A Great Homeschool Convention Online Just For You!
You have found a vast source of reliable homeschool information from a trusted resource, Lee Binz, The HomeScholar!
"You are my all time favorite convention speaker. I attended the conference in Phoenix. You were talking high school track. I was on the fence regarding continuing through high school. Your talk gave me the confidence and tools needed to go forward. I will always be grateful for that. I still have your handouts and notes I took about transcripts and electives. You were such a wealth of knowledge. My son went on to graduate high school, got a scholarship, and is one year from graduating college. I have a 10th grader now. I always check to see if you are speaking. Your info was such a game changer for me. You basically took the fear out of homeschooling high school. I really appreciate you!!!! Keep doing what you are doing. You are making a difference even if you don’t see it. Sorry it took me 8 years to tell you. Thank you."

Convention Workshops
Dr. Jay Wile - Homeschooling How and Why it Works
Hal and Melanie Young - Middle School Madness
Lee Binz - 5 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make Homeschooling High School
Lee Binz - Delight Directed Learning
Lee Binz - Critical Technology Boundaries for Children and Teens
Lee Binz - How to Choose Curriculum That's Effective and Fun
Lee Binz - Transcripts for Your Unique Child
Lee Binz - Homeschool Records That Open Doors
Andrew Pudewa - Essay on Demand
Lee Binz - College Launch Master Class
Convention Sale Prices
Recommended Resources
Homeschooling - How and Why it Works, with Dr. Jay Wile
Learn How to Homeschool Middle School
Learn to Avoid 5 Common Homeschool High School Mistakes
Learn how to identify and avoid the big blunders repeated by countless homeschool parents!
- The First Mistake may cripple your plans if your child ever changes their mind (and what teenager doesn't!).
- The Second Mistake may leave your child unprepared for college!
- The Third Mistake may result in the loss of thousands of dollars in financial aid!
- The Fourth Mistake may cause your child to be lost in the crowd during college admission.
- The Fifth Mistake may render your kid unable to gain admission to the college of their dreams!
Do You Know What Makes Homeschooling Easier AND More Fun?
Delight directed learning, of course!
Delight directed learning makes school more fun for students, promotes a true love of learning, and helps develop interests and abilities unique to your child. It makes the school day seem shorter for everyone, allowing more time for socialization. It also makes homeschooling easier for you! This encouraging workshop will help you lighten the burden of homeschooling.
Please join me and learn what delight directed learning is and how to incorporate it effectively into your homeschool day. You can guide your homeschooler toward passionate learning! Let me show you how!
Learn Critical Technology Boundaries for Children and Teens
Extensive Training for a Massive Issue!
Today's teens are bombarded by technology temptations. Parents can struggle to maintain any sort of logical boundaries on technology use. Sometimes, the pressure to throw up our hands is almost more than a parent can bear!
Help is here. In this 6-hour course, you will hear from experts in the field who will give you solid, proven strategies for identifying logical technology boundaries and then the reasons to set and hold the line.
You will learn:
- Tips & Strategies for setting effective tech boundaries.
- Sanity-saving Ideas to stop the battles and win the war.
- Expert Advice to avoid mistakes you may be making.
Do you have a "Homeschool Curriculum Hall of Shame"?
It’s impossible to guarantee each curriculum choice and every dollar you invest will bring a fruitful return, but there are ways to minimize your risks and maximize your chances for success. This class will show you how to avoid the most common traps of choosing crummy curriculum.
What kind of homeschool parent are you?
- A compulsive curriculum buyer whose shelves are full of unused materials?
- One who despairs of ever finding the perfect curriculum for your unique student?
- A fad-follower of the latest and greatest?
Please join me and learn how to avoid these common blunders with simple-to-understand and easy-to-implement strategies.
Learn How to Create Transcripts for Your Unique Child
Your transcript can be impressive regardless of how advanced or focused your child is.
Wherever you are on the unschooling to classical continuum, you can create a believable homeschool transcript.
Learn How to Create Professional Records That Earn Admission and Scholarships
Homeschoolers Can Compete for the Largest College Scholarships!
No matter how humble your homeschool, you can compete and WIN scholarships over the students coming from the most intense college-prep high schools.
Your Homeschool Records are the Key to Opening the Gate to College Admission and Scholarships!
Presenting colleges with professional, thorough, and beautiful homeschool records can give your student a HUGE competitive advantage over the two-dimensional transcript that most applicants provide.
Please join me and learn how to create homeschool records that will open doors of opportunity to your homeschooled teen!
Learn How to Prepare for College Entrance Exams
Secrets of the College Launch Master Class
Get 4 Hours of Free Training from The HomeScholar on How to Launch Your Teen Successfully into College and Life.
Each session highlights common challenges you will meet at every stage of the launch process, then gives you precise solutions so you can spend less time trying to find answers and more time enjoying the final few years of your homeschool career.
- Session 1: The 5 Fundamentals of College and Launch
- Session 2: The 10 C's of College and Career Success
- Session 3: Fears and Tears, Cheers, or Wet-Behind-the-Ears
- Session 4: How to Be Your Child's Best College Coach
Recommended Resources

- Curriculum for Core Classes and Electives
- The HomeScholar's Best Selling Books
- Fun and Games Across the Curriculum
- Your Student's College Packing List
- The HomeScholar's Coffee Break Books
- Test Preparation Help
- Books for College Bound and Middle School
- Some of Lee's Favorite Home and Travel Items

If you are a beginner at homeschooling high school, consider the High School Solution, which provides detailed training on homeschooling, from middle school through senior year. Get complete instruction for choosing curriculum, encouraging delight directed learning, and teaching advanced subjects through training classes for parents, all with handouts or workbooks plus articles and templates.