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Should you homeschool high school?

Homeschooling high school gives children the advantage in academics, socialization, specialization and character.

One of our standard parental retorts when our kids were younger was, "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt." It usually came on the heels of "somebody" crying after the brother got a little too rough during a game. Over time, however, we found this expression applied more to us as parents as we considered homeschooling high school.At first, homeschooling was truly "fun and games." We loved the freedom of learning together, at your own pace, matching curriculum to the kid's interests and learning styles.  But high school seemed like much more serious business. We worried that somebody's future might get hurt. Our free and easy homeschool style started to take on a decidedly more "serious" tone.  Dark questions crept in:  "Can we do this?"  "What about college?"  "Will they be able to earn scholarships?"  And the ever popular, "How on earth will we teach Calculus?"I wish I could give you a well-reasoned answer to why we continued homeschooling through graduation.  The truth has likely more to do with inertia than conviction.  We loved homeschooling. We felt it was exactly what God wanted us to do, and it had worked well so far, so... we continued.

As is often the case, "no decision" is a decision.  Although we feigned confidence, there were still some lingering doubts. The doubts grew as we started college applications.  As slowly as these doubts crept in, they were gone in a single day.

I'm referring to the day we got a call from our children's first choice university. My boys had each been awarded a four year, full-tuition scholarship. We were thrilled and amazed! I had given the college a transcript I made on my home computer using a Word document. All the grades were "mommy grades." Our beloved and precious homeschool diploma was not accredited; it was purchased from an online printing company.

Think about how freeing this is! We were able to succeed in high school beyond our wildest dreams even though we were unprepared for the subject matter, doubtful of our capability, concerned about college, and afraid of the unknown. We were scared! But it worked out anyway. We were faithful to God's voice, despite our fears.

And when we are faithful, God is always more so.

They say hindsight is 20/20. Looking back, we can see how homeschooling high school gave us the advantage in academics, socialization, specialization and character.

Learn how homeschooling high school can  give your children the advantage, too!  Read the complete article online!
Facing the Crossroads

Amazing Records! A Model for Others!
Why did you decide to homeschool high school?

Comments 2

Guest - Katie (website) on Saturday, 08 September 2012 01:14

My oldest son is just starting 8th grade this year, but I have frequented your blog often over the last year. It's always encouraging, and I have found some great info and resources here! Thank you!

Not only do I second guess my decision to homeschool through high school, so do many of the people in my family. Like you mentioned above, they feel like it's been all fun and games up until now, lol. All I know is I still want to do what I think is the best thing for my kiddos. Right this second, homeschooling is still preferred by all of us (even my boys...they have no desire to return to a public school setting).

Aside from blogs like yours, I have recently found a site that has a great online community for resources and support: Not only do they have a parent forum, but they have a student forum my son can participate in as well.

Again, thank you for all of your information and resources, and more importantly your wonderful encouragement, for homeschoolers!


My oldest son is just starting 8th grade this year, but I have frequented your blog often over the last year. It's always encouraging, and I have found some great info and resources here! Thank you! :) Not only do I second guess my decision to homeschool through high school, so do many of the people in my family. Like you mentioned above, they feel like it's been all fun and games up until now, lol. All I know is I still want to do what I think is the best thing for my kiddos. Right this second, homeschooling is still preferred by all of us (even my boys...they have no desire to return to a public school setting). Aside from blogs like yours, I have recently found a site that has a great online community for resources and support: Not only do they have a parent forum, but they have a student forum my son can participate in as well. :) Again, thank you for all of your information and resources, and more importantly your wonderful encouragement, for homeschoolers! Katie
Guest - TDPaeton on Friday, 07 September 2012 12:02

Thanks so much for your continued encouragement!
We are first time homeschooling our 15 Yr old daughter as a sophomore this year!
She is super smart & very dedicated, but occasionally fears & a few doubts sometimes creep back in to our minds wondering if we're really on the right track....
About then, your blog pops up on my iPhone & dispels all the doubts & worries in a matter of minutes!
Peace rules my mind again about the decision to home school our youngest & (last high-school student at home)...and puts us at ease & we're joyfully on down the road of life again!
Thanks so much for everything!
We're so glad we found you!
The Partons
SW Mo.

Thanks so much for your continued encouragement! We are first time homeschooling our 15 Yr old daughter as a sophomore this year! She is super smart & very dedicated, but occasionally fears & a few doubts sometimes creep back in to our minds wondering if we're really on the right track.... About then, your blog pops up on my iPhone & dispels all the doubts & worries in a matter of minutes! Peace rules my mind again about the decision to home school our youngest & (last high-school student at home)...and puts us at ease & we're joyfully on down the road of life again! Thanks so much for everything! We're so glad we found you! The Partons SW Mo.
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