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How to Put Fabulous Fun on Your Homeschool Transcript

Some people simply aren't textbook people! What do you do if your homeschooler learns by living, instead of studying textbooks? What if your child soaks up knowledge like a sponge, without being directed in any way?  If this is you, do you know how to put their fabulous fun on your child's homeschool transcript?

Download your free eBook, How to Put Fabulous Fun on Your Homeschool Transcript, here!

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If your child enjoys having fun, you can use that delight directed learning on their homeschool transcript. Can you still create a serious looking high school transcript? Yes!

My son, Alex, was a self-motivated extreme learner. If only it were an Olympic event, like extreme sports! He learned novel writing for fun and wanted to take a third year of French, even though I didn't have a curriculum for him. He asked for an American Government curriculum for Christmas and read every economics book he could get his hands on. Although his "love language" is reading, he was still a delight directed learner. When it was time to make his transcript, I still had to figure out how to translate his experiences onto a piece of paper.

For our family, the problem seemed huge. What should I do with all the experiences that cover a wide range of subjects? Was that report on Jean Baptiste Say (the French economist), a paper on history, economics, or foreign language? Was my son, Kevin's enjoyment of Russian history part of World History class or could it be a course by itself? My children wrote so many papers but I didn't know what subject I should attribute them to! Where should I file each of them? 

I eventually found a system that could help me sort out all their delight directed learning, using my understanding of traditional grades and credits. It's not difficult once you get the hang of it. Before I go further, please make sure you have read up on grades and credits first. Think about any textbooks you happen to use. Once you understand how to calculate grades and credits with a book, it's easier to understand how to do it with delight directed learning

Every year, your job as a homeschool parent is to update your school records, including transcript and course descriptions. For better or worse, you chose this vocation, and this is a job that needs to be done. Whether you find this job as messy as diapers or as joyful as a day at the beach, you still need to get the job done.

Invest in yourself and your chosen vocation. Take a class or invest in continuing education classes for homeschool parents, so you can stay up-to-date on high school record keeping.

The Total Transcript Solution will help you create a homeschool transcript that colleges will love. It will give you the tools, templates, and resources you need to get the job done quickly and painlessly. Included is an opportunity for a free 20 minute personal phone or email consultation with The HomeScholar so you can get your questions answered. For panic situations, it includes a helpful "Emergency Transcript Help" package to walk you through and get the job done within one evening from start to finish.

Need a book instead? Book lovers who need something to hold in their hands can get help from my Setting the Records Straight: How to Craft Homeschool Transcripts and Course Descriptions for College Admission and Scholarships paperback book. (My eBook is taken from Chapter 10 of this book, available on Amazon.)

I hope you'll download my eBook and learn How to Put Fabulous Fun on Your Homeschool Transcript and learn how to convert delight directed learning into high school credit!

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