Take This Class and Love Every Minute of It!
Take This Class and Love Every Minute of It!
Each time someone takes my free class on grades, credits, and transcripts, I ask for feedback. I update that class every few years, and feedback helps me to improve the class each time. But, I have to say, Cindy went over-and-above on her specific review of “A Homeschool Parent's Guide to Grades, Credits and Transcripts”. She said she loved every minute of it!
Dear Lee,
I am happy to provide feedback. None of it will be improvement because I loved every minute!
I was home all week with my six-year-old while my husband took a group of 22 on a mission trip. Included in that trip were my 15-year-old daughter and 17-year-old son. One of my goals was to update transcripts and START course descriptions. We have homeschooled since the start and I was feeling uneasy about some aspects of our transcripts. Books and research are my stress relievers so I began there. I remembered some moms mentioning liking your talk last year at Modesto, CA so I started with you. Wait! I prayed, then felt certain I was to start with you. What I found was the friendly voice and mentorship I have sought for years and could not find. You echoed so many of my own fears and pleasant discoveries and I knew you were a gift from God.
Most of the help that you gave me was the confidence to get started revising what I have already done and the courage to begin that which I have put off doing. Specifically helpful to me was:
- You validated my one year over semester approach to transcript. I have been using a template from HSLDA and it does not have a semester option. We found that the grade didn't vary from semester to semester so this was fine, EXCEPT, every other sample (from the internet) was in semesters.
- You shared what you did. As mentioned above, I only had samples from the internet. No one will show me what they did. I know some people feel embarrassed to share but seeing a real example from a person you know actually used what you are seeing makes a world of difference to a mom. Which leads me to my next point.
- You don't see homeschooling as a zero sum game. I love helping people. I will happily share anything, and I have shared so many things. Sadly, others don't always feel the same way. My husband and I quietly did our own homeschooling thing since we didn't know anyone who did it. Recently (since High School started), we have been more involved as the Lord has brought the opportunity. We have met a few families who are very competitive. I have been discouraged (more than I realized) but you have given me new hope that on a personal level I can turn things around and share you and your website and materials and underscore your attitudes of wanting all homeschooling families to succeed in their own way.
- You helped me see that it is okay to put on the transcript everything my son did. We were embarrassed when we listed everything (and ran out of room since my husband must have it look pretty) so I began lumping things together in such a way as to make it look "normal." I have had this nagging feeling that we were negating his accomplishments and hard work. My husband is a youth pastor and often has my son teach. We had none of that on there either. He does so many book studies for personal devotions that I never thought of putting on his book list (Do Hard Things, Thirsting for God, Mere Christianity to name a few). In a nutshell, the truth is the truth and I need not fear what others think.
- You reminded me that colleges love homeschoolers. I have heard that but not from a person who has actually experienced it.
While I didn't buy your transcript service (though I was sorely tempted), I would have had I not already done so much on it already. I was happy to see you had books. The webinar was a treat and one I hope to repeat often. However, having your words in print will be wonderful. I bought the one on admissions and scholarships for my son who is making applications this year. While I wait for it to arrive I am reading your book on transcripts and course descriptions on Kindle. I will certainly share your link and the blessing that you are. Please thank your whole family for me as I know it would not be possible without your husbands support and the inspiration God gave you to do your best for your boys. Thank you for telling me in your book to consider you a friend because I do!
With a grateful heart,
Have you learned about high school grades, credits, and transcripts yet? It's often the most-feared thing about homeschooling high school, and is a stumbling block for many parents. I feel that if I can remove the fear of high school transcripts, then parents can make an informed decision about homeschooling high school. You can take my free class on “A Homeschool Parent's Guide to Grades, Credits and Transcripts” and feel much more comfy-cozy within a short time! The class is about 1 hour, with about 1 hour of questions at the end, so you're sure to get the information you need.
Don't let the fear of transcripts prevent you from homeschooling through high school!
