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Thank you, Anni!

Thank you, Anni!

I want to say thank you to Anni, but let me start with a story about what I've been going through.

When I got my new website, I had to move all 120,000 emails to our new email service. Every email, even "out of office" replies I have sent or received, they all have to be archived. While I was archiving those 120,000 emails to get them out of my inbox (can you even IMAGINE my day? Seriously, I'm traumatized, LOL!) I came across a review notification from Amazon. About a year ago, Anni had spent a few minutes writing two lovely reviews of some of my Coffee Break Books. I recognized her email address because she had recently joined my Open House series of webinars.

These reviews are so heart-felt and delightful, I thought you might enjoy reading about Anni and her family. I write my short Coffee Break Books in a casual, conversational way, as if it's just you and me having coffee together, talking about just one small aspect of homeschooling high school. It was nice to see Anni continue the conversation. Check it out!

1. Anni reviewed Keys to High School Success: Get Your Homeschool High School Started Right

Just in the nick of time! Posted on November 9, 2015
I have now reviewed several of Mrs. Binz's books. I am a university trained and double licensed teacher who decided to homeschool my own children. Both of my degrees are in the lower levels. I never wanted to teach high schoolers, and just between you and me, they intimidated me. Hormones! Irrational thought! Impulsive behavior that defied management! At least twenty of them at a time, several changes a day! Of these things, nightmares are made!

However, Providence ordained that my delightful elementary age children would grow older each year. And suddenly, I have a 9th grader and 7th grader. (How is that possible?!?!) Taking a deep breath, I assessed my abilities. I could handle the humanities well, but I struggled with science and math myself. Where to turn for help? How to handle the different challenges? And... what about college?!?!?! Enter Mrs. Binz. Again. Thankfully, and just in the nick of time!

Full of practical wisdom and sound principles, in a conversational tone, Mrs. Binz shares her heart about how to make these lightning fast high school years successful, meaningful, and fondly remembered. Will there still be challenges? And does college still loom ahead? Yes, but now, thanks to Mrs. Binz, I can breathe a little easier. She has been such a wealth of information and sage advice, and I am very thankful!

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2. Anni reviewed How to Homeschool Independently: Do-it-Yourself Secrets to Rekindle the Love of Learning

I so wish I had had this book back then! Posted on November 9, 2015

I have enjoyed and benefited greatly from every one of Mrs. Binz's books. Even though I am a university trained and double licensed teacher, I truthfully found homeschooling rather bewildering. It truly was easier for me to maintain control and flow in a large classroom with a required curriculum than it was to just teach my own two children. After a couple of years trying to re-create a classroom in my living room, I realized the impossibility and irrationality of attempting to do so. Therein entered a few years of struggling, trying to find our way to our own educational philosophy, including trying to rekindle a love of learning in my children. I so wish I had had this book back then! It is full of practical wisdom and helpful advice. I truly feel like a lovely, more wise lady asked me to coffee and shared her heart with me. As the adage says, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. For me, that teacher has been Mrs. Binz. I am thankful for her guidance, and this book is a great addition to my library.

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So I want to say "Thank you!" to Anni!

I encourage you to write a review when you read a book. Like all authors, I count on your feedback to make sure I'm meeting your needs, and writing in a way that makes sense to you. What you may not realize is that Amazon makes a decision about what book to show a customer based on the book reviews. So having book reviews is such an important aspect of being an author.

How to submit an Amazon review:

  1. Go to the product detail page for the book on
  2. Click "Write a customer review" in the Customer Reviews section.
  3. Write something, click some stars​.
  4. Click Submit

Easy peasy done!

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