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Disapproving, Insensitive Relatives Translator (DIRT)

Disapproving, Insensitive Relatives Translator (DIRT) #Homeschool @TheHomeScholar

Disapproving, Insensitive Relatives Translator (DIRT)

Hi there, Mr. HomeScholar here. . .

In response to my Homeschool Mom Decoder, readers asked me to create a translator to help homeschool parents deal with disapproving, insensitive relatives. You know the type ... the ones who make you feel like DIRT.

Here is your very own copy of my Disapproving, Insensitive Relatives Translator, or DIRT.  (For my French readers, it is called the "Translator Universalle for Relatives Disapproving").

Consider it my gift to you. You might want to cut this out and keep it in your wallet for handy reference. (If you think of any others I might have missed, please feel free to post a comment.)

Disapproving, Insensitive Relatives Translator (DIRT) #Homeschool @TheHomeScholar


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Comments 15

Guest - Laurene on Saturday, 19 October 2013 06:52

Excellent! I shared it to my FB also. A great encouragement and reminder that the naysayers are AFRAID of our success!

I have a couple that you missed that I got from relatives in the past:

"If you put them in school you would have more free time to yourself"


"But you already pay into the schools with your taxes. You're wasting your money by not using the schools you already paid for."

(You know, because that's why we homeschool, to get the best use of our tax dollars... LOL Right? My taxes pay for abortions too but I don't use that service either!)

Excellent! I shared it to my FB also. A great encouragement and reminder that the naysayers are AFRAID of our success! I have a couple that you missed that I got from relatives in the past: "If you put them in school you would have more free time to yourself" and "But you already pay into the schools with your taxes. You're wasting your money by not using the schools you already paid for." (You know, because that's why we homeschool, to get the best use of our tax dollars... LOL Right? My taxes pay for abortions too but I don't use that service either!)
Guest - Karen on Saturday, 19 October 2013 02:06

Love your "French translation." This is pretty funny. Thanks, Lee!

Love your "French translation." This is pretty funny. Thanks, Lee!
Guest - Panama resorts (website) on Wednesday, 08 August 2012 03:35

Great post but I would like to show you that I think there is problem with your RSS feeds as they quite simply appear to not be working for me. May be just me but I figured I would suggest it.

Great post but I would like to show you that I think there is problem with your RSS feeds as they quite simply appear to not be working for me. May be just me but I figured I would suggest it.
Guest - Melissa on Wednesday, 14 September 2011 15:05

Most people who are against home schooling don't fully understand what it really means. They are also threatened and defensive about their own choices regarding their own family.

In response to Brain....I dont believe home schooling is to be training children "to live in a zoo instead of training them how to survive in the jungle."
It's more about teaching the children not to become a common drones in a commercial jungle. To give them a better opportunity of individuality!
The school system does not help one grow into their authentic self. Teachers try, but the system does not work. Being common and unchallenged is easy...standing out because you know and do better is not.
I'm sorry your experience was a negative one Brian...but it's not always like that.

God Bless....

Most people who are against home schooling don't fully understand what it really means. They are also threatened and defensive about their own choices regarding their own family. In response to Brain....I dont believe home schooling is to be training children "to live in a zoo instead of training them how to survive in the jungle." It's more about teaching the children not to become a common drones in a commercial jungle. To give them a better opportunity of individuality! The school system does not help one grow into their authentic self. Teachers try, but the system does not work. Being common and unchallenged is easy...standing out because you know and do better is not. I'm sorry your experience was a negative one Brian...but it's not always like that. God Bless....
Guest - Shoaleh on Thursday, 08 July 2010 06:32

I agree Cindy. I also think that when homeschooling parents choose to home school, they need to check their intentions. Why do we home school? It isn't to protect our children from ever having the experiences that might teach them to cope in society but to allow them to have a more enriched life experience with diverse choices and more freedom of expression. The kind of over-protection that Brian is talking about is the kind that can happen even if a child is sent to public school.

I agree Cindy. I also think that when homeschooling parents choose to home school, they need to check their intentions. Why do we home school? It isn't to protect our children from ever having the experiences that might teach them to cope in society but to allow them to have a more enriched life experience with diverse choices and more freedom of expression. The kind of over-protection that Brian is talking about is the kind that can happen even if a child is sent to public school.
Guest - Lee (website) on Tuesday, 29 June 2010 02:25

Boy, that's for sure Cindy! It's important for all of us to remember that some things are NOT about homeschooling. Parenting and inborn characteristics, for example, are not the same as homeschooling.

Boy, that's for sure Cindy! It's important for all of us to remember that some things are NOT about homeschooling. Parenting and inborn characteristics, for example, are not the same as homeschooling. Blessings, Lee
Guest - Cindy (website) on Sunday, 27 June 2010 21:09

Brian, blame your parents for that, not homeschooling. I, for one, get my kids out more than most ps school kids get out. And do you really think publicly educated kids are ready to survive when they get out of school? I was publicly educated, and I'm here to tell you, they don't help matters at all.

Brian, blame your parents for that, not homeschooling. I, for one, get my kids out more than most ps school kids get out. And do you really think publicly educated kids are ready to survive when they get out of school? I was publicly educated, and I'm here to tell you, they don't help matters at all.
Guest - Brian on Saturday, 26 June 2010 02:48

I was raised in homeschool by Christian parents. I had a great education, but when I left home for the Navy I had absolutely no social skills whatsoever. In all my years of homeschooling I was kept isolated from the world around me and when I left home I had no idea how to survive in the real world. By homeschooling me my parents were preparing me to live in a zoo instead of training me how to survive in the jungle.

I was raised in homeschool by Christian parents. I had a great education, but when I left home for the Navy I had absolutely no social skills whatsoever. In all my years of homeschooling I was kept isolated from the world around me and when I left home I had no idea how to survive in the real world. By homeschooling me my parents were preparing me to live in a zoo instead of training me how to survive in the jungle.
Guest - Susan, Mrs.Homeschool (website) on Thursday, 24 June 2010 22:51

I'd have to add one, "Are ALL those kids YOURS?" What they're thinking: "How could you be such a drain on society! And don't you have ANY self-control with your spouse???" What the REALLY mean: "I don't know how you manage to get all those kids in public and not have a mental breakdown because I can't even leave the house with ONE..."

I'd have to add one, "Are ALL those kids YOURS?" What they're thinking: "How could you be such a drain on society! And don't you have ANY self-control with your spouse???" What the REALLY mean: "I don't know how you manage to get all those kids in public and not have a mental breakdown because I can't even leave the house with ONE..."
Guest - Cindy R. on Thursday, 24 June 2010 22:40

What about socialiazation?

Yes, like I want my children to learn their socialiaztion skills from a neglected latch-key school mate whose alchololic, drug addicted (prescription or otherwise), self involved parents are more interested in their portfolio or social climbing than their precious gifts from God. Unfortunately those poor young souls tend to act inappropriately for attention, Yea, that's the ticket.
That is my standard answer when I get that guestion. This has come from pesonal experience. Just because my heart goes out for these young souls doesn't mean I have to sacrifice mine to the cause.

What about socialiazation? Yes, like I want my children to learn their socialiaztion skills from a neglected latch-key school mate whose alchololic, drug addicted (prescription or otherwise), self involved parents are more interested in their portfolio or social climbing than their precious gifts from God. Unfortunately those poor young souls tend to act inappropriately for attention, Yea, that's the ticket. That is my standard answer when I get that guestion. This has come from pesonal experience. Just because my heart goes out for these young souls doesn't mean I have to sacrifice mine to the cause.
Guest - J W on Thursday, 24 June 2010 21:50

Tee hee!

Tee hee!

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by badmsm and Rebecca Sorrells, Mom E. Mom E said: RT @jamieworley Translator 2 help #homeschool parents deal w/ disapproving insensitive relatives ok #SaveOurShores [...]

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by badmsm and Rebecca Sorrells, Mom E. Mom E said: RT @jamieworley Translator 2 help #homeschool parents deal w/ disapproving insensitive relatives ok #SaveOurShores [...]
Guest - Renae (website) on Thursday, 24 June 2010 04:24

Thanks for creating this! I laughed so hard.

Thanks for creating this! I laughed so hard.
Guest - Kim @ In Our Write Minds (website) on Wednesday, 23 June 2010 23:37

Delightful! I know it will encourage many moms---while bringing a smile to their faces.

Delightful! I know it will encourage many moms---while bringing a smile to their faces.
Guest - karen on Wednesday, 23 June 2010 22:50


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