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From Freaked Out to Scholarship Offers

Success! I love it when people write to say THANK YOU and share their successes! I got this awesome note from Jen in Pennsylvania. Read some of her tips, and see what you can glean from her experiences today.

#From Freaked out to Scholarships @TheHomeScholarFrom Freaked Out to Scholarship Offers

I want to thank you for all that you have done for me in my homeschool-mom journey.

I've been a Gold Care Club member for a long time and it has been invaluable to me. I wanted to thank you!  My son is away at college in his second semester of freshman year.  He is doing great and although the course work is rigorous, he is WELL prepared for college.  Many people in my life would question how in the world a homeschooler could get into college.  As I tried not to let those fears creep in, I was introduced to you.  Your services, webinars and conferences as a Gold Care Club member helped me gain the confidence I needed.

When college application time came, I freaked out!  I didn't plan and prepare in advance as well as I should have.  You were the voice of reason, and you guided me towards your Transcript Pajama Party.   My son wrote his essays, and the applications were submitted.  He applied to a handful of schools, a couple of which were definite REACH schools (I'm talking Ivy League). He didn't get into every school he applied to, but he got acceptance letters!  And SCHOLARSHIP offers!!

I mentioned the "reach" schools, because although he did not get in to those, the experiences of applying were fantastic.  He overcame his nerves, he participated in face-to-face as well as phone interviews with these colleges and did SO WELL!  I believe God guided my son right where he was supposed to be, and he is thriving.

So, thank you Lee!  I know The HomeScholar is your business, but honestly, it's like a ministry as well.  You have such a gift and such wisdom to help a frazzled homeschool mom gain the confidence she needs to homeschool high school.  I am not a teacher by trade, and had no clue what I was doing when I started this journey, thank you for helping me!  As I write this email, I have another high schooler that I am homeschooling.  This child is completely different than her brother was in learning style, passions, and all around interests.  I thought I would have it all together by now, but I don't!  I can't wait until I can get my membership going again I need you Lee!!

~ Jen in PA

#From Freaked out to Scholarships @TheHomeScholar

Want to learn more?
Online services, webinars and conferences: The HomeScholar Gold Care Club
Individual Class: Real Fast College Applications (Online Training)
Paperback Book: The HomeScholar Guide to College Admission and Scholarships

Related articles
Reach, Fit, and Safety Simplified
How to Win a Scholarship Competition and Ace the Admission Interview
Encouraging Delight Directed Learning at the High School Level
A New Beginning: Homeschooling High School for Freaked Parents

If you have a story about college applications, please write and share. I'd love to hear your story!

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