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Happy Readers
Lee Binz is a genius at taking complex information and making it simple. She simplified the information in a fun and quite comical way. I felt so empowered! I now have the information I need to turn what my children enjoy doing into credits on their transcript. I highly recommend visiting her website and purchasing her book!
I'm feeling all sorts of feelings - panic, insecure, frustrated that I'm not done with all the paperwork, etc. I uncovered a pile of my school related record keeping items and discovered your book Finding the Faith to Homeschool High School. I randomly opened to page 85 and read about The Great Pause. Thank you for writing this book. I read about 20 pages and I felt like you were exactly... Read More

Your book, 'Setting the Record Straight' helped me compose my own unique transcript and course description document. Mine did not look like any of the examples in your book, but as you encouraged in your book, I found my very own style.
My daughter was not only accepted to the one and only school she applied, but she was offered the highest scholarship they award and invited to join their... Read More

Lee understands the struggles that mothers face when they take on the challenge of homeschooling through the high school years. But more than that, she knows how to point moms back to Jesus. Lee is right. Homeschooling is a gift. Your kids may drive you crazy from time to time … and that’s okay. Let the challenges push you closer to Jesus.

Reading your blog and your books really paid off. My oldest is now 18 and is headed to The University in 3 weeks with a half-tuition scholarship. Thanks for all of the wonderful advice

Just wanted to let you know how incredibly helpful your book Setting the Records Straight was when I needed to write transcripts. Without exaggeration it was life changing! It's been many years now (about 10) since I graduated my daughters. I was so nervous that I wouldn't be able to articulate their education in a sellable way to our local university. I was wrong. It worked! They all got in, and... Read More

Lee Binz deftly guides parents about the dangers that accompany gaming and internet addiction in this valuable book. Follow her advice, end the power struggles with your children and teens over their technology use, and be well on your way to rebuilding harmony in your family life.

I loved Finding a College. It was so helpful, so much great information! You shared many of the concerns that I had about college. I see so many "so called" Christian Colleges/University's that are no different than a secular school. That concerns me. I will continue to pray, I know God can always change things, but that was really neat.

I thought I would also take this chance to thank you for your assistance with my daughter’s transcript and course descriptions. The information that I learned in your book, seminars, and talking with you personally gave me the confidence and knowledge to create a solid presentation of records. My daughter received multiple scholarship offers. She turned down a full tuition scholarship at one... Read More

I’ve always considered myself a manly kind of dad…but after reading Lee Binz’s book, my fears were confirmed that I’ve been a little afraid of the college scene. Perhaps it’s because of my own college experience or what I see now at colleges, but I wasn’t convinced college is a good thing. Lee helped calm my fears, reassured my inner-dad, and walked me through the whole process.... Read More

One of the major reasons I'm no longer anxious about homeschooling high school is because I've had the benefit of reading Lee Binz's book "Setting the Records Straight," as well as her many other wonderful resources. Her examples, encouragement, and insights will equip you to translate your homeschooled student's experiences into the language that college admissions officers understand.

Lee Binz has hit the nail smack on the head for clearly identifying the impact technology is having on our children, families, and schools, and what to do about it. TechnoLogic demystifies a very complex issue, helping readers to sort out problem areas and identify solutions. TechnoLogic is for everyone who cares about creating better lives for children.

I strongly recommend this book to all homeschooling parents who think that college might be in their child’s future. It not only demystifies the process of college preparation, it will also put you at ease as you help your child make one of the most important decisions of their young life.

Long time fan - I used your book to help my eldest get a full tuition scholarship! Your ideas work! Child #2 is a bit more free form in her learning, so I'm hoping to refine my course description skills to help her as best I can. Thank you!

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