
Quality over Quantity in Education

Headline: NEW and IMPROVED Public Schools! -- Now with 50% MORE Education!! It is amazing what you can find on Public Access TV on a lazy Saturday mor...

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  922 Hits

The 5 Corner Path - Alternatives to Homeschooling

Our neighborhood still holds a quaint relic of a bygone era called the 5-Corners. These intersections are a lasting monument to the Seattle area's pro...

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  1063 Hits

Who Cares?

We received some big news from the Seattle Public School board. As of March 11, 2020, they are instituting "E" grades again. What is the significance ...

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  694 Hits

Homeschool Learning with Reckless Abandon

Spring is a time when many homeschooling parents consider their educational options for the next school year. Some parents wonder whether they are cap...

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  781 Hits

Put Your Weak Areas First in 4 Easy Steps

Put Your Weak Areas First in 4 Easy Steps Your strengths come naturally to you, and will take care of themselves, but weaknesses don’t. Weak areas are avoided, possibly hated, definitely put on the back shelf in hopes everyone forgets them. But strengths aren't like that. If your child just loves art, then you’ll give Christmas presents that are art related, and they will be working on art every free moment. They may do so much...

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  3517 Hits

Homeschooling High School: Planning Ahead for the College Application Process

Sharon asked me about  how she should plan ahead for the college application process.  She didn't want to miss a huge piece and make any huge mistakes.  Is this a question you have too? I hope this video post can help you both.   Get a weekly phone consultation as part of your Gold Care Club membership.

  2356 Hits

How Important is a Homeschool Diploma?

I often get asked about how to get a homeschool diploma. That is an easy question to answer. What is more difficult is the education behind that piece of paper. That is what colleges are most interested in. As you wrap up your homeschooling years let me help you finish strong.

  2781 Hits

Parent Partnership Problems: Love with Some Strings Attached

When it comes to homeschooling high school, outside programs can seem appealing compared to homeschooling independently. At first glance, "accredited ...

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  3929 Hits

Do You Need Summer School?

Do you need to do summer school in your homeschool? How do you know? Take this quick quiz to find out if you need to do summer school this summer.  1. Are you done with curriculum? One way to measure a high school credit is when you finish the curriculum.  You only need to be 75-80% finished to be "done" so there is some flexibility. While it's true that most homeschoolers finish curriculum in order to save...

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  4460 Hits

Homeschooling High School - How to Get it All Done

How do I get it ALL done? That is a big question. It all depends on what your "ALL" means to you? Is your "All" too big? What are your priorities?

  2449 Hits

The Total Transcript Solution Loved in Omaha

I recently did a webinar for Omaha Homeschool Learning Center.  Their group organizer created a long comparison chart describing the differences between four homeschool transcript products.  Watch this video to hear him describe the highlights.  He compares the four major transcript products (Transcripts Made Easy, Total Transcript Solution, Transcript Boot Camp, and TranscriptPro) in the areas of information, support and tools. Guess which one was the clear winner!? To see his review for yourself, including all...

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  2804 Hits

Educational Gaps

So much to worry about, and so little time.  If you are worried about gaps in your child's education, though, I suggest you relax a bit.  OF COURSE the will have gaps - we ALL have gaps.   Instead of thinking about how you might compare against a perfect school, remember to deal in reality.  In real life, all schools have gaps, and no educational system is perfect.  Perhaps the only perfect schools are in heaven? ...

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  2692 Hits

How Do You Encourage Hard Work in your Student?

Accountability is instrumental in successfully homeschooling high school. Subscribe to my YouTube channel. You will be notified when I create new videos on homeschool high school topics!

  3206 Hits

Accredited Online High School

Accredited Online High School It's that time of year again, when parents are looking for a great school for fall. Some parents are looking to online schools. Let me tell you what you do NOT need as you are searching for the perfect school. State certified teachers - because you know your child best, you are best equipped to guide your child. 1:1 approach to education - because that's exactly what homeschooling is like, the very...

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  3331 Hits

Feeling Freaked Out or Anxious

Feeling Freaked Out or Anxious About the Coming Year? The hardest part about homeschooling is when you are faced with something new.  The first time you had to teach a child to write in cursive, or mulitply, for example, it was pretty intimidating. If you are feeling stressed about the coming year, chances are you are faced with something new.  These are my "OH MY GOODNESS I'M PANICKING!" articles that I hope will talk you down from...

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  2550 Hits

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