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3 Reasons Why You are Qualified to Homeschool

Many parents ask, "Am I qualified to homeschool my kids?" when they first begin thinking about homeschooling. The short answer is, "YES! You are qualified to homeschool!" Read on for more reasons why you actually are qualified to homeschool high school.  

If you're new to homeschooling, or just considering it for the first time, you probably have a lot of questions about how it works and if you are even qualified to homeschool your kids! You aren't alone. Many first time homeschool parents have the same questions and insecurities as you are having right now. 

There is a great article at where I, and others, have contributed lots of great information about homeschooling. You can read all about what we have to say about scheduling, time management, struggling learners, technology use, behavior issues, and (of course) socialization - and much more! I think you'll find all of the information helpful and a great way to ease your fears about homeschooling and your part in preparing your kids.

In the meantime, know that you are qualified to homeschool your kids, from elementary to high school. I've included three reasons showing you why you are qualified below to encourage you.

Statistically, you are qualified to homeschool.

Homeschooling is much more effective than public or private school. You can find reliable homeschool statistics at Homeschooling is effective regardless of race of parent or child, regardless of parental income or size of home, regardless of parental level of education. Parents are qualified to homeschool in every state, and state information is found in the article, Know Your State Homeschool Law.

Your abilities (and insecurities) will not necessarily limit your ability to homeschool. If you want to see statistics, and scientific reasons why this is true, take this free class: Homeschooling - Why Homeschool Works with Dr. Jay Wile 

Scripturally, you are qualified to homeschool.

We are promised that homeschooling is effective (proven by the statistics). Here are scriptural reasons why you can be an EXCELLENT homeschool parent.

  • Psalm 139:13-16 - Your child was given to you and was made for your family, so God knows you are the perfect person for this job.
  • Philippians 4:13 - You are capable. You can do ALL THINGS, even this.
  • 1 Peter 4:8 - Love covers a multitude of sins. Even when things go wrong (and it will) your child will still be OK.
  • John 2:7-8 - Jesus gives step-by-step instructions for doing hard things. He doesn't command the end results (He will take care of that) but gives us nice, small, manageable steps. Just like in homeschooling, we can take this one step at a time, and each step is within reach.
If you already have kids, curriculum, pens, and paper and just need to find the faith to homeschool high school then this book will help! Finding the Faith to Homeschool High School: Weekly Reflections for Weary Parents

Love makes you qualified to homeschool. 

You might wonder why I've included love as a qualification for homeschooling your children. But, consider this. The love we have for our child ensures success because we are motivated by love to be sure they are educated. We are motivated financially because we want them to become independent and thriving adults. We love them and care that they can function in the world. We want them to succeed. No other teacher in the world is as motivated for the general good for your student as you are.

At some point we may need to reply to disapproving on-lookers, and unfortunately, some of them may be family. This "Disapproving, Insensitive Relatives Translator" will help you respond to those who make you feel like DIRT. 

Read the full article Homeschool Mom Decoder for more tips on explaining homeschooling, and our feelings about homeschooling, to others.

YOU are the best, most qualified person to homeschool your kids. Leave your worries and anxieties behind and homeschool in confidence. If you need extra support and encouragement, consider joining my Gold Care Club. With regularly updated resources and a weekly email consultation, you can receive the support you need!
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