The only way to find out is to check their website and also speak to them in person. Some colleges will have one policy posted, but admission personnel require more or less than the posted policy. Other colleges won't have a policy posted on their website, but the admission personnel will know the details (or know that nothing specific is required.)
The easiest way to get your answer is to go to a college fair where multiple colleges are located. Have your child speak to each college first, and be forthright about the information they need as a student. Let them finish speaking, and getting all of their questions answered, while you stay in the background. Once the child is done talking, then it's your turn. Ask an open-ended question, "We are a homeschool family. What information would you like from your homeschooled applicants?"
You can also call and speak to them directly, by telephone. Remember, your job as the school administrator is to talk about high school records, so this is a normal, natural function of your job. Try to avoid the topics that are your child's responsibility. You want to demonstrate that your child is an independent young adult that doesn't require a parent in order to communicate clearly.

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