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Comprehensive Record Solution Review by Molly Evert of My Audio School


Comprehensive Record Solution
Review by Molly Evert of My Audio School

I recently completed the records for my homeschooled son’s freshman year in high school.  I was nervous about writing his transcript and unsure about how to best showcase my child’s unique strengths, but Lee Binz demystified the process for me with her Comprehensive Record Solution.  In hindsight I needn’t have worried so much about the transcript, as it didn’t take me long to put it together once I had a good model to follow.

My son’s transcript shows that he received excellent grades, but a transcript is a limited document.  It cannot adequately reveal the academic rigor of my child’s coursework.  That’s where the Comprehensive Record Solution (CRS) comes in!  It is a useful tool which goes way beyond the transcript.  Lee taught me how to write course descriptions which authenticate the hard work my child has done, enabling me to show off areas where he shined.  In addition to descriptions for each of his classes, his comprehensive record also contains his reading list, an activities and awards list, and a selection of work samples from each of his classes.

Initially I was overwhelmed when I thought of documenting his high school records.  Lee’s encouragement helped me to overcome my fears and to tackle the process in bite sized chunks.  In the end, it didn’t take nearly as long as I thought it would, even though I wasn’t as organized as I should have been.  It will be even easier next year, now that I have the framework completed and know what I should be doing along the way to streamline the process.

The CRS was convenient to use since much of the information is presented in three formats: audio, video, and print format.  I could use the format that appeals most to me (video) to learn the system.  Then I could easily flip to one of the articles to refresh my memory on specific points as I was going through the process, and I was even able to download some of the audio sessions to listen to on the go.

The features I liked best about the CRS were the samples and templates included in the course.  I gleaned a lot from looking at sample records that others had put together, and she had tons of sample course descriptions which I could easily adapt for my own purposes.  It was easy to jump in and get started using the blank downloadable templates provided with the course.  I was able to prepare a professional looking product relatively quickly thanks to the previously formatted templates.  Lee even offers to review some of your course descriptions to make sure you are putting your child’s best foot forward.

I initially thought the price of this course was steep, but I changed my mind after using it.  My son is still in high school, so we have yet to see what kind of scholarships he will be offered based on his grades and test scores, but well prepared and thorough records can only serve to help him as he seeks to get the most scholarship money he can.  I truly believe he will receive many more scholarship offers because of his excellent records than he would have if I had not prepared a comprehensive record.  I feel confident that his comprehensive record highlights his unique strengths and effectively demonstrates the rigor of his course of study.  Lee relieved this busy homeschool mom’s stress, by giving me the tools and the know-how to prepare excellent and thorough records.  For those reasons, I believe I will get exponentially more value out of this product than what Lee is selling it for.  With that said, I received a free three month trial of Comprehensive Record Solution in exchange for my honest review, and was not compensated in any other way.

My A la Carte courses can provide you with the tools you need to homeschool high school successfully.


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