We share proven success strategies to help busy parents confidently homeschool through high school. We don't judge you or evaluate your children. We come alongside to equip, train, and encourage you. Whether you’re a veteran or a new homeschool parent, we have resources for all learning styles and budgets. Will you be the next to join our $100,000 Club (see below)?

Lee Binz, The HomeScholar
Best selling author, conference speaker, and homeschool consultant Lee Binz specializes in helping parents homeschool high school with excellence. Take a look around. I am certain you will find the home high school help you need!
$100,000 Club

I needed to email you because... MY SON WON THE FULL-TUITION SCHOLARSHIP AT THE SCHOLARS DAY COMPETITION!!! They only gave out one, and he got it!
They told him his interview clinched the deal, and I had him prepare by practicing the questions you listed in your article. He said the practice helped him. I also had him practice a timed essay - in pencil - which could only have helped too. I just had to share.
This is for the small, private, Christian school that is ABET accredited for Computer Science. It's his first choice. The scholarship is worth approximately $100k over four years. We still kind of can't believe it.
THANK YOU for all you do and all the help you've given me. Now - on to my next kid who is a junior. I'll be calling you for help with his records in the near future.

I started reading your books and attending your classes when my son entered ninth grade. How did you know us so well when we had never met? As a Gold Care member, I couldn’t wait for Wednesday to talk with you because you helped me feel confident and capable. You were more than just a high school coach, you were like a best friend, only better.
It was difficult to believe my kids would even be ready to attend college but it was my dream that they would. I agree, whole heartedly, that every student deserves a rigorous high school education so they can attend (or not attend) a college of their choice. I could never have provided that education if I had not been encouraged by you.
As a stay home mom, my husband and I did not have the finances to help our son even consider anything but a local college. We have always taught that debt for college was something to avoid at all cost. It was you who prompted us to send an application to the most expensive engineering school in the State. I thought we were out of our minds but did it anyway. Crazy for sure, but it worked. This fall our son will be attending University with full tuition paid for the next four years. It’s still too amazing to comprehend.
Lee, you have given us such a gift. I am still pinching myself because it doesn’t seem possible. My son is heading to the college of his choice and only has to cover room and board for the next four years. He is starting to receive outside scholarships as well.
My husbands family was not in favor of me staying home to school our kids. Even recently, my sister-in-law said I should have been working outside the home and homeschooling simultaneously. Ouch!!! When we received the financial package I couldn’t wait to tell my husband that I had just made $200,000.
Of course my son has worked hard and his Senior grades, as a running start student, were amazing. His transcript was amazing. His course descriptions took me months to write but I am so proud of the results. I graduated him last month with a beautiful homeschool diploma. We had a huge party at the park and he felt so special. All because you showed me how to do the hard things well. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.
God told me homeschooling was in my future and I doubted. He said He would walk beside me and give me the people I needed to do this task. He never once let me down. The day you decided to help parents like me, was the best day of my life. You’re a blessing to our family. How can I thank you enough for your mission to help parents homeschool high school. My daughter thanks you in advance as she prepares for college admission.
Thanks for being my hero Lee.

We started homeschooling in 2014, without an idea that we would continue to homeschool during high school. Four years ago we happened upon one of Lee's webinars and signed up straight away. From weekly emotional support and advice, to course description help, transcripts and school visits - every time we reached out with a new concern or question, Lee was there for us.
Then an amazing thing happened. Our daughter was admitted to every college where she applied, and received a collective $385,000 in Scholarships to five top Universities in addition to a coveted spot on each of their Sailing teams.
Lee, we cannot thank you enough. We could not have achieved this homeschool-to-college goal without your expert counsel, care and kind friendship. Your Gold Care Club is all that you say it is.
We still have two years of high school left with our son, and we are excited to continue to navigate his unique journey into college applications with you as well.

It really made for a more professional look. You are providing a service much needed by many. Her scholarship will be paying for four years of tuition, out-of-state fees, room/board, book stipend as well as $5000 toward a month summer abroad program. Thank you again for all that I learned through your services.

I ran across a story in an article that referenced how much Lee Binz had helped the author with homeschooling high school, so I decided to give her a call. She had a special “Gold Club” membership which included access to her resources, a special email address, and a 20-minute phone consultation with her once a week to pick her brain about any questions or concerns I might have. I decided to take advantage of that since I could not rely on myself to remember anything about what I read in her articles or heard on her webinars.
I downloaded everything she offered regarding high school credits, transcripts, extra curricular activities, etc., and I organized them in folders on my computer where I could access them at any given time. This was an invaluable asset to me during our 4 years of high school!
Lee gave me access to links for all her resources that I needed to prepare for my daughter’s Freshmen year. She also had a form that detailed what I needed to do during each subsequent year of high school (subjects to consider, standardized tests to take with website addresses, when to apply for college scholarships, when to send transcripts, etc.), and during any given year would also point me to what I needed to read and download to prepare for the next year.
Then, when I started doing my daughter’s transcript, college applications, scholarship applications, college visits, scholarship interviews, etc., I was constantly emailing Lee for advice and information. And, she never failed me!
As a result of my Gold Club Membership, my daughter was able to graduate at 16 and get a $60,000/year Presidential Scholarship at her university of choice.

I had a friend, who worked in college admissions for years, peek at the transcript I wrote (with your tips). “You made this?!?! This is incredible! One of the best homeschool transcripts I have seen.” My son got into his first choice college with a full tuition scholarship (up to $240k) for four years and $1500 off his room and board each year. We're all thrilled! Thank you for your help and giving me the confidence to be a professional!

"Dreams can come true!"
My daughter earned an appointment to the Air Force Academy! And the backup plan of Embry-Riddle has offered a huge scholarship as well. Thank you for all the help crafting a way to put this adventure into words on her transcript and course descriptions. It has been an incredible journey.
From the very beginning decided she wanted to go to the Air Force Academy. I kept thinking it was one fleeting idea, except it wasn’t. She joined Civil Air Patrol when she was 12. Went to space camp and loved it. Survived her first encampment including a phone call where she told me, “If you were a real mom, you would pick me up.” She kept doing all kinds of CAP activities and learning how to speak in public, lead others, deal with lots of disappointments. She worked hard scholastically too, and got a 1390 SAT after a couple of tries.
As my daughter said, "Dreams can come true!"

I just had to write to let you know that my daughter received the Regent's Scholarship for Pepperdine University! This is a $40,700 annual award. I am still in shock daily. We found out a week ago, and it has taken this long for it to actually sink in.
Of course this is after hours and hours of work on both of our parts, my daughter writing countless essays and filling out applications, and me writing course descriptions. But we figured out that even if we spent 100 hours in the process, we were actually making about $1600 an hour!
I cannot thank you enough for all the direction you have given me over the past few years. Honestly, the college application process has proven to be one of the most challenging things I have ever done. It challenged my faith and sanity. I cannot imagine trying to do it on my own.
Thank you for choosing to spend your post-schooling years helping others! The prospect of home schooling high school IS scary, but looking back, the blessing of intimacy I now share with my daughter by having spent these past four years together was worth it. Thank you for helping me to feel the fear and do it anyway!

From using your webinars and materials through the highschool years, I gained valuable knowledge on how to prep my oldest son for college admission, and yet still allow him time for delight directed learning...(he loves designing cars more...) He studied for all 3 college prep tests on his own. He was nominated as a National Merit Scholar, with a 1510 on SAT, and perfect 36 on ACT! He applied and was accepted to his first choice private university for Transportation Design; they only offers 15 spots per year!
I recommended he earnestly pray if it was God's will for him to attend that he'd receive the prestigious full tuition scholarship (worth ~$140,000 over the course of 4 years...because it wasn't going to happen otherwise!). He received the news that he was the very top candidate for the scholarship! The top pick of all 200 applicants!
I had to share this amazing news with you and extend my warmest thanks again for all you have done for my family through your teaching!
"Honey, There's a Mob of Scholarship-Wielding Colleges Out Front Asking to See Our Homeschool Records!"
"Honey, There's a Mob of Scholarship-Wielding Colleges Out Front Asking to See Our Homeschool Records!"
It's True - Homeschool Records Can Help You Earn College Scholarships!
There is Still Time to Get $50 Off and Extra Bonuses with Your Purchase, using Coupon Code: 50FAIR2020
How Great Homeschool Records are the Key to Earning Great College Scholarships
What Do Colleges Look For?
So What Are Colleges REALLY Looking for Before Making Admission Decisions?
Why is Student Preparation So Important?
Don’t Fall Into This Common Homeschooling Trap
"Honey, There's a Mob of Scholarship Wielding Colleges Out Front Asking to See Our Homeschool Records!"
Homeschooling on Purpose
The Critical Difference
Homeschool Records will Prove Your Student's Authenticity
What Are Comprehensive Homeschool Records?
It's True: Some Colleges WON’T Want to See Your Comprehensive Homeschool Records
Don’t Play Fair
We Decided to Give More Homeschool Records!
The Results Were AMAZING!
Do You Really Need Comprehensive Records?
Always Be Prepared!
I Can Help You with Your Comprehensive Records!
"Your transcripts and records were the best organized and documented I have seen.”

Real Help — Within Reach!
What People Are Saying About the Comprehensive Record Solution
“We have been accepted to almost every University we applied for, most with scholarships. I believe your transcript and Comprehensive Records was one of the key factors. I spoke to several schools, public and private, and they found our records to be excellent. I think your records helped us convince them we were worth investing in! What a sanity relief your webinars are! "You do make them look good in black and white." THANK YOU!!! I am just about to email another friend with eighth-graders to recommend you. I have told several younger friends, and just want you all to know you are serving the homeschool community abundantly! God is good!!!"

"Real live samples, like the sample Course Description and Grades and Credits Resource sheet, really clarify things and give homeschoolers a starting point in creating their own, which is very helpful! The “Record Keeping” section was very good too. This topic and the way you present it would be extremely useful for parents new to high school. I was impressed by your knowledge and insights. Basically, everything was excellent, and the bonuses added that extra special touch! God bless you!"

"WOW!!!!!! I love this product. The Comprehensive Record Solution contains it all!! As I am in thick of the application and admission process, I can confidently say that you have done your homework very thoroughly, the information you share is right on, and this product is going to save many homeschool parents time, energy and money. It is by far the best resource I have seen on homeschooling for college preparation and admission. Also, your encouragement is awesome. You understand the concerns, anxieties and questions of homeschooling parents and effectively address them all. Your product is worth every penny and I can't wait to recommend this new resource to all of my homeschooling friends."
4 Great Comprehensive Record Solution Modules
EncourageAn Introduction and Overview of this Program, Plus a Look at Four Successful Records.
Your purchase includes over 2 hours of training and three ebooks covering ...
- Getting acquainted,
- Why you should make a comprehensive record,
- The elements of a comprehensive record,
- Samples of success - a look at 4 successful comprehensive records, including my own complete scholarship winning records exactly as they were submitted.
EquipTools and Templates to Create Your Own Comprehensive Record.
Critical documents in Word, Pages, and RTF format covering ...
- Lee's Comprehensive Record Template for easy copy and paste development of your own course description document.
- Over 220, one paragraph course descriptions covering all high school topics, including AP courses.
- Over 60 full-page course descriptions for some of the most popular homeschool courses, easily modifiable if you have used these or similar courses.
- Single course description template in case you need just one to get your started.
EducateAll the Training You Need to Get the Job Done.
Your purchase includes over 5 hours of video training, plus tools, resources, and ebooks on how to ...
- Use the Comprehensive Record Solution templates.
- Grading criteria suggestions, turning transcripts into course descriptions, reading and awards lists, special situations, putting it all together, submitting to the colleges.
- Additional documentation on cover letters, school profiles, letters of recommendation, activity list, reading list, volunteer tracking, report cards, high school resume, and homeschool diplomas.
EmpowerIn-depth Document Reviews with The HomeScholar.
- With your purchase, you are entitled to in-depth document reviews of four individual (one-page) course descriptions you develop.
- Send all four course descriptions that you want reviewed together in a single email to my special members-only email address and I will review them for you and provide you feedback!
- If you need more support, I will give you a special $30/month discount on membership to my Gold Care Club.
4 Great Bonuses
Transcript Pack
Get a Handle on the SAT, ACT, and other Standard High School Tests
- High School Testing: Workshop with Handout
- High School Testing Chart
- Supplemental Reading and Instruction
Planning Pack
My Favorite Homeschool Resources in One Spot!
- The HomeScholar Planning Guide
- Grading Criteria
- GPA Calculator
- The HomeScholar College Planning Calendar
Record Keeping Pack
Free and Discounted Books
- Free Book - "7 Secrets of Homeschooling through a Financial Storm"
- $10 off - "Setting the Records Straight"
Continuing Education Pack
Learn at Your Own Pace with the Silver Training Club
- 30 Days of Free Access to my Continually Refreshed Parent Training Site, the Silver Training Club
- Each additional 30 days is $27
- Cancel Anytime
Plus, 4 Amazing Surprise Bonuses
Another $120 Worth of Goodies is Waiting for you on the Inside!
About Lee Binz
My name is Lee Binz and I'm the HomeScholar. After homeschooling my own two children through high school, and spending over a decade helping other homeschoolers, I am here to tell you that you are capable of providing a superior education for your child! Unlike a certified teacher, I won't judge you or evaluate your child - I am the homeschool consultant that won't make you cry.
I am here to come alongside you and help you homeschool through high school. You will be able to enjoy these high school years, treasure the memories, and see your child go on to college and career.
I have three core beliefs about homeschooling:
1. Homeschooling independently provides the best possible learning environment.
2. Every child deserves a college-prep education, whether or not they choose to go to college.
3. Parents are capable of providing a superior education for their children.
All these testimonials you are reading are real parents who were in your position just a short time ago. You will never regret taking action today that could save your family thousands of dollars and get your children successfully launched to the college of their choice.
It's a wild ride! I'm so excited to help you along the way!
What Customers Are Saying About Lee
"I thought I would have to convince my husband that we wanted to spend this amount, but he is fully convinced that your materials are an investment in my daughter's education. That, my friend, is a compliment in the highest! We've been talking about it, and I told him that not only am I impressed with your materials, but my true respect for you has grown over the years. Your posts and answers are just so genuine that you can tell that you just have such a passion for this. You've had all too many opportunities to show that you were just in it for the dime by suggesting that people pay for a session, etc. I know that you have a heart for God, and that shines through too."

"I have been following your advice for 3 years now! I am so thankful for your willingness to mentor the homeschool community. My family has just gone through the college application process for the first time. Thanks to you, I felt very aware of what to expect, and confident in our coursework, preparation and transcript. We chose to send a full package, with a cover letter, school profile, table of contents, transcript and course descriptions to each college where our daughter applied. Her top three college choices have already sent acceptance letters with initial scholarship offers based on GPA and test scores. As a homeschooling mother, teacher, tutor and guidance counselor, I truly appreciate all you do!"

"I am so so so thankful to God for you. I spent the morning becoming confused and in despair over math and science next year. I was reading a homeschool forum trying to decide what to do for science next year. Some of the moms had the idea that you HAD to do certain things or your child's college career, not to mention life, would be ruined if you didn't do things a certain way. I finally remembered many of your encouraging, reassuring words regarding individuality and turned off that silly forum. I'm serious, I was nearly in tears. And the Lord brought your words so clearly to my thoughts."

From My Family’s Dream to Yours…
Winning those two full-tuition scholarships was like a dream come true for my family. It culminated long years of preparation, planning and learning. After talking to many colleges and universities, I am more convinced than ever that our comprehensive record played a key role in opening those doors that our children walked through.
So while I would love to promise you the same or even better results than we had, I know there are simply too many variables.
Here’s what I can promise though. Complete the four modules included in the Comprehensive Record Solution and you will be fully-equipped to complete a comprehensive record for your student that will perfectly reflect who they are to the colleges.
There is Still Time to Get $50 off and Extra Bonuses on Your Purchase of the Comprehensive Record Solution, using Coupon Code: 50FAIR2020

What Customers Think About Their Comprehensive Record Solution Purchase
"Thank you, Lee, you helped me tremendously complete transcripts, and especially, course descriptions. Your books are fantastic and have helped me for years! I especially love that you empower us to capture the learning going on in our homes without changing the way we each homeschool!! I have one daughter attending a private college and another has just received three college acceptances with Presidential Scholarships! We are very excited!! NY universities are not always accepting of homeschool transcripts and records, because of the state laws. With the course descriptions you helped me create, we had no issues. Yeah! All the best to you."

"During the registration process, one of the representatives stopped me and said, 'Your documents for your son were amazing. We would like to use them as a model for others, as they were really helpful for us and especially for homeschoolers!' Of course, I followed the Comprehensive Record Solution that you provide, and heard about your success with the admission process…. but never expected to hear it for our own admission! I believe that his homeschool accomplishments, along with his Comprehensive Record set him up for an amazing start for his first year of college. It was super fun to be able to customize it to make it a little bit of a portfolio as well. He actually received a higher scholarship offer from another university. Thank you AGAIN for the wonderful resource and training you provide to help us along the way. I would love to give everyone a vote of confidence for you!"

"I am writing to say thank you and to share our success story with you. Our son was just accepted early decision into college! Your resources were invaluable in helping me wade through the application process. I used both your Total Transcript Solution and Comprehensive Record Solution. I recommend your materials to all homeschoolers who have high school students, and I also agree with your suggestions that homeschoolers with younger students should also begin to learn all about keeping records before their children are in high school. Blessings and joy as you and your family!"

Frequently Asked Questions
With the Comprehensive Record Solution work on a Mac?
Yes, the templates are formatted for MS Word, Excel, and Pages. The Pages documents will run on a Mac. If you need to open a Word or Excel document on your Mac you will need a special application. There are many free and paid programs out there that allow Macs to open Microsoft products. Here are a few that will allow you to run Word and Excel files:For pdf files, you just need the Mac version of the free Adobe Reader. -
Will the Comprehensive Record Solution help me make my transcripts?
How do I cancel my Silver Training Club membership?
What if I want to cancel but forget?
The Homeschool Olympics
I loved watching the Olympic games, but it seems like every four years the networks find at least one “tragic” story to share with the audience. Perhaps it’s the Olympic skier who trains for 10 years only to fall 5 seconds out of the gate or the marathon runner who gets incorrect information from the trainer and misses his qualifying heat. I guess it is the mixture of “the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat” that makes this such compelling television.
Homeschooling high school has a lot in common with preparing for the Olympics. There is rigorous training, coaching, preparation, and loads of practice. Then, after four years of hard work comes your student’s opportunity to shine. What will the colleges say when you present your student to them?
Will they give them the Gold Medal, or will they be disqualified?
Just like the Olympics, the stakes are high. You play a critical role in preparing your “athlete.” A beautiful comprehensive record is one great way for your family to “go for the gold.”