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3 Easy Ways to Tell if Homeschool Curriculum is High School Level

A very common question I get is, "How can I tell if a curriculum/resource is high school level?" Usually, the answer is simple: someone will tell you! It will be marked in big letters on the front cover or listed clearly in the description. But when this is not the case, how can we tell?

Curriculum Benchmarks

A really easy way to test the level of your curriculum is to measure it against your local public school or your state educational standards. Some public schools are very friendly and open with you comparing their standard curriculum, so don't be shy to ask, and most states have their standards listed on their state education website. You will simply compare the content side by side. Is your homeschool curriculum covering the same basic topics at approximately the same challenge level? How heavy is the workload? Are there extracurricular activities or homework that attribute to the workload? If your homeschool curriculum is significantly lower in challenge level, you're likely looking at a middle school curriculum. If it is significantly higher, you could consider giving your student an honors notation for completing it!

Subject-Specific Progression

The next easiest way to test if a resource is high school level is to understand the usual flow of high school topics. With Math and Science, it's pretty easy to tell. With English and Social Studies, it can be a little more subjective. Here's a standard layout.
  • Math: Algebra I/II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus. As a rule of thumb, any text Algebra I or above is high school level. Math is usually very cut and dry, following a regular pattern of progression. Convenient! Note: it's perfectly acceptable to progress with Algebra I, then Geometry, then Algebra II and not put the Algebras back-to-back.
  • English: Literature analysis, research papers, advanced composition. See, this is the subjective part. How advanced is advanced composition? As long as your child is reading about 6 books per year (more is good too!) then they totally qualify for high school reading requirements. Check out this High School Reading List to get an idea of high school level reading.
  • Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics with lab components. Most Biology texts are high school level, but it's a looser rule than the Math texts. Lab experiments like dissections or chemical reactions are a great way to "beef" up a class and make it more rigorous, not to mention fun.
  • Social Studies: World History, US History, Government/Economics. At the high school level, social studies should include primary source analysis, argumentative writing, and critical thinking about complex social and historical issues, not just memorization of dates and facts. Social studies is less subjective than English, but there are still some gray spots – what does "critical thinking about complex social and historical issues" mean exactly? Luckily history is a rich well to dive into with endless facets and opinions to add rigor to classes.

External Validation Options

A great way to test your curriculum retrospectively is to have your child take a standardized test to see where they land. The SAT or ACT tests are great options since most of the nation takes them. If your child lands perfectly in the median of scores or higher, you are guaranteed to be using a high school level curriculum. AP or CLEP tests are even better. If your child is able to pass an AP or CLEP, not only are you for sure using high school level curriculum, you might be able to award them college level credit! AP and CLEP tests measure a "college credit amount" of work and knowledge and many colleges will accept these credits toward your child's degree.

Beyond tests, you could consider dual enrollment or community college classes to test the level of your curriculum. If your child is able to keep up with the material and earn a sufficient grade, you know you're right on track. If your child struggles or can't keep up with the pace, that might be a good sign to withdraw from the class and step up your game at home!

Tests and dual enrollment classes aren't good fits for everyone, so if you're just trying to determine the level of your curriculum, this is probably not the right step to start with! However, if you're using this as "external validation" of your homeschool, this is a great option.

So there you have it! If a high school designation isn't listed in bold on the cover, you now have three ways to test the rigor and level of your chosen curriculum. Do you have any outside-the-box ways you've tested your curriculum before? I want to know!
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