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Top 7 Reasons to Make a High School Transcript

There are LOTS of reasons to create a homeschool transcript. It's very common for a parent to think "Not me! I'm immune!" as if they are the only ones who don't need to make a transcript. But it's not true! You are NOT the only one who doesn't need to make one. Here are the top 7 reasons why you do need to make a high school transcript.

1. Your child is not college-bound, but you can't read the future.
2. Your child is definitely college-bound, and you want scholarships.
3. Your child has ever changed their mind about their plans.
4. Your teen will take dual enrollment or earn an AA degree.
5. Your child wants to join the military and wants a higher pay grade.
6. Your child will drive, and you could use a good student discount on car insurance.
7. You are a mortal human being, and your family is counting on you.

A homeschool transcript is a requirement if even ONE of those reasons above is true. Yes. Even you. No worries, though. The Total Transcript Solution is the perfect solution to get that job done quickly.

Teens really DO change their mind - all the time! Have you noticed? They change their mind about breakfast... about what to wear that day... about what they want to do in life. Repeatedly. Read Lisa's experience.

"Your webinar has certainly bailed me out! This is for my son who was not interested in any more schooling and then suddenly changed his mind after graduation. I had started to buy your program, but after seeking help with our homeschool group they told me not to bother with a transcript. I will be telling everyone in our group to at least take your webinar on transcripts. I agree this should be done no matter if we think they will go on to college or not." 
~ Lisa in Alabama

Lisa isn't the only one. You don't want to hear, "Surprise! You need a transcript today!" like Sue.

"In April, my homeschooled senior daughter was applying to a very competitive specialty summer college program at a major Ivy League university. I had to come up with a really professional looking transcript, FAST, and I was really dreading it. However, I ordered your Homeschool Total Transcript Solution guide, and it was all you said it was! I was able to write brief course descriptions and find legitimate credits in activities and learning experiences I had never thought of as 'transcript material' before! And the format was very professional and official looking, plus easy to use. You even made the process fun! So she was able to attend, and enjoyed a very intense and horizon-expanding six weeks. THANK YOU so much for your common-sense and friendly information. It was worth about $6,000 to our family." 
~Sue in North Carolina

A transcript could be asked of you in the future, so being prepared and having one in hand is extremely important.

Not making a transcript is like driving without a license.
Sure, you may be ok for a while, but eventually you may see blue flashing lights in your rear view mirror.

Update the transcript every year of high school. Why? If ANY of those seven reasons are true, you need to make and keep your homeschool transcript up to date because it could be requested at any time and needed to help your child. How do you do this? The Total Transcript Solution will make fast work of this important task.

Let me explain a few of the times when you may be asked for your transcript:

  • During freshman year, you may need it to participate in some summer camps and programs.
  • During sophomore year, you may need a transcript to get the "good student discount" on car insurance.
  • During junior year, you will need it to review their grade level, grades, and credits before taking the PSAT/NMSQT®.
  • You may need a transcript in order to apply for a scholarships.
  • Before dual enrollment, you may need it to document high school level work to qualify for state funding.
  • During senior year, you will need it to apply for colleges during the first few months of school.
  • After senior year, your child will need a transcript to apply for military or law enforcement careers.
  • A transcript may be required by a technical college or beauty school.
  • In ten years, you may need a high school transcript when your child changes a career and wants to attend college or earn an advanced degree, or applies for a job that requires a high school transcript.

At any time, as a mortal, you may be called to a better place, leaving behind a teenager who needs a record of accomplishments in order to move forward in life. It's heart-breaking when a spouse calls me for help, having no clue what high school work had been completed but needing a transcript for the child to continue education.

At any time in the future, your child may be asked, "Are you a high school graduate?" You want them to automatically answer YES, knowing they COULD provide a transcript if needed, no matter what their future plans.

Choose The Total Transcript Solution for the fastest, easiest way to get your transcript done quickly! It includes a "One Hour Transcript" class that will help you get your transcript done by the end of the day - perfect for those in a time crunch. It has detailed training, tools, e-books, and templates for those who are detail oriented. All this for a low investment of only $47 for lifetime access you can use for all your children.

PSAT/NMSQT® is a registered trademark of the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

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