
Facebook Follower + Homeschool Freebies = Success

Facebook Follower + Homeschool Freebies = Success

While I love working with my Gold Care Club members, and getting to know them personally, I'll often get thank you notes from people who have success ...

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  2864 Hits

7 Reasons You Can Get Your Child Into College

Did you know the average high school guidance counselor is trying to guide 478 students all at once? How can you possibly be better than a trained pro...

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  4664 Hits

My Journey Homeschooling High School by Jean Freeman

Do you ever wonder if you have what it takes to homeschool high school? Meet Jean. This mom has no college education, no teaching experience, poor hea...

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  4280 Hits

From Freaked Out to Complete Confidence in One Step

Now let's talk about big feelings. It's possible you don't yet feel confident. When you think about how to homeschool high school, do any of these wor...

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  2479 Hits

Success Story: Ballet Major Earns Scholarships [Plus 8 easy Tips]

 It can be challenging to help your child become a ballerina. It can be challenging to help your child get into college with scholarships. When y...

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  2779 Hits

The Final Sacrificial Culmination of the Homeschool Years

The Final Sacrificial Culmination of the Homeschool Years

If you regularly use words like field-tripping and work-shopping, this tip is for you! Bonnie writes about how her final sacrificial culmination of ho...

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  3265 Hits

Free Resources Help Marie Earn $27,000 in Scholarships

Free Resources Help Marie Earn $27,000 in Scholarships

Do you like free stuff? Marie does - and it's made a HUGE difference in her life to read my free eBook. "Hi Lee, I've used your site often since I beg...

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  3844 Hits

Better than an iPad?

Better than an iPad? It's funny how kids think. A homeschooled student received big scholarships and her little brother is only excited because she is getting an iPad along with her 4 years of full tuition, plus $5,000 a year for housing! Because that's a big deal, right?Check out this letter from Lin. I have linked to the resources she references, in case you find something you need to check out.Thanks for all the help-Big Scholarship...

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  3009 Hits

What to do After Earning Scholarships

What to do After Earning Scholarships

You've done the hard work and gotten the scholarships. Now what? Let me give you some tips on what to do next. What to do if you have gotten some grea...

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  3237 Hits

Solutions for Your Homeschool

Solutions for Your Homeschool

It's always so nice to hear from my Gold Care Club members. Johanna emailed me the nicest compliments and I wanted to share them with you. Maybe you c...

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  3293 Hits

Is The HomeScholar for Canadian Homeschoolers?

Is The HomeScholar for Canadian Homeschoolers?

Quite a few Canadians have enjoyed my High School Solution! While applying for college is slightly different in Canada, the basics of homeschooling hi...

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  3837 Hits

Debt Free and Tuition Free College


Debt free, tuition free college doesn't sound possible, I know. But, it is! Follow these pointers and read about how Tracey did it!Parents need to be ...

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  3195 Hits

Hearts at Home Review of the Total Transcript Solution

Hearts at Home Review of the Total Transcript Solution Kim Knopp from Hearts at Home recently tried out my Total Transcript Solution. Check out the YouTube video below (or here) for Kim’s review of the Total Transcript Solution!  Here is just some of what Kim had to say:One of my biggest fears has been, "Am I doing this right? Am I going to be able to teach my children everything they need to actually be able to...

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  3007 Hits

Take This Class and Love Every Minute of It!

Take This Class and Love Every Minute of It! Each time someone takes my free class on grades, credits, and transcripts, I ask for feedback. I update that class every few years, and feedback helps me to improve the class each time. But, I have to say, Cindy went over-and-above on her specific review of “A Homeschool Parent's Guide to Grades, Credits and Transcripts”. She said she loved every minute of it!    Dear Lee,I am happy...

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  2542 Hits

Homeschool for Long Term Success

Elizabeth faced some tough times while homeschooling high school (details have been omitted) but she was able to achieve wonderful long term success! ...

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  3175 Hits

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