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"Your One Stop Shop for Transcript Help"

Home & School Mosaics  wrote a wonderful review of my Total Transcript Solution!  Look what they said!
transcript help

Your One Stop Shop for Transcript Help

Total Transcript Solution Review
By Renita Terrell

I LOVE this product!! I have a freshman this year and the information in this product and on Lee's website are invaluable. Completely invaluable. Total Transcript Solution is a gem to have to help you navigate the sometimes frightening waters of High School Transcripts. Shoot, even High School courses themselves. Lee has a no nonsense way of approaching the subject that makes it not only understandable but absolutely doable.

With The Total Transcript Solution you get access to her website as well as support and extras. There are so many goodies on there you will think it was Christmastime! I am not kidding you, there is so much information here that you will need TIME to digest and read it all.

This is your one stop shop for Transcript help.

Lee Binz has a practical way of guiding you that is firm in her knowledge yet gentle in her approach. She has "been there and done that" so she can guide the rest of us with strong assurance that we really can do it. Sometimes when someone has so much knowledge of their topic they become hard to understand or follow. Not so with Lee. She is right there with you leading you every step of the way with easy to understand instructions and guidance and a quick smile or laugh to set you at ease. She is easy to work with and is passionate about helping homeschoolers.

The Total Transcript Solution really is your one stop shop for transcript help. With your purchase you get a ton of FREEBIES! Who doesn't like freebies, right? On Lee's Homepage there is a list of Freebies but when you sign up for The Total Transcript Solution you get even more Freebies.

You just have to go and see for yourself all the amazing things Lee has for you when she helps you with your journey of homeschooling high school. The Total Transcript Solution is an all-inclusive transcript system that is just $47. With that $47 you get a month free trial to the Silver Care Club. Can I strongly suggest that you take advantage of this? It is completely and totally worth it. Seriously. After the month trial is over, the price of your Silver Training Club membership goes down to just $27 a month. You can cancel at any time but let me warn you, you may never want to!

With your Total Transcript Solution purchase you get access to the Silver Training Club Member's page with links and even more information. Lee has thought of everything you need to make you successful at planning high school and creating amazing transcripts. You should really check her website out You won't be disappointed!

Read the full review at Home & School Mosaics.

If you would like to know more about transcripts and the Total Transcript Solution, I have a free class you might enjoy.  A Homeschool Parent's Guide to Grades, Credits and Transcripts is completely free, and you can register for the class here: A Homeschool Parent's Guide to Grades, Credits and Transcripts.

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