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How to Put PE on a Homeschool Transcript

Most PE classes will include a variety of experiences, sports, skills, and perhaps nutrition or health as well.  When you are listing your PE on your homeschool transcript, chances are it will be a combination of different things.

PE, physical education, physical exercise

Think of it this way, you might have a unit of swimming lessons that was 50 hours, a unity of circuit training that lasted 50 hours, and a unit on health that lasted 50 hours.  Even if you did each of those things over a year, when you add them together they will look like a nice, big, bulky PE Class.

Remember that PE means physical education - NOT just physical exercise.  Some of the ways we educate our kids on their bodies might be a simple class at the YMCA - health, nutrition, first aid, CPR, life-saving, the options are endless!  Just think about each one as being a "unit" in that class, and combine the total number of hours.  You can learn more about what you might want to include in a physical education class in this article: Physical Education Outside the Box

When you write your course descriptions, you can divide that into units as well. So for example, if you taught a unit on circuit training, you might grab the online description of circuit training from your gym membership, and then modify it so it looks like a high school PE class.  It's always easiest to grab online descriptions from experiences when you can.  Modifying course descriptions can be so much easier than staring at a blank page, not knowing where to start.

To list a PE class, you can simply say "Physical Education" for the title.  Some parents like to put the grade level by it, and so you can call it "PE: 9".  In some states, teaching health is a requirement.  You can list that on your class title as "Physical Education with Health." If your state requires a stand-alone health class, then I'd suggest you list the health class separately.  You might also give your PE class a last name, using your unit studies for the second name.  For example, you can say "PE: Circuit Training" or even longer, making it "PE: Circuit Training with Health."

Let's get real just for a moment.  One of my Gold Care Club members was checking out a public school.  She and her son watched a health class for 50 minutes.  The students were very late getting on the field, because they had to change into their PE gear.  They were very early leaving class as well, because they had to change back into their school clothes. In the remaining 20-30 minutes, she told me they did NOTHING.  They didn't run, jog, jump, or move.  The PE teacher spoke to them for about 10 minutes, but most of the time they were standing around.  Sure, there could be a back story to why they did nothing at all that way.  That's OK.  My lesson to you is simple, though.  Don't expect perfection, or 50 minutes of exercise 5 days a week, in order to award credit.  Some classes are easy and some classes are hard.  Not everything has to be hard all the time. Remember "Underwater Basket Weaving" joke in high school? Sometimes easy is Ok.


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Comments 4

Guest - Lee (website) on Sunday, 13 March 2016 05:30

You'll need to estimate the number of hours spend in class to determine if it's a full credit alone. Because you are required to have a health class and a PE class, I think it's a good idea to call this Health, and add what you need to make it a half credit.

Angela, You'll need to estimate the number of hours spend in class to determine if it's a full credit alone. Because you are required to have a health class and a PE class, I think it's a good idea to call this Health, and add what you need to make it a half credit. Blessings, Lee
Guest - Angela on Sunday, 13 March 2016 05:12

I have a 17 year old who will be taking a CPR Certified class soon. Can I put that on his transcript and if so, how many credits would that be and does it get listed on its own? We live in North Carolina where we have to have Health and PE. Would CPR go with the Health or listed separate?

I have a 17 year old who will be taking a CPR Certified class soon. Can I put that on his transcript and if so, how many credits would that be and does it get listed on its own? We live in North Carolina where we have to have Health and PE. Would CPR go with the Health or listed separate?
Guest - Ann on Monday, 17 March 2014 10:57

"Sometimes easy is OK" -- great takeaway here!

"Sometimes easy is OK" -- great takeaway here!
Guest - Assistant to The HomeScholar on Monday, 17 March 2014 14:32

You got it, Ann!

Assistant to The HomeScholar

You got it, Ann! Robin Assistant to The HomeScholar
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