• High School Math at Home


     homeschool health Lee Binz, The HomeScholar

    Homeschool Math Without the Moaning

    Master High School Subject Tests with this Free eBook

High School Math - In a Nutshell

High school math tops the list of classes that homeschoolers like to moan about. Math seems like such hard work, for both teacher and student! It takes time, practice, and review; then rinse and repeat! Even for math-loving parents it can be challenging. As a math person myself, I enjoyed teaching math, at least until we got into Algebra 2. At that point I joined the ranks of “in over my head” homeschool parents!


How to Teach High School Math at Home

Do you know what I have learned about high school math? Every homeschool parent loses it at some point. Sooner or later, we all throw up our hands in despair and feel like giving up. Homeschool teachers aren’t the only teachers who feel that way! The feeling tends to be universal! So we learn how to compensate and get the job done with a minimum of hassle. If math is not your forte, don’t be afraid; there are many things you can do to make it as painless as possible, both for you and your children.

As homeschool parents, perhaps you have thought how important it is to instill a work ethic. We want to teach our children the value of hard work. That’s the great thing about high school math. Sure, colleges want to see advanced mathematical thinking, but the value of math goes far beyond college admission! The real value is teaching kids to work hard. It’s not easy and it takes effort. Don’t give up! Important note: the lessons in hard work are for your kids. For you, I have some tips to make it easier!

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High School Math Without the Moaning

Correct Sequence for High School Math

Four years of high school math is important because it’s required for graduation in every state. It’s also important because almost all colleges require a full four years of high school math. However, that doesn’t mean your child has to do four years of upper level math, including calculus. It just means they should continue to work at their own level and keep moving forward every year. Yes, it’s wonderful to complete calculus in high school, but not everyone is going to get there. Just because they don’t get to calculus doesn’t mean they can’t get into college!

Sometimes parents wonder what the “correct sequence” for math is, and stress about making sure they’re doing it “right.” The good news is that in the grand scheme of things, there is no “right” sequence to do high school math. There is a "typical” sequence, which usually has two flavors:

algebra 1 – geometry – algebra 2 – trigonometry/pre-calculus – calculus


algebra 1 – algebra 2 – geometry – trigonometry/pre-calculus – calculus

Some homeschool math curriculum providers will try to tell you that one way is “best” but it doesn’t matter which order you choose. It’s best to complete geometry before 11th grade if possible; that’s when students take the PSAT/NMSQT®, and that test includes geometry. Completing the class before 11th grade can improve the score on that test.

Geometry is completely different from algebra, but it does review some algebra concepts. For that reason, if your child struggled with algebra 1, taking geometry next can firm up their algebraic understanding before they go into the more difficult algebra 2 concepts.

If they didn’t like algebra, then geometry can give them a bit of a break before they have to tackle it again as algebra 2. But for many people, the sequence of math isn’t terribly important; the most important thing is that your child learns high school math consistently each year.

After algebra 2, some parents branch out to consumer math, business math, or statistics.  Personal finance is usually not considered a math class, but might be a wonderful elective. Some colleges may even accept general lifestyle "quantitative analysis" over a traditional mathematics textbook, and are looking for daily interaction with numbers: measuring, calculating, number-crunching in real life. 

High School Math - Correct Curriculum

Correct Curriculum for High School Math

A common question between homeschoolers is, “What homeschool math curriculum do you use?” We all have our preferences, but in the end there isn’t one “best” curriculum for everyone, despite what the sales people may tell you at homeschool conventions. There’s no magic program that will guarantee your child will love high school math, but there is one key which will at least prevent them from HATING it, and that is to use a curriculum that fits your child.

Here is the bottom line for finding the correct math text. The best homeschool curriculum is the one that matches your child’s learning style, and doesn’t drive them crazy. Even if your best friend swears by it, even if your most trusted advisor says it’s the best math program, if it’s not a good fit for your child, it won’t work well. The best program is the one that helps your child learn.

So how do you find that best-fit curriculum? When your kids were in elementary school, you probably could bring home whatever curriculum you thought would be best, and your kids would go along with what you chose. When kids become teenagers, they start to have personal preferences, and your preferences and learning style may not be the same as theirs.

Sometimes they develop pet peeves and personality quirks that make them dislike a particular book or video, such as a teacher’s accent or the use of a white board. It may not be reasonable or logical, but when you’re honest, you’ll realize that we all have pet peeves or things that drive us crazy.

To avoid this problem, let your teens have some choice in their homeschool math curriculum. Perhaps you can present them with several different options, and let them choose the one they prefer. You might be surprised by what they choose.

When I homeschooled, I was completely shocked at my son’s choice of Saxon for math. I had previously rejected that option. Personally, I hated the look of it —all print and no pictures—but that’s exactly why my son loved it! He likes numbers and thought pictures got in the way.

Imagine what would have happened if I had brought home a curriculum that I liked, based on my preferences, with lots of photos and colors! He would have hated it, and might have ended up hating math, thinking it wasn’t for him.

In addition to finding a homeschool math curriculum that fits your child, make sure it is intended for homeschoolers. You don’t want to use a curriculum that assumes you have a thorough understanding of differential equations if you don’t even know what they are.

Homeschool math curriculum will not assume that a math major is teaching in a classroom. Instead, they will assume that a parent like you is teaching a child like yours. Video tutorials are always helpful, and 800-numbers are a plus, in case your kids (or you) get stuck.

When my kids came up with an answer on a test that didn’t match what the answer guide said, I made them call the 800-number to see whether their answer was right before I gave them credit for it! No matter how much they whined about it, and they did whine about it. All. The. Time. True story.

Correct Attitude for Homeschool Math

Correct Attitude for High School Math

They say attitude is everything. It's so true, especially for math! Try not to instill or encourage a fear of math. Do what you can to make it enjoyable or tolerable. Don't label yourself or your children as math-haters. Another saying is "fake it till you make it." Also true in math! For best results, try to convey a matter-or-fact attitude, rather than horror about daily work.

If math still seems overwhelming for you, and you find yourself never getting around to covering it, you’re not alone. Every homeschool parent has at least one subject they simply don’t like, understand, tolerate, enjoy, or remember to do each day. If math is the weak area, the best way to make sure you cover it every day is to put it first on the list of things to do. Your weak area becomes your homeschool priority each day.

Make it the first subject you do in the morning, the thing you cover every day. Even if a fabulous opportunity comes your way, get math done before doing the fun stuff. Even if you are offered free tickets to a play, or even the Super bowl, get math done first (unless the Seahawks are playing, of course)! Never leave the house until that one thing is done. Make sure you put it first each day, and your child does it first in the morning when you are both fresh.

Make it the first curriculum you buy each year, and the one you’re most willing to spend money on. Be willing to spend more money on math than any other subject. It’s a great investment with math particularly, but it's worth it for any weak area. If the math curriculum you buy isn’t working, purchase a new one that does work, because this is your weak area and you need to invest in it.

These strategies will help you compensate for your weakness in this area, and will greatly increase your chances for success!

Correct Attitude for Homeschool Math

Correct Speed for High School Math

Teach math at your child's level, and continue moving forward. Assign your child one lesson every day; never miss a day. If your child understands a concept, skip the lesson and move on. It's extremely helpful with math-reluctant kids to include math during the summer, so they maintain their understanding. If possible, cover a math section during the summer, unless you are traveling. Most kids lose 3 months’ worth of progress over each summer, and then they need 3 months of review each fall to catch up again. You can see that doing math in the summer can REALLY speed things up!

Don’t go backward, trying to achieve the impossible "perfection" in math. Consider your own checkbook for a moment. Like you, I have mastery over math; I can add, subtract, multiply and divide as well as any 6th grader. But my checkbook? I don't always exhibit perfection in math, and I regularly make math mistakes in my checkbook! So if you are waiting for perfection before moving on, it will be frustrating to everyone.

Your student needs to be reasonably successful in math, and understand it reasonably well. Four years of math is required. For some, that means a daily struggle over four years that will end in Algebra 1 in the final year of high school. Sure, it's not optimal, but it does happen. For other kids, four years of math can leave mom or dad in the dust, and the child pushes forward into calculus and differential equations.

Correct Speed for Math

Homeschool Math Curriculum Options

Below are brief overviews of the most popular math curricula. You can find video samples online for most, so your child can compare the programs and give feedback. Another benefit of letting them help choose is that they might have more ownership of the course and won’t complain so much! (Caution: actual results may vary.)


This is the most popular homeschool math curriculum, top rated by math experts. There is nothing but math problems on the page, so it thrilled my math-loving son and he chose these books for that reason!

DIVE CDs Video for Saxon

These are the original videos that coordinate with Saxon books, and intended for use by Christian homeschoolers. This is what I used, and I loved them. DIVE into Math Video Examples

Saxon Teacher Video

Created by Saxon textbooks, these video lessons go through every problem in the text and the tests. Saxon Teacher Video

Homeschool With Saxon Video

Another tutorial for Saxon math, this is a video of a live instructor, and was intended for a wide variety of classroom and homeschool settings, so it may have a classroom feel. Homeschool with Saxon

Teaching Textbooks

Teaching Textbooks is very popular, and created by Harvard graduates. Each level includes videos for lessons and answers, and demonstrates every problem in the book. Video Examples and Information


This has been around for years, and uses interactive video-based strategies. Video Example


Thinkwell has been around a long time. It only allows you to take a test once, which can be frustrating. Video Example


Abeka uses a classroom setting in their video. I have watched HOURS of these videos when I was placed next to them in a convention, and the classroom setting drove me crazy! Video Example

Bob Jones

This is a Christian curriculum intended for homeschoolers. They offer an online class for high school math that seems very much like a school environment, so it's not my favorite. Video Example


I have heard that this program does a good job with hands-on learners. Video Example

Ask Dr. Callahan

This video works with the Harold Jacobs Algebra book, which was the book we used and loved. Ask Dr. Callahan


This is a video-aided instruction program for independent learners that many homeschoolers love. It’s web-based, so it does not include a textbook. ALEKS Homepage

Life of Fred

This is a literature-based curriculum. It may require additional practice problems for students to be completely comfortable with math concepts. Life of Fred

Curriculum options for homeschool math

Textbook Supplements

If your child loves literature but hates numbers, it may be helpful to supplement a math program with books. One option is the book Algebra the Easy Way by Douglas Downing (who happens to be my son’s economics mentor)! Another is Living Math, a website (livingmath.net) with a variety of links for literature lovers, including a long book list!

For kids who will benefit from some hands-on supplements, try Family Math for Middle School, which we used as a supplement for algebra. Patty Paper Geometry is great for hands-on exploration of geometric proofs. We also supplemented pre-calculus and calculus with the videos Change and Motion: Calculus Made Clear, which my children loved so much, they watched them twice!!

Curriculum options for homeschool math

Math Games and Supplements

The Homeschool Math Home Stretch

The Home Stretch

Let's face it, math won't be a career choice for everyone. It is, however, a very important skill for daily living. How often have I watched the news and prayed that God would raise up a generation of leaders who understood – in a profoundly meaningful way – that a trillion dollars was a whole boatload of money?

Also, spend a little time reflecting on this truth – every time a plane crashes or a bridge falls or a patient dies because of a hospital error, you can bet that someone, somewhere messed up the math. We all wish that would never happen, but it does. Let's make it our goal to stem the tide of math mediocrity.

You get the idea. Math is important and, for some children at least, it will be fun. Studies show that adult attitudes about math have a profound effect on whether children grow up to be math lovers, math haters or math indifferent. It turns out that moaning about math isn't such a good idea after all. Kids are wonderful mimics so let's all try to give them a positive perspective on math. You will make the world a better (and safer) place.

Choosing Homeschool Curriculum Infographic

Recommended Resources

12 Keys to High School Success

Do you need a boost of encouragement and lots of proven tips to help you have your most successful homeschool year yet? Let me help you. Take my free recorded class filled with tips, and it even counts as continuing education! 

This workshop is for those mortal, human, sometimes frail and tired homeschoolers, who truly want to do the best job possible preparing their children for college, but could use a little extra "boost." I promise you will learn solid strategies that will make homeschooling easier and more rewarding for both you and your children! Listen to it and let me know what you think!

High School Math The Easy Way

Dry your tears! Help for teaching high school math is here! Discover tools, tricks, and tips to simplify teaching upper level math in this great book.

Do you get cold sweats just thinking about teaching your teen high school math? Did your last exposure to trigonometry leave you covered in hives? If so, you are not alone! Every homeschool parent "loses it" at some point during high school math. Don't give up! This book will teach you simple strategies even if you are in WAY over your head!

Homeschool High School Solution

If you are a beginner at homeschooling high school, consider the High School Solution, which provides detailed training on homeschooling, from middle school through senior year. The resources included give specific help for all stages, from getting started and planning high school courses, to understanding high school testing and college admission and scholarships.

Get complete instruction for choosing curriculum, encouraging delight directed learning, and teaching advanced subjects through training classes for parents, all with handouts or workbooks plus articles and templates.

Copyright © The HomeScholar LLC, www.HomeHighSchoolHelp.com. Text may be reprinted without permission if used in full, except for use in a book or other publication for rent or for sale. Reprint must include this copyright, bio (below), and the original URL link (https://www.homehighschoolhelp.com/high-school-math).

Lee Binz, The HomeScholar, specializes in helping parents homeschool high school. Get Lee's FREE Resource Guide "The 5 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make Homeschooling High School" and more freebies:  HomeHighSchoolHelp.com/freebies.
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