
Choosing Homeschool High School Math Curriculum

This post contains affiliate links. If you click and buy I may make a few pennies, but not enough for a latte. Choosing Homeschool High School Math Curriculum The key to choosing a high school math program is recognizing that your preferences and learning style may not be the same as your teen's. Your child may learn differently, and require a different program than you would choose for yourself. Teenagers sometimes have pet peeves and personality quirks...

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  9221 Hits

Ideas for Budding Engineers

Fun resources for kids who are interested in becoming engineers. High School Classes at MITCollege Level Classes at MIT (My son Kevin said "I would recommend this for bright homeschoolers")Stanford Engineering is a resource for students, their parents, their teachers and their school counselors. This is a portal about engineering and engineering careersIntel International Science and Engineering Fair Intel has an international pre-college science competition for students in grades 9–12.Design SquadAlthough it looks a little...

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  2965 Hits

What Is The Correct Math Sequence in High School?

So, a question many high school homeschool families ask when planning to teach math is, "what is the order of math classes in high school?" Questions may be as specific as "is algebra 1 or geometry harder?", "is pre algebra harder than algebra 1?", "is algebra 2 for 10th grade?", "is geometry higher than algebra 2?", "what comes after algebra 2?", or "what grade do you take geometry?" For most students, what comes first doesn't matter. The...

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  67002 Hits

Geometry before or after Algebra 2?

Karen on Facebook needed some guidance about math."I would like opinions on the pros and cons of these sequences: (Algebra 1 -Geometry- Algebra 2) versus. (Algebra 1-Algebra 2- Geometry). Your thoughts?" ~ Karen It's best to complete geometry, or at least start it, before the PSAT (when possible). For that reason, I prefer geometry first. Geometry is also a nice review of Algebra 1, so you spend a year getting those Alg 1 concepts all stuck...

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  6686 Hits

Is Saxon Math Good for Teaching Geometry?

I am often asked about a particular homeschool curriculum. Sandy had a great question about Saxon geometry...Lee,We recently watched your Preparing to Homeschool High School videos in our homeschool group. They were great! I have a question about Saxon Math. My 10th grader is taking Advanced Math and has already completed Algebra 1 and 2. Do you have an opinion about Saxon and the way geometry is included? Would you suggest another route? My eighth grader...

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  10058 Hits

Homeschool Math - Showing Your Work and Using Calculators

What are you fussing about today? I remember having conflict specifically about "showing your work" in homeschool math. Exactly how do you know when i...

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  4603 Hits

Homeschool High School - Math is Fundamental

Math is a fundamental skill required for college and to attract employers. My friend Don is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Seattl...

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  3874 Hits

Dry Your Tears! Help for Teaching High School Math is Here!

This post contains affiliate links. If you click and buy I may make a few pennies, but not enough for my own coffee break. Dry Your Tears! Help for Teaching High School Math is Here! What are you using for math next year? Do you get cold sweats just thinking about teaching your teen high school math? Did your last exposure to trigonometry leave you covered in hives? If so, you are not alone! Every homeschool...

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  3709 Hits

Ooops! Not Done With Math!

What do you do when you just aren't done with math before the year is done? Let me give you a few options, and you can decide which is best for your situation. One Book In One Year is Impossible You could measure math credits by counting hours spent on math. Some moms know their child can't complete a whole level each year. For them it makes sense to embrace the way God made your child,...

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  4020 Hits

Top 6 Tips for High School Math

Do you get cold sweats just thinking about teaching your teen high school math? Did your last exposure to trigonometry leave you covered in hives? If ...

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  3646 Hits

"Saxon Math and Phonics" Resources

"Saxon Math and Phonics" Resources

If Saxon is a good fit for your child, now is a great time to buy.  Saxon Math is having a great sale until 5/31, if you are looking for a d...

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  2700 Hits

How to Teach a Homeschool Geek

Strategies for teaching your geeky homeschool student. Subscribe to my YouTube channel. You will be notified when I create new videos on homeschool high school topics!

  4436 Hits

Do Homeschoolers Really Need Algebra and Geometry to Graduate?

Dear Lee,I am worried about math for my 10th grade son. He has struggled in math for years.  Due to some research about dyslexia in my younger son, I stumbled upon something called dyscalculia. I am wondering if my 10th grader has this and how it will affect his chances at getting into a college. My question is, do they really need algebra and geometry to graduate?Thank you for your help,~ Michelle in Oregon Do Homeschoolers...

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  6748 Hits

Mastery vs. Perfection

I receive many questions from homeschoolers about math. This one is about mastery vs. perfection when it comes to math. Mastery vs. Perfection Dear Lee,Thank you very much for sharing so much with the rest of us homeschoolers! I have a question regarding carelessness.  Using math as an example, my 12 yr. old son is working out of Saxon Algebra 1 currently and is understanding everything very well but gets a few wrong (2-4 on average,...

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  2673 Hits

Which Math Goes First?

As teenagers struggle to figure out the order of operations in algebra, parents have their own worries.  They are trying to figure out if there’s a specific order to follow for high school math.  It can be confusing!  What comes first? Should you take Algebra 2 after Algebra 1, or should Geometry come next? Each math curriculum will have a their own order of high school classes. Some textbooks do it one way, and some do...

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  2855 Hits

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