her, thanks to you. I feel so supported... Read More

Chrystal in Georgia

THANK YOU. My daughter applied online to the university of her first choice. She had to send in a copy of her transcript. We sent that in, but in addition and thanks to your guidance we also sent in... Read More

Carleen in South Africa
Carleen in South Africa

Thank you SO MUCH for the wonderful 3 months with you and your team. I have learned a lot and more I am at peace and many more moms as well. Thank you is such a small word. I recommend you with... Read More

Tracie in Michigan

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. I will continue to educate myself and check out all the links you emailed me. I look forward to calling you again. I absolutely appreciate and... Read More

Donna in Canada

Thank you so much Lee! You are such a blessing! I really appreciate it! I’ve been telling everyone about your resources (which I actually print out to take with me). You’ll likely have more... Read More

Susan Anadale, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Susan Anadale, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

The High School Solution is an online membership site designed to support and encourage parents who are homeschooling their children through high school.

A veteran homeschool mom herself, Lee... Read More

Yvonne in Michigan

Your Comprehensive Record Solution was all the training my family needed! My son applied to colleges and prioritized essays over other activities until they were completed. I had the transcript and... Read More

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