Each child has a pile of unfinished projects they still want to finish because they found something else they wanted to do first. ~ Cynthia
You tell the kids to go read in their rooms while mom and the dogs go nap. ~ Bonnie
You're on a first name basis with the UPS man, the Postal Dude, and even the occasional FedEx person. ~ Pam
You find a way to turn a Disney trip into an educational excursion! LOL! Yep, I did that! Lots to learn while navigating an airport, reading maps of the park, riding "It's a Small World" and naming all the countries, walking through the country portion of Epcot......the educational fun never ends. ~ Lisa
You have a lovely group of like-minded ladies you call friends and it's difficult to think of anyone who doesn't homeschool. (Hmmmm...so and so's kids might be in public school?) Your family room decor includes educational posters. ~ Marie
You think of every moment as a teachable opportunity. ~ Yuki
No one wants to help you move because 90% of the boxes are books!! ~ Dolores
When getting ready to go to bed, you realize that you're switching one pair of PJ's for another. ~ Kellie
When you drive by the school and think about how much it looks like a prison block. ~ Sandy
When mom's day out to shop is in search of books and not shoes. ~ Marilyn
The first time you go out during school hours with the kids and you don't even think twice about what people will think!!! ~ Pamela
Your students do not know the answer to the question, "What grade are you in?" ~ Kim
Your son asks if reading up on a specific Tesla experiment is sufficient for free reading hour.... ~ Janey
You no longer even consider putting them in public school! Bobbi
Buying 'school' clothes is all about comfort so they can concentrate, or are useful for doing chores - or both! ~ Susan
You can answer this question with confidence and anxiety, at the same time. ~ Mike
When I say, "WE are in the 9th grade..." ~ Ellen
When areas in your house have designated names like, "The Science Center", "The Library", "The Classroom", " The Computer Center", "The Craft Area", "The Music Center", and "The Hobby Shop"! ~ Ron
You max out the limit on library books, DVD's, etc. ~ Carol
You spend your summer planning the upcoming school year... ~ Samantha
On your Facebook page, it's not about friends anymore, it's about info on homeschooling ~ Donna
It's the first day of public school, yet all your kids are piled in the van on the way to a homeschool support group meeting, singing along to "Grammar Songs" at the top of their lungs. (True Story) ~ Lisa
You forget what grade you are in. ~ Evelyn
The smell of new curriculum totally makes you happy...lol! ~ Julie
It's more important to get started than to get dressed. ~ Wanda
Your child is not sure what grade they are in, so they say, "I'm in all the grades." ~ Tammy
The homeschool convention is your idea of Vacation! They are pretty fun... ~ Olivia
You are not sure when your kids' school start day is, and it is almost August. ~ Rose
The day the new books arrive, and the day each child gets their 'own' pens, notebooks etc seems like a small party. ~ Susan
When "box day" is better than Christmas! ~ Laura
You realize how much they really are learning on field trips and start planning more. ~ Zoey
Your 15 yr. old daughter says, "Daddy, guess what? Mommy and I are going to shop for school clothes tomorrow!" And your husband says, "What are you going to do, buy a pair of pajamas?" LOL True story! ~ Jean
When you purposely take your child to your dentist appointment as an educational thing. ~ Dyann
You realize you haven't had a vacation since you started homeschooling. All your travel has been "educational field trips." ~ Lynn
Your educator relative starts expressing concerns about your child's socialization and chances at college to other family members! ~ Sandee
When your child starts correcting your spelling. ~ Julie
Every vacation is a field trip! ~ Michelle
When the sound of the school bus driving by you house is the alarm clock! ~ Betty
You do not know what grades your children are in. ~ Sharon
When your children have a traditional school friend come over to 'play,' and that friend just kind of stands there staring, not knowing what to do, or how to 'play'... ~ Wendy
You never noticed that your grown-up friends left years ago; mommy and daddy like teaching and Legos too! And books, and poetry, and art, and karate, and old black and white films....oh, did I mention the children's friends left us a long time ago too...we want them back to homeschool them also!~ Julie
When your kids friends come to see if your kids can play outside after they get home from school and your kids answer the door still in their PJ's. ~ Crystal
When your child looks at you and asks what grade he is in! ~ Evelyn
Our unofficial nonscientific homeschool poll demonstrates
the NUMBER ONE REASON you know you are an official homeschooler.....
the NUMBER ONE REASON you know you are an official homeschooler.....
Confusion about grade level!