Classical Conversations is a very frequent topic amongst homeschoolers with families on both sides of the debate. Some saying the organization is why ...
Our neighborhood still holds a quaint relic of a bygone era called the 5-Corners. These intersections are a lasting monument to the Seattle area's pro...
I've written in the past about our son's experience with a "Pemberly Ball." If you're wondering what that might be, check out these blog posts! Can't Get Enough Jane Austen?The Down-Side of Literature-Based EducationI Hate Literary Analysis - Part 4Now is a great time of year to start planning events for the winter and spring. If you are considering a “Pemberly Ball” for your own homeschool literary studies, you might be interested in how to find...
Have you ever struggled to document your students co-op classes? I’ve had a few questions lately from homeschool families who are struggling to do this very thing. All co-ops have particular elements that make their classes unique and it can be hard to develop a class description for these classes when you weren’t the one teaching your student, but you want to make sure and get all of your students credits on their high school transcripts....
I worry about peer pressure – not with the children, but with the parents. As homeschooling becomes more common, and there are more and more parents homeschooling, there seems to be an increase in peer pressure. Parents feel they should join a homeschool coop, or participate in dual enrollment, or use a specific curriculum or join a particular accreditation group. I encourage parents to look at their children, not other parents, as they make decisions...