A little while ago, a mom reached out to ask me this: "I finished watching your class Getting the Big Scholarships.... It was awesome! Thank you for t...
One small little-kept secret about going to college as a freshman means you have to retain your freshman status until you begin at the University. Tak...
Every year, homeschoolers can and DO win the National Merit Scholarship. Have you seen billboards and newspaper articles announcing that a student is ...
Full tuition scholarships - the envy of parents everywhere! We dream of them with stars in our eyes and thoughts of a quality education for our studen...
Did you know that some colleges link scholarship amounts directly to a student's ACT® or SAT® score? They set a minimum SAT® score and if the student ...
When planning for college, you will need to have your child take high school tests. You can find out all about high school tests in my article, High S...
Let's talk about college scholarships. Every family, that has a child going to college, wants them, but they seem to be so elusive! Let me introd...
Learn about scholarships when your child starts high school. During junior year, the things you do can determine the scholarships you receive. College choice, test preparation, and application essays are the 3 biggest factors in receiving college scholarships. What to Do When You Need Scholarships NOW! It's much more difficult, and certainly more emotional, to stand in the middle of senior year, wondering where the money will come from. If that is you, I feel your...
Yep. It's October. And, for anyone with children in college that means filling out the FAFSA every year. Whether you, the parent, or the student does ...
Can Delighted Directed Learning Help Earn Scholarships? Have you collected delight directed learning on your child's transcript yet? Click on Lee's video below to learn how delight directed learning can be the key to full-tuition scholarships!What types of delight directed learning is your child accomplishing in your homeschool? Please share! Subscribe to my YouTube channel. You will be notified when I create new videos on homeschool high school topics!Want to learn more about delight directed learning?...
New FAFSA Available October 1st Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is trying to make life easier for you. They will now allow you to begin filling out your FAFSA on October 1st of each year.You will use the prior year's tax information, so there is no waiting around to collect all the tax info that you need to complete the FAFSA.You will get a more prompt financial award, so that you can learn about...
College Admission and Scholarships Received A homeschool mom posted on Facebook to say thank you for her successes. She followed my advice, and with hard work and conscientious effort she received college admission and scholarships for her child. Good things can happen to you, too! Here is the good-news report Lizzy shared on my Facebook page!If you need some guidance on earning college admission and scholarships, like me on Facebook, check out my pins on Pinterest, and...
How You Can be Shocked by $112,000 in Scholarships First, the good news! Joy's daughter received HUGE scholarships worth $112,000 toward the cost of college! Joy worked hard to give colleges just what they love. Read her note to me:My daughter received an $8,000 annual music scholarship and an annual $20,000 dean scholarship both for the 4 full years - $28,000 x 4!! Thank you very much! We are waiting for offers from other colleges to...
Overseas Homeschoolers and the National Merit Scholarship Here in the U.S. homeschoolers can become National Merit Scholars the same way that public school students do, by taking the PSAT-NMSQT in 11th grade. You can learn everything about this process in my article, National Merit Scholarship Information for Homeschoolers.Not all homeschoolers are living in the U.S. though. Some expatriats can't find a place to take the PSAT at all. So you can see how it can be...
Soon to Be Medical Missionary Receives $40,000 Scholarship Jill just emailed me an update - check out the progress of her daughter's college admission and scholarships! So exciting!I wanted to give you an update on my daughter. She is going into nursing, and wants to be a medical missionary. She was accepted to her top 3 choices of colleges with no problem. At two of the bigger private colleges, she received a $40K scholarship merit-based on...