To keep young gifted children challenged, you can go faster through core subjects, but it can be easier to go wider, and experience many different subjects. This can help you to feed their desire to learn more, but without the negatives that come with material that is above their maturity level. This post contains affiliate links. If you click and buy I may make a few pennies, but not enough for a latte. Keep Gifted Kids...
Keep Kids Challenged, Not Overwhelmed Remember Goldilocks and the Three Bears? One bowl of porridge was too hot, one bowl was too cold, and finally she found the porridge that was just right. Education is like that, too! The joy of homeschooling is that you can find the perfect temperature! You can monitor and adjust, and keep kids challenged, but not overwhelmed. Remember, you want them to learn, not to be bored. Check out these news stories.School is Too EasyNew...
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