Senior Year Homeschool and Way Behind!
It can happen; you lose track of time and the next thing you know your child is a high school senior! Parents often feel like they are behind, but don't know what steps to take. If you have a senior and don't know what to do next, let me provide some direction.
Look over which classes colleges want to see for admission and determine if there are any holes in your child's transcript that need to be filled. Don't worry about the past, just try to fill holes. For planning help, here is an article about Planning High School Courses. Another article that may help is 9 Easy Steps: High School Graduation Checklist.
After assessing your situation, focus on just two things: taking the SAT and attending a college fair.
Register for the next available SAT
Write the date on your calendar. If possible, have your child prepare by taking a sample test in advance.
Attend a college fair
Attending a college fair can help your child decide which college is appealing and colleges that may have scholarships available for your child.
After assessing and taking immediate action, scheduling the SAT and a college fair, create a transcript. For help with transcripts, check out The HomeScholar Total Transcript Solution. For $47 you get an audio course about how to make a transcript, an accompanying ebook, a huge variety of templates in Word and Excel to use, and 30 days of help from me. With your purchase, you will also receive one 20-minute private consultation.
I know you are feeling a little bit “behind.” Take these simple steps and you will be right back on track!
Are you feeling behind? Please share in the comments!

Please note: This post was originally published in October 2009 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Senior Year Homeschool and Way Behind
Look over which classes colleges want to see for admission and determine if there are any holes in your child's transcript that need to be filled. Don't worry about the past, just try to fill holes. For planning help, here is an article about Planning High School Courses. Another article that may help is 9 Easy Steps: High School Graduation Checklist.
After assessing your situation, focus on just two things: taking the SAT and attending a college fair.
Register for the next available SAT
- Learn about the test here. (If your child will be taking the SAT in 2016 or later, read Big Changes Coming with the Redesigned SAT)
- Register for the test here
Write the date on your calendar. If possible, have your child prepare by taking a sample test in advance.
Attend a college fair
- Read the article Three Steps to Finding a College
- Links to Christian College fairs
- Links to all-inclusive college fairs
Attending a college fair can help your child decide which college is appealing and colleges that may have scholarships available for your child.
After assessing and taking immediate action, scheduling the SAT and a college fair, create a transcript. For help with transcripts, check out The HomeScholar Total Transcript Solution. For $47 you get an audio course about how to make a transcript, an accompanying ebook, a huge variety of templates in Word and Excel to use, and 30 days of help from me. With your purchase, you will also receive one 20-minute private consultation.
I know you are feeling a little bit “behind.” Take these simple steps and you will be right back on track!
Are you feeling behind? Please share in the comments!

Please note: This post was originally published in October 2009 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
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Comments 4
LOL, we were on track until my dear child decided to change her choice of career (thanks for the warning that kids do this, Lee). Now we're only a *little* behind. Fortunately, the community college she's already attending (dual enrollment) is now offering 4-year programs. My child is now working with a career counselor before the Fall rush. WOO HOOOOOOOOOOO! So now we need to catch up by researching new colleges and we'll need to pony up a little money to send the SAT scores to different colleges than the ones she picked three months ago. It's all good - I'm glad she did this now before we committed to applying, etc.
Isn't that the way, Jo? You're not alone, I'm sure! Lee writes about this, because teenagers are prone to changing their minds!
Assistant to The HomeScholar
[...] found interesting and helpful this week. The Notebooking Fairy The Notebooking Fairy Notebook Ideas Senior Year Homeschool and Way Behind Planning Your Homeschool Year Homeschool Record [...]
This is incredibly helpful! Thank you.