New March updates for Gold Care Club members! How To Training CoursesQuick Start: Christian Homeschool Success in High SchoolBeginner: Preparing...
Hey friends! It's February already. Crazy. It takes me by surprise, but it shouldn't. I love celebrating love, so February is a wonderful time of year...
New for this month in the Gold Care Club! Blessings on each of you and your families as we enter into this brand new year. How-to Training ...
Here's what's new for this month for the Gold Care Club! Don't miss out on all of these great resources while they're available ~ December 20 through ...
New this month for my Gold Care Club members! How To Training CoursesQuick Start: Grades and CreditsBeginner: Preparing to Homeschool High School - Li...
Fall is here already! It's imperative for your health that you step on a crunchy leaf this month. Now for this month's Gold Care Club update...
Check out what's new for this month in the Gold Care Club update! How To Training CoursesQuick Start: Best Guidance CounselorBeginner: Preparing to Ho...
I hope your Gold Care Club membership will meet your needs this month! Take advantage of these August Gold Care Club updates between now and the ...
New this month in the Gold Care Club update! How To Training CoursesQuick Start: Planning High School CoursesBeginner: Preparing to Homeschool High Sc...
The June Gold Care Club update is here! Find out what new classes are available for you to use in your homeschool. How-To Training Courses Quick Start...
Welcome! Here are the new resources for this month in the Gold Care Club. How To Training CoursesQuick Start: How to Homeschool IndependentlyBeginner:...
Enjoy your new resources for this month in the Gold Care Club. How To Training CoursesQuick Start: Finding Curriculum That's Effective and Fun Be...
I love hearing back from parents with graduates! I love hearing about her successes with the National Merit Finalist, college admission, and full scholarships. Here is what Andrea wrote: I have learned so much over these past couple of years and appreciate so much the help your Gold Care Club has been. My oldest son, Adam, just graduated and is going to be attending Auburn University this fall with scholarships that will more than equal a...
Success! I love it when people write to say THANK YOU and share their successes! I got this awesome note from Jen in Pennsylvania. Read some of her tips, and see what you can glean from her experiences today. From Freaked Out to Scholarship Offers I want to thank you for all that you have done for me in my homeschool-mom journey.I've been a Gold Care Club member for a long time and it has been...
What Colleges Want It's difficult to find out exactly what colleges want, because they are all different. Instead of the stress of figuring out what ALL colleges want, try to figure out what your number one college is and learn 100% about ONE college. Get to know absolutely everything about them. Learn their preferences and visit that college for sure. Then tailor your remaining homeschool years to meet their requirements. In all of your communications, show them you love...