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How to Write a Homeschool Profile Letter

Have you run across a college that is asking for a homeschool profile letter? I'll bet if that's happened to you, you're at a loss as to what they even want! Look no further. I can help. 

What is a Homeschool Profile Letter

You might see a homeschool profile letter asked for while you're filling out the Common Application. Sometimes it's asked for, or required, by some colleges.

A profile letter describes the school the child attends. It's as simple as that. It's a description of what your homeschool looked like; did you work for mastery and include delight directed learning, for example. It's supposed to describe your homeschool philosophy and the methods you used in educating your child. Often, families will include a family mission statement.

Here's a sample of what a homeschool profile might look like: 

           Homeschool Name and/or Logo (if desired)

Phrase, verse, or motto (if desired)
Homeschool name, address, phone number

School Profile

[INSERT HOMESCHOOL NAME] is a private homeschool academy that seeks to...

[INSERT HOMESCHOOL NAME] utilizes a wide variety of educational methods, including (list words that reflect your homeschool: textbooks, literature-based, delight-directed, computer-based, live instruction, cooperative homeschool classes, online classes, dual enrollment, tutors, clubs, hands-on, etc) Grades are determined by (list words that reflect your homeschool: corrected work, oral reports, projects, daily work, tests, and quizzes, etc.) Our grading scale is.... High school credits are determined by ...

[INSERT HOMESCHOOL NAME] emphasizes (academics, character, etc.) Daily interactions provide instruction in (list words that reflect your homeschool: character, social skills, communication, knowledge of the world, faith... ) Our educational objectives include (list words that reflect your homeschool: broad exposure, accommodation, wide range of literature, broad range of historical topics, geographic and cultural relevance, experiences, etc.)

Home education provides the flexibility to (list words that reflect your homeschool: integrate formal study, field experiences, travel, year-found, service to... cultural literacy, etc)

Homeschool profile letter or transcript cover letter?

In my homeschool, I was completely overwhelmed at the thought of describing my homeschool or providing a mission statement! Because this form was not required by the colleges we applied to, I did not write a profile letter. Instead, I wrote a cover letter introducing my homeschool transcript. It basically said the same thing (I talked about mastery and delight directed learning, for example), but I worded it a bit differently.

In addition to the sample letter above, you might want to include some of these details in your homeschool profile letter or transcript cover letter: 

  • If you want to write a profile letter, you might want to include some of these details:
  • Your homeschool approach (literature based, for example)
  • Your philosophy of education
  • Summary of transcript (4 years of English, etc.)
  • Why you homeschool, or why you began homeschooling
  • Mission statement
  • Outside classes and resources (homeschool coop or dual enrollment, for example)
  • Explain any unusual circumstances (5 years of high school due to illness, for example)
  • Grading/credit guidelines explaining "honors" or weighted grades 

I hope that helps put some clarity to the homeschool profile letter. Have you had to provide a profile letter to the schools your family have applied to? Let me know in the comments!​

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