Ditch the Stress and Grab the Confidence

Ditch the Stress and Grab the Confidence
It was fun to see another review posted on my book on transcripts and course descriptions. I wrote this book to help homeschool parents ditch the stress and grab the confidence to create beautiful, professional homeschool records, and to save big money on the cost of college. Almost all colleges require an official homeschool transcript, made by the homeschool parent. You do need to know how to make one. While not all colleges REQUIRE course descriptions, they often appreciate the extra effort, which can lead to more scholarships. And of course scholarships are a BIG deal to most homeschool parents (although strangely not all homeschool families, much to my surprise)!
Read this review by L. B. Keller, posted on January 30, 2016
Setting the Records Straight: How to Craft Homeschool Transcripts and Course Descriptions for College Admission and Scholarships
Thanks to this book, I know I can homeschool high school.
I borrowed this through Kindle Unlimited. Lee's down to earth, practical, "here let me show you how I did it" advice and suggestions helped me ditch the overwhelming stress I had considering homeschooling high school. I learned about other ways to grade and evaluate my kids besides a test, delight directed learning (letting kids explore their own interests and creating high school credit for it), how to write class descriptions, what kind of documentation I should be keeping NOW, the works. She had real examples of her own children's transcripts and course descriptions as well as 2 or 3 other families who approached high school in very different ways. The book even went into earning college credits while still at home. After reading her book, I know I can homeschool high school and do it well.
Have you read Setting the Records Straight: How to Craft Homeschool Transcripts and Course Descriptions for College Admission and Scholarships yet? The book has 42 reviews, and has earned 4.8 out of 5 starts on Amazon. It makes me happy!
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