What Does Homeschool Freedom Mean to YOU?
What does homeschool freedom mean to you? I'll go first - you chime in!
1. Freedom of Expression
Homeschoolers have the freedom to craft your homeschool to perfectly fit your children, without overreaching governmental interference. As teachers, we can hug and love our children until they grow up and become confident, self-assured adults. It's amazing what a little love can do!
2. Freedom of Religion
We have the freedom to educate our children in a way that is consistent with our faith and beliefs, incorporating our scriptures and religious instruction as we see fit, without being forced to remove God from education. It's awesome to see how incorporating faith into education can improve both faith AND education!
3. Freedom from Fear
Homeschool parents have the freedom to homeschool with confidence. Rest assured you can offer a superior education to your children. You have the freedom to use any tools, support, help, or guidance that you need to homeschool through high school graduation. Banish fear, and declare your homeschool independence!
What homeschool freedoms are you most thankful for?