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Homeschool Mom Universal Translator (HMUT)

Hi there, Mr. HomeScholar here...

It has come to my attention that homeschool dads will sometimes struggle understanding their wives.  Lee asked me to help explain the homeschool mom perspective to the dads out there.

Homeschool Mom Universal Translator (HMUT)

As a public service, I wanted to share my Homeschool Mom Universal Translator with your husband.  Could you please pass this on to him?  Consider it my gift to you. You might want to print this out and keep it in your wallet for handy reference.

Did you read my blog post, Disapproving, Insensitive Relatives Translator (DIRT)? This can help if you have other family members that disapprove of your homeschooling your children. 

For up-to-date information on how to translate your homeschool mom messages, check out this article: TheHomeschool Mom Decoder.



Homeschool Mom Universal Translator (HMUT)

To print your Homeschool Mom Universal Translator (HMUT) click the link below:

Printable HMUT

PS.  Get our FREE resources guide, "The 5 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make Homeschooling High School."  I promise you will love it or DOUBLE your money back!!

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Comments 64

Guest - Bits & Pieces | Natural Moms Talk Radio (website) on Saturday, 09 November 2013 19:55

[...] Loved this post: Homeschool Mom Universal Translator- if you’re a homeschooling mom, show this to your [...]

[...] Loved this post: Homeschool Mom Universal Translator- if you’re a homeschooling mom, show this to your [...]
Guest - ThatHomeschoolDad on Wednesday, 02 October 2013 10:30

Wives of male lawyers are not called "lawyer moms," so I'm not sure why husbands of HS moms are "homeschool dads." I AM a homeschool dad, in that I have been my daughter's primary teacher for 6 years. My wife works full time as a public school teacher.

I appreciate that we are an extreme minority. Please appreciate that the label "homeschool dad" has a radically different, and mostly unappreciated definition for those of us who do this job.

Wives of male lawyers are not called "lawyer moms," so I'm not sure why husbands of HS moms are "homeschool dads." I AM a homeschool dad, in that I have been my daughter's primary teacher for 6 years. My wife works full time as a public school teacher. I appreciate that we are an extreme minority. Please appreciate that the label "homeschool dad" has a radically different, and mostly unappreciated definition for those of us who do this job.
Guest - Pete on Tuesday, 01 October 2013 10:59

My wife came and sat my but# down and said read this... then pointed to "My children are horrible."... and that's the one we just had!!!! we all laughed and I feel better that this is common! Well done.

My wife came and sat my but# down and said read this... then pointed to "My children are horrible."... and that's the one we just had!!!! we all laughed and I feel better that this is common! Well done.
Guest - Tami on Monday, 30 September 2013 09:43

When your wife says: There is a great homeschool conference going on next weekend ...

What she means is: Don't make any plans. You are babysitting.

What she DOESN'T mean is: Tell me if you think I should go or not


When your wife says: "I can't get a single thing done!"

What she means is: "Please fold some laundry."

What she doesn't mean is: "Please call up your mother to come help me out a bit."

When your wife says: There is a great homeschool conference going on next weekend ... What she means is: Don't make any plans. You are babysitting. What she DOESN'T mean is: Tell me if you think I should go or not :) --- When your wife says: "I can't get a single thing done!" What she means is: "Please fold some laundry." What she doesn't mean is: "Please call up your mother to come help me out a bit."
Guest - Rachel on Sunday, 15 September 2013 12:21

SO funny. When I was first homeschooling and would get stressed out and try to talk through it w/my husband he would often reply that maybe we should just put the kids in school. I finally said, "What would you say if you came home to me to tell me about your hard day and I told you to quit your job? Because that is what you are doing to me. I don't want to quit my job, I just need to talk through the newness of the difficulties here, just like you do."

Also, when we started homeschooling, I wrote up a sheet of expectations telling my hubby what it would require of him. It woke him up a little and made him realize we were making a lifestyle choice. Until then, he said he had mostly thought it would be something I would do as long as I wanted to... 8 yrs and going strong.

SO funny. When I was first homeschooling and would get stressed out and try to talk through it w/my husband he would often reply that maybe we should just put the kids in school. I finally said, "What would you say if you came home to me to tell me about your hard day and I told you to quit your job? Because that is what you are doing to me. I don't want to quit my job, I just need to talk through the newness of the difficulties here, just like you do." Also, when we started homeschooling, I wrote up a sheet of expectations telling my hubby what it would require of him. It woke him up a little and made him realize we were making a lifestyle choice. Until then, he said he had mostly thought it would be something I would do as long as I wanted to... 8 yrs and going strong.
Guest - Katharine on Saturday, 14 September 2013 01:39

Thanks for the reminder of why I put my kids in school! Having those negative and self deprecating thoughts and feelings constantly is no healthy way to live, especially when your husband just doesn't get it!

Thanks for the reminder of why I put my kids in school! Having those negative and self deprecating thoughts and feelings constantly is no healthy way to live, especially when your husband just doesn't get it!
Guest - Sara B on Tuesday, 10 September 2013 02:36

What I say is this: I'm looking at these programs, which do you think our children will benefit from more?
What I mean: I want ONE, and you know our children too, and I value your insight into their personalities. Please give me your opinion, even if it is different than mine, so I know I have considered all bases.
What I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT MEAN: It doesn't matter, whichever, so you pick by going eenie meenie miney moe, so I don't have to make a decision.

What I say is this: I'm looking at these programs, which do you think our children will benefit from more? What I mean: I want ONE, and you know our children too, and I value your insight into their personalities. Please give me your opinion, even if it is different than mine, so I know I have considered all bases. What I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT MEAN: It doesn't matter, whichever, so you pick by going eenie meenie miney moe, so I don't have to make a decision.
Guest - Elizabeth Conley on Sunday, 08 September 2013 22:06

It's good to know that admitting to one bad day so often translates into "Let's dump the kids back into public-school-pergatory!" I thought I was the only woman who had to deal with that response.

It's good to know that admitting to one bad day so often translates into "Let's dump the kids back into public-school-pergatory!" I thought I was the only woman who had to deal with that response.
Guest - Kris on Thursday, 04 July 2013 02:40

Love it! So true! Thanks, Matt & Lee!

Love it! So true! Thanks, Matt & Lee!
Guest - Kelli on Friday, 14 June 2013 13:38

Oh, this is definitely going up on the refrigerator!

Oh, this is definitely going up on the refrigerator!
Guest - Jorriss on Saturday, 01 December 2012 03:33

Here's an idea. Ignore column A and column C. Use column B. Translations not required.

Here's an idea. Ignore column A and column C. Use column B. Translations not required.
Guest - Bethany LeBedz (website) on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 03:43

Forwarding to my hubby! Thanks, Mr. HomeScholar!

Forwarding to my hubby! Thanks, Mr. HomeScholar!
Guest - Lee (website) on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 01:42

Thanks for sharing it with others, Kim! I always giggle each time I read this!

Thanks for sharing it with others, Kim! I always giggle each time I read this! Blessings, Lee
Guest - Kim on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 01:13

Sharing this on Facebook. Thank you Mr Homescholar!

Sharing this on Facebook. Thank you Mr Homescholar!
Guest - Tammy on Friday, 30 September 2011 01:40

Soooo true! Printed it out for my husband. He can refer back to it as a guide. Thanks.

Soooo true! Printed it out for my husband. He can refer back to it as a guide. Thanks.
Guest - Kathy A. (website) on Wednesday, 31 August 2011 01:24

Thank you so much for sharing this! ... how funny! ...
Kathy A.

Thank you so much for sharing this! ... how funny! ... Kathy A.

[...] Homeschool Mom Universal Translator [...]

[...] Homeschool Mom Universal Translator [...]
Guest - Holly (website) on Wednesday, 24 August 2011 23:53

Fantastic! I love it .... spot on! Including the comments as well .... and indeed the communication via skype and email as hubby's on go round #4 in Iraq brings in a whole nother level of what you heard! LOL ....

Fantastic! I love it .... spot on! Including the comments as well .... and indeed the communication via skype and email as hubby's on go round #4 in Iraq brings in a whole nother level of what you heard! LOL ....
Guest - Heather Berryman on Wednesday, 03 August 2011 17:43


...*sigh*...How I wish I ALSO had someone to complain to on bad days.

...Then again, I'm thinking it's been good KYMSAYEO training for the teen years...(keep your mouth shut and your ears open

L OH! L ...*sigh*...How I wish I ALSO had someone to complain to on bad days. ...Then again, I'm thinking it's been good KYMSAYEO training for the teen years...(keep your mouth shut and your ears open ;)
Guest - What she means is… | (website) on Monday, 25 July 2011 13:47

[...] is brilliant! I followed a FB link that Wendy liked and found this handy little Homeschool Mom Universal Translator guide. Craig and I [...]

[...] is brilliant! I followed a FB link that Wendy liked and found this handy little Homeschool Mom Universal Translator guide. Craig and I [...]
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