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7 Reasons You Can Get Your Child Into College

Did you know the average high school guidance counselor is trying to guide 478 students all at once? How can you possibly be better than a trained professional guidance counselor!

23Let me explain why you are MORE than qualified to guide your child into adulthood. Here are some big benefits that you have, that no other "professional educator" has!

  1. First, you LOVE your child. You don't have 478 nameless students, you can use information that only you know about your child - and you are super motivated to see them succeed. they aren't just a number to you!
  2. You can use information about your unique situation and preferences to guide them into a college or career that fits them perfectly and fits your goals for your child perfectly.
  3. You can use the information you've learned from homeschooling, and apply that to the college application process, incorporating the essay writing and test preparation right into your homeschool day.
  4. You can actively help your student earn much-needed scholarship, again incorporating this work into your homeschool day, to get it handled without overworking your child during their busy high school years.
  5. You can help your child learn life skills and find their calling, shaping and molding their skills, so they can be successful no matter what their future plans may be or how often those plans change.
  6. You can help your child prepare for college success, by making sure they are ready with the skills they need to study well, write well, and test well, even at the college level.
  7. You can help your student enter adulthood as a person READY for adulthood, with all the skills they need to live a healthy lifestyle.

 I know that you can do these thing successfully, because you love your child and care about their ultimate success for the long term. I'd love to help you through this next stage of college and adult readiness!

The College Launch Solution is perfect for college-bound families with a 10th, 11th, or 12th grade student. It's expert help with over 56 hours of training for parents and teens on every issue and obstacle you may face while preparing your child for their launch. It has an extensive collection of resources for common questions, including my exclusive College Planning Calendar for each year.

But don't just take my word for it! Read Joanna's experience with the College Launch Solution. She's thrilled! And she feels that her whole family was gaining confidence through the program.

The College Launch Solution is a great resource!!! It is absolutely what I was hoping for! I felt like we had just an OK handle on all that we needed to do to help our children graduate and be ready for college. But now, I KNOW we can do it with your help!! 

I've already worked my way through the first three modules! I have a rising senior, and want to use this summer to glean all I can from it. I love the fact that I do have access for 2 years, though, because I also have a rising sophomore, so I know I will keep coming back to it! 

I have always enjoyed your webinars, as each one is full of such helpful information. They have given me so much confidence in knowing I COULD homeschool high school. Now, with the College Launch Solution, I feel our whole family is gaining the confidence to launch our children into college and beyond. 

My daughter had a mini freak out just a couple of weeks before the College Launch Solution came out as she was looking ahead to her senior year. All of it was a bit overwhelming to her. After she attend the College Admission Seminar for Teens, she was so much more calm and confident. She said, "Mom, it's just step-by-step. I thought I had to do it all in the first month of next year! But now I know I can just take it one thing at a time." 

My favorite quote from you is, "Keep your 5 year plan in mind; to have a happy, healthy, close extended family." I found myself getting bogged down and only thinking about how to get through her senior year and helping her get into college. This quote jolted me into a major perspective shift!! It helped me see (and quite frankly, remember) that college is not life! It is just one of the steps leading to success as an adult. 

I have also really loved the "extras" you include. Not the major bonuses, although those are terrific! But I'm talking about things like all the handouts with nice, neat outlines, the Year by Year Prep Plans, the Guide to College Costs, the College Application Tracker. Real practical stuff that helps keep me organized!!! I am a very organized person by nature, and before the College Launch Solution, I keep searching for things like this. I found a few items, but having it all in one place really speaks deeply to my organizer's heart!!! THANK YOU!!! 

I could go on and on, but unfortunately, I need to go start some laundry! 

Lee, thanks again for all that you do!!! 

Joanna Compton in Nebraska

The College Launch Solution will help you successfully release your young adult into college and life with confidence. It is complete instruction for every stage of the college launch process, with two coaching options available. The Group Coaching Option is best for most families and includes monthly accountability emails for timely reminders, a private Facebook group, and a monthly live Q&A workshop to keep you on track. The Private Coaching Option is best for some families that could really use the extra support. It includes weekly private coaching, so you can get weekly email coaching, and Gold Care Club access. Choose this option if you feel less confident and would like personalized support to address specific family challenges.

Here's a sneak peek inside the College Launch SolutionYou will be able to see what is included but the links won't be clickable until you purchase.

I hope you'll join me inside the College Launch Solution so I can help you with this next step of homeschooling high school!

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