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Help and Resources for Homeschooling High School

When you look at homeschooling high school the first rule of thumb is NOT to panic! You are completely capable of doing this! Your child has been given to you and you have what it takes to do the work. This is a completely doable task. I am here to strengthen your ability to homeschool high school and encourage you in your journey.

The secret of your success will be the love you have for your child. The love of your child will lead you in what they need to know, how they learn, what they are missing, and how to prepare them for the future. Love won't teach you calculus, but you don't need to know calculus in order to homeschool high school. Instead, the love of your child will motivate you to find a way for it them to learn. Love will urge you to seek resources and curriculum choices for homeschooling high school that will fit your child.

I'd like to introduce you to my Bookshelf of resources. In it, you'll find my most popular books that will help you in all areas of your homeschool. There are big resource books and my Coffee Break Books. In case you aren't familiar with them, my Coffee Break Books series is designed especially for parents who don't want to spend hours and hours reading a 400-page book on homeschooling high school. This series combines a practical and friendly approach with detailed, but easy-to-digest information, perfect to read over a cup of coffee at your favorite coffee shop! Never overwhelming, always accessible and manageable, each book in this series will give parents the tools they need to tackle the tasks of homeschooling high school, one warm sip at a time.

Here's the list of what's included in my Bookshelf.

  • How to Homeschool Independently
  • Keys to High School Success
  • Comprehensive Record Solution
  • Homeschool Curriculum That's Effective and Fun
  • Getting the Most out of Your Summer
  • Creating Homeschool Balance
  • High School Testing
  • A Higher Calling
  • Easy English for Simple Homeschooling
  • High School Math the Easy Way
  • Simple Science for Homeschooling High School
  • Delight Directed Learning
  • Scheduling the Secret to Homeschool Sanity
  • Homeshcooling Middle School
  • How to Homeschool 9th and 10th Grade
  • Senior Year Step-by-Step
  • Junior Year is the Key to Homeschool Success
  • Technologic, How to Set Logical Technology Boundaries and Stop the Zombie Apocolypse
  • Finding the Faith to Homeschool High School
  • Setting the Records Straight
  • The HomeScholar Guide to College Admission and Scholarships
Of course you can buy all of these individually on Amazon (you can find all of my books on Amazon here) but you can get a discount by ordering them all together here! In addition to the paperbacks, I try very hard to provide information in a variety of formats, so that every parent can get the information in a way that's accessible for them, using their learning style. You can get my books on Kindle, as well. Buy, download, read, and enjoy! Your step-by-step process for getting affordable resources to help you homeschool high school.

Once you've read my books, I'd love for you to leave me a review on Amazon. I really appreciate the reviews I get on Amazon. If you have purchased one of my books, could you please go back and leave a review? Like Jen wrote to me the other day, " I know The HomeScholar is your business, but honestly, it's like a ministry as well." And it's true! If you would like to contribute to the ministry side of my business, I'd love to see your review, and I'd love for you to share my information on your social media, too.

If you're more of a 'do-everything-online' kind of person, you might enjoy my online resources. Find all of these helpful resources for homeschooling high school here.

  • The Total Transcript Solution
    The amazing transcript secrets known by top college officials that will unlock university admission decisions and top scholarship awards! Templates and resources to help you make your child's transcript.
  • The Comprehensive Record Solution
    One of the most effective strategies to getting big scholarships is creating comprehensive records. This resource gives you templates and resources to help teach you the best way to get everything ready for college admission and scholarships.
  • The High School Solution
    The best resource to help you plan high school courses. This resource includes a calendar that you can use every year of high school to help you plan and find the best path forward for your high school student.
  • The College Launch Solution
    The resource that will help you successfully release your young adult in college and life. Six modules to help you at every stage of launch, whether your student is going to college and needs scholarships or go straight into a full time job.
  • The Silver Training Club
    Continuing education is important for homeschooling parents. It allows you to keep up with the next stage of life and homeschooling high school. Get the best resources, newly updated each month, to help you successfully homeschool high school.
  • The Gold Care Club
    Sometimes we just need to have a personal friend to help us through the hardest times in our homeschool. Whether you have a homeschooling problem, or need advice on how to deal with a family situation, or just want help making those college admission documents, we'll be there to coach you each week over email.   

If you are a person of faith, let me encourage you in your journey. These verses can help you remember your biggest calling in life - your child. Your ability to know them better than anyone else and give them the best education possible is within your reach!

  • Psalm 139:13-16
    "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." What a comfort to know that God has provided this whole arrangement.  You will succeed at homeschooling high school, because your child has been given to you - because God knew in advance this day would come.  He knew what you needed for this day, and he can provide.
  • Philippians 4:13
    "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Again, you are completely capable of doing this and God promises to strengthen you when we call on Him. Hang in there, stay strong, and move forward with God's help in all things.
  • 1 Peter 4:8
    "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." Of course you won't purposefully sin against your child. But, sometimes we can beat ourselves up over our missteps in how we treat our child or for not choosing the 'right' curriculum. Take heart. The love you have will cover the difficulties you face.  You will fail at some small tasks, because we all fail at small tasks every day.  Even high-powered professional executives will fail at small tasks regularly.  But we will succeed at the big task: raising and educating our child.
Of course, there are many more verses that I can encourage you with! That's why I wrote Finding the Faith to Homeschool High School. Get your copy and be encouraged all 52 weeks of the year.

You will be successful. Don't be afraid to move forward in your homeschool journey. Let me know if I can help. 

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