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Choosing Homeschool High School Math Curriculum

choosing homeschool high school math curriculum

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Choosing Homeschool High School Math Curriculum

The key to choosing a high school math program is recognizing that your preferences and learning style may not be the same as your teen's. Your child may learn differently, and require a different program than you would choose for yourself.

Teenagers sometimes have pet peeves and personality quirks that interfere with certain textbooks and videos. A teen may be so annoyed by a person on video tutorial that it distracts them from learning. What if they don't like the teacher's accent? Or they can't stand learning from a white board? An imitation classroom setting may even drive them crazy.

For these reasons, I suggest that parents give their children choices in math. Choose some equally good but different math tutorials, and then allow your teen to decide.

My son Kevin shocked me when he chose Saxon Math. I hated the way Saxon looked. I'm a visual learner and I desired photos, pictures, and graphic illustrations. But my son loves numbers. He liked Saxon because it had so many problems on each page with no pictures getting in the way. Can you believe that? I never thought that Saxon would be a fit for my family - it never occurred to me! But I gave him the choice, he chose Saxon, and he went into engineering with a minor in math!

Read more about being successful with high school math: 9 Ways to Actually Get Math Done This Year


Math Curriclum Video Tutorial Samples

Here are some video samples to help you compare choices with your teen. Click on each link and open the video tutorial in each one to "Algebra 1." Compare them with your child, and allow your child to give feedback. The differences may not matter to you, but might To your teen. Sometimes simply the ability to choose will provide "ownership." They may (hopefully) be less likely to complain when they have chosen it for themselves.


Math Literature

Here are two options for serious bibliophiles.  If you child loves literature and hates numbers, you may have success with these books.

  • Life of Fred - many say these qualify as "living books" or quality literature

  • E-Z Algebra- a story written by my son's economics mentor.

There are so many math programs available and I can't possibly list them all. These are a few that I hope will help you find a math curriculum that fits your student perfectly. Remember that it is about how your student will learn best.  It doesn't really matter how the parent learns best.

For more on teaching math and choosing math curriculum, check out High School Math Without the Moaning. Or, grab my Coffee Break book:  High School Math The Easy Way: Simple Strategies for Homeschool Parents In Over Their Heads.


Please note: This post was originally published in March 2009 and has been updated and revamped for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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Comments 38

Guest - Jo Ann on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 02:27

Great comments here! Thanks to all who have posted. We were hitting a brick wall with Saxon, but after switching to Life of Fred for Pre-Alg, Alg 1, and Alg 2 with success, math is not an emotional rollercoaster anymore. We have two 10th graders volunteering to do Geometry in the summer months so they can be ready for Trig. as high school Juniors, and two very pleased moms in this co-op. Overall reviews of Life of Fred on the internet are massively positive.
Lee, your advice is super!
Jo Ann

Great comments here! Thanks to all who have posted. We were hitting a brick wall with Saxon, but after switching to Life of Fred for Pre-Alg, Alg 1, and Alg 2 with success, math is not an emotional rollercoaster anymore. We have two 10th graders volunteering to do Geometry in the summer months so they can be ready for Trig. as high school Juniors, and two very pleased moms in this co-op. Overall reviews of Life of Fred on the internet are massively positive. Lee, your advice is super! Thanks, Jo Ann
Guest - Assistant to The HomeScholar on Wednesday, 19 March 2014 08:28

Thank you for the encouragement, Jo Ann!

Assistant to The HomeScholar

Thank you for the encouragement, Jo Ann! Robin Assistant to The HomeScholar
Guest - Robyn on Friday, 06 September 2013 00:48

Great idea to have your teens choose their math program. I will have my twins look at the links you provided. I didn't see Teaching Textbooks on your list. We have been using Teaching Textbooks and LOVE it!

Great idea to have your teens choose their math program. I will have my twins look at the links you provided. I didn't see Teaching Textbooks on your list. We have been using Teaching Textbooks and LOVE it!
Guest - NameMargaret Meyer on Thursday, 08 August 2013 08:45

Hi Lee,I see in your math choices you have said YourTeacher has no printed material. You can print all worksheets, notes,tests, and the lessons.

Thanks, Margaret

Hi Lee,I see in your math choices you have said YourTeacher has no printed material. You can print all worksheets, notes,tests, and the lessons. Thanks, Margaret
Guest - Lee (website) on Sunday, 26 May 2013 07:51

Any math curriculum is a good choice if the child likes it and tolerates it. Even the highest rated math curriculum will get poor results if the child hates it. Look at your child, and see which one would be a good fit. If you are using words like "scared" about a math program, that may not be a good fit. In the upper grades, I do suggest using a curriculum that has a video tutorial. After all, you don't have to "teach" it or learn it yourself, you just have to make sure your child learns it.

Any math curriculum is a good choice if the child likes it and tolerates it. Even the highest rated math curriculum will get poor results if the child hates it. Look at your child, and see which one would be a good fit. If you are using words like "scared" about a math program, that may not be a good fit. In the upper grades, I do suggest using a curriculum that has a video tutorial. After all, you don't have to "teach" it or learn it yourself, you just have to make sure your child learns it. Blessings, Lee
Guest - Melanie on Sunday, 26 May 2013 01:50

Can you speak at all to your opinion on Math U See...I always get scared when I get to the Gamma book at what they are missing through the problem. Time, money, measurement those types of things. I am considering bailing on this again with the second child. It just seems it puts them behind and I am afraid that I am not getting all the supplementation that I need. Any opinion on Math U See for younger or older grades?

Can you speak at all to your opinion on Math U See...I always get scared when I get to the Gamma book at what they are missing through the problem. Time, money, measurement those types of things. I am considering bailing on this again with the second child. It just seems it puts them behind and I am afraid that I am not getting all the supplementation that I need. Any opinion on Math U See for younger or older grades?
Guest - Quinessa on Tuesday, 09 October 2012 01:40

Has anyone heard of or used Khan Acadamy? I used it when I first pulled my girls out before we had any curriculum and I enjoyed it! Its actually really easy to use and the best part is that its free! Some public schools have even started using it in the class rooms! Its easy to see what your child has done, where they need help and what "grade" they made on a lesson. I actually think I may go back to using it!

Has anyone heard of or used Khan Acadamy? I used it when I first pulled my girls out before we had any curriculum and I enjoyed it! Its actually really easy to use and the best part is that its free! Some public schools have even started using it in the class rooms! Its easy to see what your child has done, where they need help and what "grade" they made on a lesson. I actually think I may go back to using it!
Guest - Kathleen on Friday, 18 May 2012 20:19

I'm currently using a free trial of's algebra 1 course. There is a button on each lesson that says xtra probs, which stands for extra problems, and if you press that one you get a page of problems that is printable. We like it so far.


I'm currently using a free trial of's algebra 1 course. There is a button on each lesson that says xtra probs, which stands for extra problems, and if you press that one you get a page of problems that is printable. We like it so far. Peace, Kathleen
Guest - Lee (website) on Monday, 12 March 2012 00:05

This small ebook will help you:
7 Secrets to Homeschooling Through a Financial Storm

Johnny, This small ebook will help you: 7 Secrets to Homeschooling Through a Financial Storm Blessings, Lee
Guest - Johnny on Sunday, 11 March 2012 06:23

I appreciate the recommendations, but what about free or very low cost resource?

I appreciate the recommendations, but what about free or very low cost resource?
Guest - Lee (website) on Monday, 13 June 2011 08:06

If you are looking for Algebra 2, it has more to do with the fit for each child. You can read my article here:

That's said, my Computer Science major did NOT do well with Foerster's - truly a horrendous failure for our family. That was when he decided to switch to Saxon, and he loved it. For heavy math/science kids, Saxon is the highest rated program. But they have to tolerate it!


If you are looking for Algebra 2, it has more to do with the fit for each child. You can read my article here: That's said, my Computer Science major did NOT do well with Foerster's - truly a horrendous failure for our family. That was when he decided to switch to Saxon, and he loved it. For heavy math/science kids, Saxon is the highest rated program. But they have to tolerate it! Blessings, Lee
Guest - Momoffour on Sunday, 12 June 2011 12:11

I really appreciate this discussion regarding high school math. My son just finished geography for 10th grade - we did the Abeka DVD's and he did pretty well. Previously he did video text algrebra I, he liked it, struggled some, but I do think he got a pretty solid base.

I am hoping for recommendations for Algebra 2. I have heard good things about Foerster's Algebra and Trig book which I think covers Algebra 2, I can find the textbook for sale used, but am unsure of where to get the workbooks, answer key,etc that go with it,

He is interested in IT, so I think it is important that he gets a solid Algebra 2 program. I would appreciate any recommendations. Thanks you

I really appreciate this discussion regarding high school math. My son just finished geography for 10th grade - we did the Abeka DVD's and he did pretty well. Previously he did video text algrebra I, he liked it, struggled some, but I do think he got a pretty solid base. I am hoping for recommendations for Algebra 2. I have heard good things about Foerster's Algebra and Trig book which I think covers Algebra 2, I can find the textbook for sale used, but am unsure of where to get the workbooks, answer key,etc that go with it, He is interested in IT, so I think it is important that he gets a solid Algebra 2 program. I would appreciate any recommendations. Thanks you
Guest - Lee (website) on Saturday, 28 May 2011 07:50

Hi April! I really encourage you to invest in math with a solid curriculum, and not look at the price too much. Math is something that is worth the investment because it can be difficult to teach, and getting a full curriculum that she can finish in a year will be worth the effort. Particularly when you are just starting out, having something that is easy to use, and holds your hands through the process - priceless! It's much easier to be flexible after you have been homeschooling a while. Please see my article on math here:

Hi April! I really encourage you to invest in math with a solid curriculum, and not look at the price too much. Math is something that is worth the investment because it can be difficult to teach, and getting a full curriculum that she can finish in a year will be worth the effort. Particularly when you are just starting out, having something that is easy to use, and holds your hands through the process - priceless! It's much easier to be flexible after you have been homeschooling a while. Please see my article on math here: Blessings, Lee
Guest - April on Saturday, 28 May 2011 07:10

I going to homeschool my daughters next year my oldest is in 7th grade will be ready for pre algebra so I'm looking at Math TV.The book intro to Algebra is $58 but it comes with a 6 month membership to all the videos and all kinds of worksheets. Even if she dose not finished the book before the membership is up its only $20. Good price. If you don't want the text you can get the membership for $20 for months and the online text books is in included with the video, but my daughter learns better with a book in her hands and the videos is a life saver for me.

I going to homeschool my daughters next year my oldest is in 7th grade will be ready for pre algebra so I'm looking at Math TV.The book intro to Algebra is $58 but it comes with a 6 month membership to all the videos and all kinds of worksheets. Even if she dose not finished the book before the membership is up its only $20. Good price. If you don't want the text you can get the membership for $20 for months and the online text books is in included with the video, but my daughter learns better with a book in her hands and the videos is a life saver for me.
Guest - Kim on Wednesday, 07 July 2010 11:35

Dawn, I want to thank you for writing. I have an almost identical situation with my daughter--she's a whiz at memorizing formulae and getting the right answer--for the day. But a week or a month later it's as if she never learned it. And she is a very smart girl. She does not do well with being told how to do something, she prefers to see a problem, examine it, and try to work on it, usually hitting a brick wall, and only then will she seek help. Being introduced to the problem and being told how to work through the entire problem in advance is a definite turn-off. And I thought she was the only one....I've tried everything else--TT is close, but not quite there (too much text, too slow and she's impatient)-- I'm going for VideoText Interactive now.

Dawn, I want to thank you for writing. I have an almost identical situation with my daughter--she's a whiz at memorizing formulae and getting the right answer--for the day. But a week or a month later it's as if she never learned it. And she is a very smart girl. She does not do well with being told how to do something, she prefers to see a problem, examine it, and try to work on it, usually hitting a brick wall, and only then will she seek help. Being introduced to the problem and being told how to work through the entire problem in advance is a definite turn-off. And I thought she was the only one....I've tried everything else--TT is close, but not quite there (too much text, too slow and she's impatient)-- I'm going for VideoText Interactive now.
Guest - Lee (website) on Saturday, 03 July 2010 01:52

Dawn, I really think that information WILL help others - thanks for sharing!

Dawn, I really think that information WILL help others - thanks for sharing! Blessings, Lee
Guest - Dawn on Friday, 02 July 2010 21:56

To anyone with a child who is not remembering how to do his/her algebra two weeks after the lesson is taught: We used Saxon and discovered after a year that our son was not retaining the information taught. Was he learning impaired? Should we have him tested? No! He simply is the kind of learner who needs to know "why" and needs the idea cemented in his mind before going on - makes so much sense to me now. After much prayer another homeschooler (of older boys) urged me to look into videotext interactive's materials. I was able to get a used set at half price and our son is ACING every quiz! Each concept is mastered and quizzed before going on so we know he is understanding each lesson. It is a bit more time-consuming for the parent at first, but then the student is off and running. There is much benefit to watching the short instructional video's with your child so you'll be ready to help if needed. One of the unexpected benefits of this curriculum is that a student can potentially cover both Algebra I and II in one year and be ready for the college clep test! Our son is so excited to be successful in math FINALLY! I hope this suggestion helps someone else.

To anyone with a child who is not remembering how to do his/her algebra two weeks after the lesson is taught: We used Saxon and discovered after a year that our son was not retaining the information taught. Was he learning impaired? Should we have him tested? No! He simply is the kind of learner who needs to know "why" and needs the idea cemented in his mind before going on - makes so much sense to me now. After much prayer another homeschooler (of older boys) urged me to look into videotext interactive's materials. I was able to get a used set at half price and our son is ACING every quiz! Each concept is mastered and quizzed before going on so we know he is understanding each lesson. It is a bit more time-consuming for the parent at first, but then the student is off and running. There is much benefit to watching the short instructional video's with your child so you'll be ready to help if needed. One of the unexpected benefits of this curriculum is that a student can potentially cover both Algebra I and II in one year and be ready for the college clep test! Our son is so excited to be successful in math FINALLY! I hope this suggestion helps someone else.
Guest - Heather on Sunday, 06 June 2010 03:57

Life of Fred, in my family, worked best for the child who has loved math since infancy. It had so many "extras" that it was extremely rewarding for her. Her brother, my non-math child, liked the stories in LOF, but didn't "get it" as easily. He used Teaching Textbooks, with the LOF as a supplement.

Life of Fred, in my family, worked best for the child who has loved math since infancy. It had so many "extras" that it was extremely rewarding for her. Her brother, my non-math child, liked the stories in LOF, but didn't "get it" as easily. He used Teaching Textbooks, with the LOF as a supplement.
Guest - Wanda on Thursday, 03 June 2010 04:43

Jeff, Life of Fred has a trigonometry textbook and Companion book. If your daughter enjoys literature (?), it may be a good fit. We are currently using Life of Fred Beginning Algebra-- the hilarious narrative makes learning algebra almost enjoyable!

Jeff, Life of Fred has a trigonometry textbook and Companion book. If your daughter enjoys literature (?), it may be a good fit. We are currently using Life of Fred Beginning Algebra-- the hilarious narrative makes learning algebra almost enjoyable!
Guest - Michele on Monday, 24 May 2010 05:17

I would also like to suggest It uses Foerster's Algebra I, which is my favorite for algebra 1.

I would also like to suggest It uses Foerster's Algebra I, which is my favorite for algebra 1.
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