Time to Go College Visiting
Time to Go College Visiting
When you visit a college campus with your high school student, you will likely be given the opportunity to visit a classroom and take a campus tour. These are great opportunities—don’t miss them! Choose a class that interests your student, or a general freshman level class to see what the first year of college will be like. Throughout these activities, you and your student should be taking notes. Write down the details (names, classes visited, strengths, etc.). This information will help you remember each college you visit, and will provide your student with great content as they prepare their application essays.
Use your 5 senses
While you are visiting, use all of your senses as you walk around; look, listen, feel, taste and touch. Does this college seem like a positive environment? Can you picture your child living here for four years? Is it a pleasant atmosphere? How does it make you feel about safety and security? Is the food healthy and appealing? Your answers might help you choose between colleges that seem to be equal on paper.
For more information on college visits, check out Finding a College on DVD.

Do you need help with college admission essays? Learn how to have your student write a compelling story about themselves so colleges will listen.
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