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Course Description Catalog to Copy and Paste

Course descriptions for high school classes can cause anxiety - even panic! There is a great copy and paste solution for real homeschool families. You can crowd-source the creation of your homeschool course descriptions with the Comprehensive Record Solution. It includes course descriptions for all families in all situations, with math descriptions from remedial to differential equations beyond calculus. It includes delight directed learning courses from cattle ranching to hula dancing, you are sure to find some time-saving course descriptions that are a perfect fit for your family. It's as easy as copy, paste, modify, and move on to the next one!

The Comprehensive Record Solution includes seven complete Comprehensive Record Packages from seven different families and perspectives, so you can see a wide variety of educational experiences in print. It includes many full-page course descriptions that include resources used and grading criteria considered for evaluation. It has a huge number of course descriptions that are simple descriptive paragraphs of homeschool classes. There may be multiple versions of a course description for some subjects, like Algebra 1, for example.

Course Description Catalog for English Classes 

English: Advanced Essay and Research
English: Advanced Poetry with Analysis
English: Advanced High School Literature & Composition – 9th Grade
English: American Literature I and Composition
English: American Literature II and Composition
English: American Literature & Composition – 12th Grade
English: British Literature and Composition
English: European Literature and Composition
English: General Survey Literature and Composition
English: Literature & Composition – 10th Grade
English: 20th Century Literature & Composition – 11th Grade
English: Novel Writing
English: Speech Communication

Course Description Catalog for Mathematics Classes 

Math: Algebra 1
Math: Algebra 1
Math: Honors Algebra 1
Math: Formal Geometry
Math: Geometry
Math: Geometry
Math: Honors Geometry
Math: Honors Algebra 2
Math: Algebra II
Math: Algebra 2
Math: Algebra 2
Math: Trigonometry
Math: Pre-Calculus
Math: Honors Precalculus
Math: Calculus
Math: Honors Calculus
Math: Honors Calculus 1
Math: AP® Calculus BC
Mathematics: Honors Engineering Mathematics
Mathematics: Honors Differential Equations

Course Description Catalog for Science and Technology Classes 

Science: Biology with Lab
Science: Biology with Lab
Science: Biology with Lab
Science: Biology with Laboratory
Science: Honors Advanced Biology with Lab
Science: Chemistry with Lab
Science: Chemistry with Lab
Science: Chemistry with Lab - 11th Grade
Science: Chemistry with Laboratory
Science: Physics with Lab
Science: Honors Physics with Lab
Science: Honors Physics I with Laboratory
Science: AP® Physics C - Mechanics
Science: AP® Physics C – Electricity and Magnetism
Science: Honors Physics II
Science: Intro. to Human Anatomy
Science: Environmental Science 1A
Science: Environmental Science 1B
Science: IMACS University Computer Science 1
Science: IMACS University Computer Science II

Technology: Robotics Lab 1
Technology: Robotics Lab 2
Technology: Robotics Lab 3
Technology: Robotics Lab 4

 Course Description Catalog for Social Studies Classes

Social Studies: Early American History
Social Studies: American History
Social Studies: United States History I
Social Studies: U.S. History
Social Studies: Modern US History
Social Studies: Diversity in U.S. History
Social Studies: United States History II
Social Studies: US History: Black American Perspectives
Social Studies: 20th Century World History
Social Studies: World History: World in Conflict
Social Studies: Modern World History
Social Studies: World History 2
Social Studies: European History
Social Studies: World Geography Survey
Social Studies: American Government
Social Studies: U.S. Constitution and Government
Social Studies: U.S. Government
Social Studies: Church History: Miracles Past to Present
Social Studies: Economics
Social Studies: Economics I
Social Studies: Economics II
Social Studies: Philosophy: World View
Social Studies: Psychology 1B
Social Studies: Psychology 1A

Course Description Catalog for Foreign Language Classes 

Foreign Language: JCCC FL 140: Elementary French 1
Foreign Language: JCCC FL 141: Elementary French 2
Foreign Language: JCCC FL 240: Intermediate French 1
Foreign Language: JCCC FL 241: Intermediate French 2
Foreign Language: French II
Foreign Language: French III
Foreign Language: French IV
Foreign Language: Latin 1
Foreign Language: Latin 1
Foreign Language: Latin 2
Foreign Language: Latin 2
Foreign Language: Latin 3
Foreign Language: Italian 1
Foreign Language: Spanish 1
Foreign Language: Spanish 1
Foreign Language: Spanish 2
Foreign Language: Spanish 2
Foreign Language: Spanish 3
Foreign Language: Spanish 4

Course Description Catalog for Fine Arts Classes 

Fine Arts: Classical Music Appreciation
Fine Arts: Piano 1
Fine Arts: JCCC MUS 221: Piano Class 1
Fine Arts: Piano 2
Fine Arts: Piano 3
Fine Arts: MIDI Music Composition
Fine Arts: Honors Music Theory & Piano Study
Fine Arts: Choir
Fine Arts: European Art History and Appreciation

Course Description Catalog of Electives Classes 

Elective: Animal Husbandry 2
Elective: Bible & Ethics
Elective: Competitive Debate 9
Elective: Competitive Speech & Debate 10
Elective: Competitive Speech & Debate 11
Elective: Competitive Speech & Debate 12
Elective: Computer Game Design
Elective: Computer Science
Elective: Computer Science - C Programming Language
Elective: Computer Science - SQL Database Query Language
Elective: Computer Science - C++: Programming Concepts and Applications
Elective: Computer Science - Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word
Elective: Computer Science - Java: Programming Concepts and Applications
Elective: Computer Science -Windows Programming 9th Grade
Elective: Filmmaking Year 3
Elective: Foundations in Personal Finance & Economics
Elective: Government & Economics
Elective: Health
Elective: Health: Human Development
Elective: Occupational Education - Cattle Ranching
Elective: Occupational Education - Advanced Cattle Ranching
Elective: Public Speaking
Elective: Traditional Logic I
Elective: Traditional Logic II

Course Description Catalog for Physical Education Classes

Physical Education: Personal Fitness – Taekwondo - 9th Grade
Physical Education: Personal Fitness – Taekwondo – 10th Grade
Physical Education - Personal Fitness – Taekwondo – 11th Grade
Physical Education: Personal Fitness – Taekwondo – 12th Grade
Physical Education: Fencing 101
Physical Education: Fencing 102
Physical Education: Fencing 103
Physical Education: Fencing 104
Physical Education: Health - LIFEPAC Health

But wait! Not all parents write full-page course descriptions! Some parents prefer a simple descriptive paragraph. This is the list of full-page course descriptions in the Comprehensive Record Solution that homeschool parents can copy and paste.

English: Freshman English
English 1
English I – 9th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
English 1: Ancient Literature: Honors/Composition
English: Honors Ancient Literature and Composition
English 1: Essay Writing
English: Advanced Essay and Research
English: Honors Academic Essay Writing
English: American Literature I and Composition
English: American Literature with Composition
English: American Literature II and Composition
English: Honors American Literature and Composition
English 10: Literature & Composition
English II – 10th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
English: General Survey Literature and Composition
English 2: Honors Literature and Composition
English: European Literature with Composition
English III – 11th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
English IV – 12th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
English: 20th Century Literature & Composition
English: Advanced High School Literature & Composition
English: Classic Lit. of Western World AD 500-1800: Honors
English: Classic Lit. of Western World 1800s: Honors
English: Classic Lit. of 20th Century: Honors
English: Skills for Literary Analysis and Research Writing
English: Honors World Literature and Composition
English: British Literature
English: British Literature and Composition
English: Honors British Literature and Composition
English: Speech and Debate
English: Speech Communication
English: Writing and Analytical Grammar
English: Poetry
English: Advanced Poetry with Analysis

Math: Algebra 1
Math: Algebra 1
Math: Algebra 1
Math: Algebra 1
Math: Honors Algebra 1
Math: College Prep Algebra 1
Math: Geometry
Math: Geometry
Math: Geometry
Math: Honors Geometry
Math: CP Formal Geometry
Math: Algebra II
Math: Algebra 2
Math: Algebra II
Math: Honors Algebra 2
Math: Honors Algebra II
Math: Trigonometry
Math: Pre-Calculus (Dual Enrollment)
Math: Honors Trigonometry
Math: Honors Precalculus
Math: Honors Calculus
Math: Honors Calculus 1
Math: AP® Calculus BC
Math: Accounting Principles I
Mathematics: Honors Engineering Mathematics
Mathematics: Honors Differential Equations
Math: Math I – 9th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Math: Math II – 10th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Math: Math III – 11th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Math: Math IV – 12th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)

Science: Physical Science with Lab
Science: Anatomy and Physiology – 11th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Science: Astronomy – 10th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Science: Biology with Lab
Science: Biology with Lab
Science: Biology with Lab
Science: Biology with Lab
Science: Biology with Lab
Science: Biology with Laboratory
Science: College Prep Biology with Lab
Science: Biology – 9th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Science: Advanced Biology
Science: Honors Advanced Biology with Lab
Science: Issues in Contemporary Biology
Science: Chemistry with Lab
Science: Chemistry with Lab
Science: Chemistry with Lab
Science: Chemistry with Lab
Science: Chemistry with Lab
Science: Chemistry with Laboratory
Science: College Prep Chemistry with Lab
Science: Chemistry and Physics – 12th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Science: Honors Physics with Lab
Science: Honors Physics I with Laboratory
Science: College Prep Physics with Lab
Science: Honors Physics II
Science: AP® Physics C - Mechanics
Science: AP® Physics C – Electricity and Magnetism
Science: Introduction to Human Anatomy
Science: Environmental Science and Alternative Energies
Science: Environmental Science 1A
Science: Environmental Science 1B
Science: Introduction to Computers
Science: University Computer Science 1
Science: University Computer Science 2

Technology: Robotics Lab 1
Technology: Robotics Lab 2
Technology: Robotics Lab 3
Technology: Robotics Lab 4

Social Studies: State History – 10th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Social Studies: Early American History
Social Studies: U.S. History
Social Studies: United States History I
Social Studies: United States History – 9th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Social Studies: Diversity in U.S. History
Social Studies: United States History II
Social Studies: Modern US History
Social Studies: US History: Black American Perspectives
Social Studies: Honors American History and Constitution
Social Studies: World History Survey
Social Studies: World History
Social Studies: Honors World History
Social Studies: Ancient World History
Social Studies: Honors Ancient World History
Social Studies: 20th Century World History
Social Studies: Modern World History
Social Studies: History of the Ancient World Honors
Social Studies: History of the World: Fall of Rome to 1800s: Honors
Social Studies: History of the World: 1800s: Honors
Social Studies: History of the World: 1900s: Honors
Social Studies: World History: World in Conflict
Social Studies: Honors British History
Social Studies: European History (with travel)
Social Studies: Church History: Miracles Past to Present
Social Studies: World History and Physical Geography
Social Studies: World Geography (Includes Co-Op experiences)
Social Studies: World Geography
Social Studies: World Geography 10 (Modified for Special Needs)
Social Studies: Economics
Social Studies: Economics 1
Social Studies: Economics I
Social Studies: Economics 2
Social Studies: Economics II
Social Studies: Economics 3
Social Studies: Economics - 12th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Social Studies: Microeconomics
Social Science: American Government 1
Social Studies: American Government
Social Studies: American Government
Social Studies: American Government
Social Studies: U.S. Government
Social Studies: U.S. Government – 12th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Social Studies: Constitutional Law
Social Studies: Constitutional Law
Social Studies: U.S. Constitution and Government
Social Studies: Philosophy: World View
Social Studies: Psychology 1A
Social Studies: Psychology 1B

Foreign Language: Elementary French 1
Foreign Language: Elementary French 2
Foreign Language: Intermediate French 1
Foreign Language: Intermediate French 2
Foreign Language: French II
Foreign Language: French III
Foreign Language: French IV
Foreign Language: German: Levels 1, 2, 3
Foreign Language: Italian 1
Foreign Language: Latin 1
Foreign Language: College Prep Latin I
Foreign Language: Latin 2
Foreign Language: Honors Latin II
Foreign Language: Latin 3
Foreign Language: Modern Hebrew
Foreign Language: Spanish
Foreign Language: Spanish 1
Foreign Language: Spanish 1
Foreign Language: Spanish 1
Foreign Language: Spanish I (Dual Enrollment)
Foreign Language: Spanish I – 11th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Foreign Language: Honors Spanish I
Foreign Language: Spanish 2
Foreign Language: Spanish 2
Foreign Language: Spanish II – 12th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Foreign Language: Honors Spanish II
Foreign Language: Spanish 3
Foreign Language: Honors Spanish III
Foreign Language: Spanish 4

Music: Individual Vocal Instruction with Performance
Music: Wind Ensemble I-II
Music: Chorus I-II
Music: Choir/Voice – 9th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Music: Choir/Voice – 10th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Music: Banjo and Guitar
Music: Banjo and Guitar 2nd Year
Music: Banjo/Guitar/Mandolin/Dobro 3rd Year
Music: Musicianship 1 Materials and Structure
Music: Musicianship 1 with Performance
Music: Musicianship 2 with Performance

Fine Arts: Choir
Fine Arts: Classical Music Appreciation
Fine Arts: European Art History and Appreciation (with travel)
Fine Arts: Fashion Design
Fine Arts: Piano 1
Fine Arts: Piano 2
Fine Arts: Piano 3
Fine Arts: University Piano 1
Fine Arts: Honors Music Theory and Piano Study
Fine Arts: College Prep Music with Performance
Fine Arts: MIDI Music Composition
Fine Arts: Acting Fundamentals
Fine Arts: Musical Theater with Performance
Fine Arts: Audio Engineering (Dual Enrollment)

Elective: Animal Husbandry 2
Elective: Animal Husbandry 2
Elective: Bible I with Application
Elective: Bible I: Worldview from Ancient to Modern Times
Elective: Bible II: Disciplines of a Godly Man
Elective: Bible II with Application
Elective: Bible III: Christianity vs. Religion
Elective: Bible III with Application
Elective: Bible IV with Application
Elective: Honors Foundations of Christian Doctrine
Elective: Honors Church History
Elective: Honors Christianity and Culture
Elective: Honors Biblical Philosophy
Elective: Book Arts
Elective: College Readiness and Study Skills
Elective: College Skills
Elective: Competitive Debate
Elective: Competitive Speech and Debate 10
Elective: Competitive Speech and Debate 11
Elective: Competitive Speech and Debate 12
Elective: Computer Gaming Design
Elective: Computer Science
Elective: Computer Science - C Programming Language
Elective: Computer Science - SQL Database Query Language
Elective: Computer Science - Programming Concepts and Applications
Elective: Computer Science -: Programming Concepts and Applications
Elective: Computer Science - Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word
Elective: Driver's Education
Elective: Driver's Education
Elective: Foundations of Personal Finance and Economics
Elective: Health
Elective: Health: Human Development
Elective: Logic
Elective: Traditional Logic I
Elective: Traditional Logic II
Elective: College Prep Formal Logic
Elective: Occupational Education
Elective: Religious Education
Elective: Roman History
Elective: Leadership Studies
Elective: Public Speaking
Elective: Public Speaking
Elective: Study Skills
Elective: Advanced Study Skills
Elective: Speech and Study Skills
Elective: Windows Programming
Elective: Computer Science
Elective: Teaching Assistant Honors Calculus and Honors Physics I

Occupational Education: Advanced Cattle Ranching
Occupational Education: Bluegrass Band I
Occupational Education: Bluegrass Band II
Occupational Education: Bluegrass Band III

Life Skills: Food and Nutrition (Modified for Special Needs)
Life Skills and Volunteer Work I – 9th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Life Skills and Volunteer Work II – 10th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Life Skills III – 11th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Life Skills IV – 12th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)

Physical Education I
Physical Education I – 9th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Physical Education II
Physical Education II – 10th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Physical Education III
Physical Education III – 11th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Physical Education IV – 12th Grade (Modified for Special Needs)
Physical Education: Dance - Ballet and Hula
Physical Education: Fencing 101
Physical Education: Fencing 102
Physical Education: Fencing 103
Physical Education: Fencing 104
Physical Education: Health and Fitness
Physical Education: Health - LIFEPAC Health
Physical Education: Marksmanship
Physical Education: Fitness
Physical Education: Personal Fitness and Wellness 1
Physical Education: Personal Fitness and Wellness 2
Physical Education: Personal Fitness and Wellness 3
Physical Education – Personal Fitness - Taekwondo

Finally, the Comprehensive Record Solution includes course descriptions available for every AP Course.

Fine Arts 

AP 2-DArt and Design
AP 3-D Art and Design
AP Drawing
AP Art History
AP Music Theory


AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition

History and Social Sciences 

AP Comparative Government and Politics
AP European History
AP Human Geography
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP Psychology
AP U.S. Government and Politics
AP U.S. History
AP World History: Modern


AP Seminar
AP Research

Math and Science 

AP Calculus AB Course
AP Calculus BC Courses
AP Computer Science A
AP Statistics Course
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science
AP Physics 1
AP Physics 2
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Physics C: Mechanics

World Languages and Cultures 

AP Chinese Language and Culture
AP French Language and Culture
AP German Language and Culture
AP Italian Language and Culture
AP Japanese Language and Culture
AP Latin Course
AP Spanish Language and Culture
AP Spanish Literature and Culture

Listen, "copy and paste" is always easier than "compose and create." You can use course descriptions from real homeschool families, crowd-source the creation of your homeschool records, and make the job faster and easier to create. A quick skim, a few modifications, and voila! Your records are ready. The Comprehensive Record Solution is your new best friend!

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