Some Parents Pay $70,000 for a College Admission Counselor*

* Smart Parents Equip Themselves and Get Better Results ... 

Some Parents Pay $70,000 for a College Admission Counselor*

* Smart Parents Equip Themselves and Get Better Results ... 

Some Parents Pay $70,000 for a College Admission Counselor*

* Smart Parents Equip Themselves and Get Better Results ... 

Get Lifetime Access to the College Launch Solution for only $497

There is Still Time to Get $100 off Your Purchase PLUS a $300 Parent Training Bonus


You Don't Need to Bribe a College Admissions Counselor to Help Your Kids Get Into College!

The college admission scandal that has sent a few high profile parents to prison highlights how ultra-competitive getting into college has become. Even without the element of bribery, many public and private school parents have felt compelled to hire a college admission counselor (AKA, an Independent Educational Consultant, college coach, or college planning pro) to improve their kid's chances.

In a nutshell, college admission consultants help students apply to colleges. They will not fill out application paperwork but will guide students and parents on where to apply (the best fit) and how to navigate the college admissions process.

Sounds great except that even the most affordable college consultant charges between $150 and $200/hour and the average total cost of hiring a coach for a couple of years is almost $6000 per student. 

I will pause while you pull your chin off the ground....

Still, the average tuition and fees for a 4-year public institution for the 2019-2020 school year totaled between $10,116 (in-state) and $22,577 (out-of-state). The average tuition and fees for a 4-year private institution totaled to $36,810.   To graduate, a student may spend over $90,300 to earn a degree from a public institution and over $147,200 to earn a degree from a private institution - assuming they graduate in 4 years.   

So, despite the expense of a professional coach, wealthy families are sometimes willing to invest money now to ensure a great fit, which will hopefully translate to money saved and money earned later.

But what if you aren't a wealthy family? Not having a spare $6,000 lying around, most parents with kids in the public and private school system rely on their school's guidance counselor. The problem with that is the average senior high guidance counselor has 491 students to guide and so their help is very limited.
Even the few who have the means to employ an admission coach are disappointed with what is often a "one-size-fits-all" approach. One mom wrote to me and said,

"We hired a college coach, I feel she was totally off the mark with her suggestions. Disappointing. We needed more information.” 

The Homeschool College Admissions Difference

Homeschooling is different. I believe YOU are your student's best homeschool guidance counselor and can become your student's best college admissions coach (just think of the student to guidance counselor ratio alone). You are the person who LOVES your child and is the most motivated to help then succeed at college. In addition, you don't have to rely on an overworked school guidance counselor or an overpriced admission coach. You can do it yourself ... except for one thing ...

The missing ingredient is knowledge. Like most parents who don't live, breathe, and sleep the college admissions process, your understanding of the ever-changing admission process might be a bit lacking. You would love to have the time to research all that is needed to be successful in transitioning from homeschool to college, but other things keep getting in the way - like feeding and teaching them. 

In addition, homeschool families are typically single income and often don't have a spare $4000+ lying around the house. I know we sure didn't. 

The bottom line is the spirit is willing but the flesh (i.e., time and finances) are weak.

It can be kind of a helpless feeling. Or, at least, it has been ... until now.

Introducing the Affordable College Admission Solution for Launching Your Child into College, Career, and Life!

The College Launch Solution will teach you how to be the best college admission counselor for your child

Here's Why You Need It!

The College Launch Solution (CLS) and it is now available to help parents just like you. Similar to hiring a college coach, you will get help on finding the right college and completing the applications. But the College Launch Solution is very different than hiring a college admissions counselor in some very important ways: 

  • You don't hire a counselor - the College Launch Solution will teach you how to be the counselor
  • You don't have to scour the internet for information - the College Launch Solution will present it to you conveniently in one place
  • You don't have to wonder if you have done enough - the College Launch Solution will show you all you need to do and when it needs to be done
  • qxif-heartYou don't have to "pool ignorance" about admissions process with your friends - the College Launch Solution will give you access to me, a trusted and respected expert on homeschooling and admission counseling.
  • qxif-heartYou don't have to choose between working blindly or spending thousands you don't have - the College Launch Solution will give you the right amount of help for a fraction of the cost.
  • qxif-heartYou don't have to re-learn and re-invest in admission counseling for every child - the College Launch Solution gives you lifetime access and is always kept up to date!

The College Launch Solution Gives More

There are other key differences between the College Launch Solution and a college coach. A coach will help you up to the point of being admitted to college. Their focus is just getting your student in the door. The College Launch Solution goes way beyond that and will help your student actually SUCCEED in college! That's right, the College Launch Solution includes a large training module to teach your student the skills they will need to thrive in college, including study skills (even for struggling learners), college writing skills, and discernment skills.  And if your student's path is unclear right now, we even have training on how they can find their calling and how to be an entrepreneur.

But how about you - the devoted homeschooling parent? What will you do when you are finished homeschooling? The College Launch Solution will provide you guidance and training not only for the launch, but also how you can survive and flourish after homeschooling is complete. There isn't a coach in the world that will help you with that challenge!

Look at All You'll Get:

The College Launch Solution Gives You One-Stop Access to Up-to-Date Information on College Admissions, College Scholarships, and Launch Success, including Classes, Workbooks, Tools, eBooks, and Homeschooling Support. Specifically, it includes:
  • 67 hours of training classes with video, audio, downloadables, and resources
  • 12 eBooks with detailed and specific resources for unique needs
  • 6 comprehensive training modules to help finding a college, apply, get college scholarships for homeschoolers, and succeed in adult life
  • 4 great surprise bonuses
  • 3 flexible support options for group, private, or community coaching. Switch between options as your needs change.
  • qxio-android-checkbox-outlineLifetime access that you can use to guide all your children, plus a 30-day, money-back guarantee

What People Are Saying About the College Launch Solution

“My family has just gone through the college application process for the first time. Thanks to you, I felt very aware of what to expect, and confident in our coursework, preparation and transcript. As a homeschooling mother, teacher, tutor and guidance counselor, I truly appreciate all you do.”

Kathy and daughter, Sarah
Kathy appreciates Lee

“You have created such an incredible resource and I'm thrilled to be mentored through these high school years. It's obvious you are a woman of great excellence. You offer so much to the homeschool community and you obviously care deeply about the education of those choosing to educate their children at home.”

Pastor Diane in Washington
Pastor Diane loves Lee

“I am thoroughly impressed by the breadth and depth of the information Lee provides. As a busy homeschooler, you don't have time to spend hours upon hours conducting research about high school. Take advantage of the work Lee has done for you that is so amazingly informative”

Carletta in Texas
Carletta learned how to be her daughter

6 Great Teaching Modules

  • Core Training

    A complete overview of what is required from teens and parents for a successful launch, including meeting deadlines, coaching your teen through 11th and 12th grade, submitting documentation). 

    Your purchase includes over 10 hours of training covering ...

    - What teens need to know about college admissions and career success

    - What parents need to know about how homeschoolers get into college, including applications, what to do and when to do it

    - How to be your student's best guidance counselor and best college coach

    - How to understand college admissions and scholarships for best results.

  • Finding a College

    Detailed instruction for each consideration of the college search, including location, fit, affordability, worldview, degree choices, and graduation rate. 

    Your purchase includes over 12 of video training, plus tools, resources, and  ebooks covering ...

    - Planning junior year

    - Succeeding at the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and CLT (including recommended study guides)

    - Finding and choosing a college

    - How to handle special situations like applying to Ivy schools and military academies, struggling learners, Christian colleges, NCAA, and living overseas. 

  • Paying for College

    Understand the strategies and tactics for minimizing your college costs, including junior year strategies, dual enrollment, college financing options, avoiding debt, and earning scholarships.

    Your purchase includes over 8 hours of video training, plus tools, resources, and  ebooks on how to ...

    - Win merit scholarships

    - Find private scholarships

    - Secure financial aid, and 

    - Shorten the time to earn your degree. 

  • Applying to College

    Complete training and tools to succeed in the college application process, including filling out the forms, essays, recommendation letters, homeschool records, activity list, and interviews. 

    Your purchase includes over 8 hours of video training, plus tools, resources, and ebooks on how to ...

    - Plan for and implement critical steps required during senior year 

    - Prepare homeschool records that will help your admission and scholarship chances

    - Interpret and fulfill college admission requirements and complete the essays

    - Track your college applications and compare college costs in order to make a final decision.

  • Preparing for Launch

    Understand the critical factors and decisions needed to ensure a successful launch for both parents and teens, including the required independent living, life, and workplace skills, employability, and the delicate art of letting go.

    Your purchase includes over 13 hours of video training, plus tools, resources, and ebooks covering ...

    - Options after high school

    - How to prepare for the empty/emptier nest

    - How to discover your calling and your passion

    - How to create a memorable graduation event.

  • Succeeding in College

    Critical lessons on how to successfully make the leap from homeschool to college, including study skills, social skills, college writing, maintaining grades, and maturing faith.

    Your purchase includes over 12 hours of video training, plus tools, resources, and ebooks on how to ...

    - Go beyond college survival and learn to thrive

    - Become a learning superhero

    - Improve your college writing

    - Guard and grow your faith at college.

4 Great Bonuses

Launch Training for Visual Learners

Get My Four Best Selling Homeschool Books

  • Setting the Records Straight
  • The HomeScholar Guide to College Admission and Scholarships
  • Technologic: How to Set Logical Technology Boundaries in Your Home
  • Finding the Faith to Homeschool High School

Homeschool Mini-Conference

Get Encouraged with this 4-Workshop College Launch Mini-Conference!

  • Beyond Academics: Live Workshop Recording
  • Finding the Faith to Homeschool High School: Live Workshop Recording
  • The One-hour Transcript Workshop: Live Workshop Recording
  • Creating Transcripts for Your Unique Child: Live Workshop Recording

A Gentle Introduction to the College Launch

Four Introductory Training Classes on the College Launch

  • The 5 Fundamentals of the College Launch
  • The 10 Cs of College and Career Success
  • Fears and Tears, Cheers, or Wet-Behind-the-Ears
  • College Applications Simply Explained

Course Descriptions for High School Credit

Teens Earn Transcript Credit Working Inside the College Launch Solution

  • How to Use the College Launch Solution to Earn Homeschool Transcript Credit
  • Course Description 1: English: Literature and Essay Writing 
  • Course Description 2: Elective: College and Career Readiness

2 Flexible Homeschool Coaching Options

Private Coaching

Perfect for SOME Homeschooling Families
  • Lifetime access to all training modules, plus
  • Monthly accountability emails to keep you on track
  • Monthly Q & A workshops to answer your questions
  • Private Facebook group to get support from others
  • Gold Care Club access for help with your younger teens
  • Weekly coaching to get you through the process with the knowledge, support, and accountability you need.
  • $97/month, the first month is free. Cancel any time.

Group Coaching

Perfect for MOST Homeschooling Families
  • Lifetime access to all training modules, plus
  • Monthly accountability emails to keep you on track
  • Monthly Q & A workshops to answer your questions
  • Private Facebook group to get support from others
  • Silver Training Club access for help with your younger teens
  • Just enough coaching to get you through the process with the knowledge, support, and accountability you need.
  • $27/month, the first month is free. Cancel any time.

About Lee Binz

Lee Binz will teach you how to plan for college.
My name is Lee Binz and I'm the HomeScholar.  For over a decade I have been helping parents homeschool high school, I have seen thousands of parents anxious to help their students succeed in their college search but unable to afford professional help spend many late and sleepless nights hoping they are doing all they need in order to keep their child's college dreams afloat. They struggle and stumble through their child's junior and senior year, trying to learn what they can through the largest uncurated library in the universe - the internet. They hope they aren't messing up, but deep in their hearts they know that hope isn't a strategy.

Well, I've got great news! I have cracked to code on getting into college and earning scholarships and what is required to successfully launch your student into college and life. I have documented all I have learned in one convenient place. You will no longer be helpless in the face of the admissions monster. You will have the knowledge you need at your fingertips and the support you need just an email or phone call away.  I can enable you to become the best possible college admissions advisor for your child to help you both achieve your highest dreams and aspirations for your post-homeschool life. 


What Customers Are Saying About Lee

"I met with Lee 11 years ago. I learned so much from her about organizing my academic plans, documenting our annual progress, and creating stellar transcripts. Flash forward. My oldest will be entering a top law school this fall. Our middle child just graduated where he had a full scholarship and is preparing for grad school. Our youngest has scholarship offers from several colleges. Lee's guidance and advice was instrumental in helping me create a strong, academic curriculum, and to document and track all that we did. Lee is organized, positive, practical, and creative. I highly recommend her service."

Niki in Washington
Niki in Washington Love The HomeScholar

"Thank you so much for sharing your personal journey, expertise, and encouragement! Our family knows that homeschooling is exactly where God wants us, but sometimes, while it seems we're trudging through the trenches, your advice is exactly what God uses to keep me focused and productive. Homeschooling 3 high schoolers and having two preschoolers, keeps me pretty much permanently logged in to your site! "

Amanda in Florida
Amanda in Florida

"My homeschool mentor, Lee Binz, helped me realize that capitalizing on my kids' strengths and passions was the ticket to helping each of them gain entry into their next chapter of life. I am so thankful for the instruction, solid support, and mentorship that the HomeScholar provided me. Lee has a heart for homeschool moms trying to sort through all the confusing information out there, and she's not judgmental about doing things "the one way". I cannot recommend her services highly enough. How nice it would have been to have had her input during my middle-schooling years!"

Mary in North Carolina
Mary in North Carolina

What Are You Waiting For?

Homeschoolers are a diverse group, but there are a few things we have in common. One is a sense of responsibility for the educational outcome of our children. This commitment compels us to tackle every challenge that comes not only with educating teens, but also raising them. A related characteristic is a sense of accountability that we are the ones who ultimately will be judged (by society and, gulp, even our kids) on how well we did our job. We are a proud group, independent and even a little pioneering.   

There is a tension, however, that happens when this proud, independent pioneering spirit comes face to face with the inevitable challenges of senior high. Many have to "give up" and send their kids back to public or private school where they think it will become "someone else's problem". For those who soldier on through these challenges, I've discovered that often the only thing standing between success and failure is a little bit of timely help from a non-judgmental friend.    

That's what I want to be for you. I will be your non-judgmental friend that can help you through the challenges that will come as you prepare your children for the big launch to college and life. The College Launch Solution will be that timely help to answer your critical questions, just when you need it most.   

You are nearly to the end of this marathon called homeschooling. You've worked hard and I think you deserve a little cheer. So, Yay, you!!  You also deserve a little help during this final leg of the race. Let me help you get across the finish line with the joy that only comes when you achieve your goals, knowing you did your best for the family you love. 

There is Still Time to Get $100 off Your Purchase PLUS a $300 Parent Training Bonus, Use Coupon Code LAUNCH100.


Get Started Here!

The College Launch Solution with Private Coaching


$497 with 30 days free of Private Coaching, then $97/month (cancel anytime)

  • qxio-checkmarkEight Core Training Modules
  • qxio-checkmarkHow to Plan for College Tools and Resources
  • qxio-checkmark[Limited Time] Parent Training Bonus ($300 Value)
  • qxif-hand-point-rightPRIVATE COACHING:
  • Private Facebook Group
  • qxio-checkmarkMonthly Q&A Webinar
  • qxio-checkmarkAccountability Emails for You and Your Teen
  • qxio-checkmarkAccess to the GOLD CARE CLUB Membership Site
  • qxio-checkmarkMonthly Training Webinar
  • qxio-checkmarkWeekly Private Phone or Email Coaching with Lee

The College Launch Solution with Group Coaching


$497 with 30 days free of Group Coaching, then $27/month (cancel anytime)

  • qxio-checkmarkEight Core Training Modules
  • qxio-checkmarkHow to Plan for College Tools and Resources
  • qxio-checkmark[Limited Time] Parent Training Bonus ($300 Value)
  • qxif-hand-point-rightGROUP COACHING:
  • qxio-checkmarkPrivate Facebook Group
  • qxio-checkmarkMonthly Q&A Webinar
  • qxio-checkmarkAccountability Emails for You and Your Teen
  • qxio-checkmarkAccess to the SILVER TRAINING CLUB Membership Site
  • qxio-closeMonthly Training Webinar
  • qxio-closeWeekly Private Phone or Email Coaching with Lee

Can't Afford College Coaching?

Just order the College Launch Solution with Group Coaching above and then CANCEL your Group Coaching membership. You will retain lifetime access to your College Launch Solution purchase and the private facebook group, but will lose the other Group Coaching benefits.

30 day money back guarantee

What Customers Think About Their Purchase

I cannot thank you enough for all the direction you have given me.The application process has proven to be one of the most challenging things I have ever done. I cannot imagine doing it on my own. Thank you for choosing to spend your post-schooling years helping others! Thank you for helping me to feel the fear and do it anyway!"

Traci in California
Traci in California Loves became the college admission pro for her daughter.

“I know that the whole process was made easier, clearer, and more successful by using your resources! I only wish that I had found your resources earlier in my daughter’s homeschooling high school years. I completed my task mainly because I had your guidance and examples to help me get there, Lee!! Blessings for the work that you do to bring such wonderful resources to the homeschool world!"

Bonnie in Maine
Bonnie made a great college planning pro for her family.

"I couldn't have done it without Lee's support and advice! My son was admitted to every college where he applied and invited to compete for a full scholarship at 5 colleges. Lee's expertise enabled me to avoid costly college coaching to do the same thing! Between scholarships and grants, he will be attending his first-choice college within our budget. Since then he's been giddy with joy, and at total peace with his college decision. Lee's coaching in college preparation was worth its weight in gold!"

Lori in Idaho
Lori helped her son go from homeschool to college.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • qxif-medapps Is the College Launch Solution only for homeschoolers?
    No. While the College Launch Solution was developed for homeschoolers, the lessons included apply to all parents hoping to assist their children in navigating from school to college. This learning is very difficult to acquire by blind searching of the internet. Having a convenient source of trusted information will help all parents, no matter what their schooling choices, become the best possible counselor and coach for their kids.
  • qxif-medapps My child won't be a junior yet. Will the College Launch Solution be a good fit for me?
  • qxif-medapps Can you tell me more about the three CLS Coaching Options (Group, Private, and Community)?
  • qxif-medapps If I purchase the College Launch Solution with Group Coaching now, will I be able to upgrade to Private Coaching Later?
  • qxif-medapps Will I be charged more if the price for the College Launch Solution goes up later?
  • qxif-medapps If I purchase either option, am I locked into the monthly membership or can I cancel?
  • qxif-medapps I am already a Gold Care Club (or Silver Training Club) member. What will ordering the College Launch Solution do to my current membership?

Get Started Here!

The College Launch Solution with Private Coaching

old fashioned telephone

$497 with 30 days free of Group Coaching, then $97/month (cancel anytime)

  • qxio-checkmarkEight Core Training Modules
  • qxio-checkmarkHow to Plan for College Tools and Resources
  • qxio-checkmark[Limited Time] Parent Training Bonus ($300 Value)
  • qxif-hand-point-rightPRIVATE COACHING:
  • Private Facebook Group
  • qxio-checkmarkMonthly Q&A Webinar
  • qxio-checkmarkAccountability Emails for You and Your Teen
  • qxio-checkmarkAccess to the GOLD CARE CLUB Membership Site
  • qxio-checkmarkMonthly Training Webinar
  • qxio-checkmarkWeekly Private Phone or Email Coaching with Lee

The College Launch Solution with Group Coaching

laptop computer

$497 with 30 days free of Group Coaching, then $27/month (cancel anytime)

  • qxio-checkmarkEight Core Training Modules
  • qxio-checkmarkHow to Plan for College Tools and Resources
  • qxio-checkmark[Limited Time] Parent Training Bonus ($300 Value)
  • qxif-hand-point-rightGROUP COACHING:
  • qxio-checkmarkPrivate Facebook Group
  • qxio-checkmarkMonthly Q&A Webinar
  • qxio-checkmarkAccountability Emails for You and Your Teen
  • qxio-checkmarkAccess to the SILVER TRAINING CLUB Membership Site
  • qxio-closeMonthly Training Webinar
  • qxio-closeWeekly Private Phone or Email Coaching with Lee

Can't Afford Coaching?

Just order the College Launch Solution with Group Coaching above and then CANCEL your Group Coaching membership. You will retain lifetime access to your College Launch Solution purchase and the private facebook group, but will lose the other Group Coaching benefits.

Since You've Read This Far, Let Me Help You Finish Homeschooling with a Gold Medal!

What if just one idea from the College Launch Solution...

Helps your child gain admission to the school of their dreams?

What if just one strategy from the College Launch Solution ...

Teaches you how to graduate your homeschooler debt-free from college.

What if just one lesson from the College Launch Solution...

Inspires your teen to convert their education into a bright and successful future?

What would those results be worth to you over a lifetime?

Launching your homeschooler into college and career is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You want to be ready - laying it all on the field - and know you did everything possible to enable their success.
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Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00 am to 03:00 pm (PST)
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