It's always so nice to hear from my Gold Care Club members. Johanna emailed me the nicest compliments and I wanted to share them with you. Maybe you can relate to the experiences of her homeschool?
I have schooled my daughter all the way through high school, following her progress through a myriad of courses from dual enrollment at the community college in 7th grade to college courses across the country, unschooling retreats, and semesters abroad. As her school of record, I had the onerous task of compiling all of this exploration from middle school onwards into a coherent and easily understood transcript. Although I had kept good records, I knew the process would not just be a simple cut and paste job.
Lee, and her organization were calm, supportive and extremely responsive in answering all of the obscure questions I posed. Initially, I admit that I had to overcome a certain amount of denial in order to start the process, but once I sat in on a few webinars I began to see the 'complete solution' so to speak. It really depends whether you are a global/part or a part/global as to how you tackle the process. I am the former so I had to have a sense of where I was going before I could tackle each part [e.g. how to transcribe reading list, course descriptions, grade point averages and credits, supplements], so I dove right in with the Total Transcript Solution. It helped to see a few complete examples before I started to flesh out the particulars of my situation. After that, I would heartily recommend the Gold Care Club. Lee and her staff often reply the same day, which as you know is so important because as home schoolers our time windows are short, and have to be coveted assiduously! Often I posed specific questions that our college counselor couldn't answer, or answered wrongly. Lee and her staff always had an up-to-date answer, with examples. The one-on-one time is a unique gift, as you can fire away with whatever questions are specific to your situation. In twenty minutes you can cover a lot of ground!! Lee inspired me to move forward with great confidence.
Thank you again!
Johanna in CA
If you need help making your homeschool records package, consider the Comprehensive Record Solution. Maybe you need some one-on-one encouragement and guidance? Then, the Gold Care Club is for you.
I hope it encourages you to hear other moms talk about their homeschool experiences. We can learn so much from each other!