But I want to encourage you to remember your ultimate goal of raising successful adults. One day you will be letting go of your children too! So take it one step at a time, but remember that this is an important thing you are doing. So I say GOOD JOB!!! What you are doing is important, and I'm proud of you for all the hard work!
When you are done homeschooling, what will you say? Will you be able to move forward, without regrets? Listen to the bittersweet note from a homeschool mom. She is done with her homeschooling career, but is looking back with joy and a feeling of accomplishment.
Dear Lee,
I hope you are enjoying your summer. I was checking Facebook and just had to write again to thank you, for all your help with our daughter's transcript. Thanks to you your wonderful advice (as well as talking me off a few cliffs). She is enjoying her second year at Liberty University, and was awarded several scholarships, invited to join Alpha Lambda Delta (Freshman honor society) , asked to be a part of the LU Honor's Program, limited to students with the highest GPA. This was all in her first year!! Thank you for encouraging our family throughout Johanna's high school education, particularly with our Gold Care Club membership. Johanna, after one year in university, is over 50% through her degree studies. She is a double major Music Education and Music Performance along with a minor in photography, is currently working on her Honor's Thesis and is in Student Leadership. We are proud parents and we are extremely grateful for all the help over those years. We have two more daughters who are nearing the end of their high school education and we are working on the Comprehensive Records for both of them. Your material has been so helpful! Your encouragement lightened the load as we continued on our homeschool journey. Thank you for your posts, your articles, The Gold Care Club, phone calls, Facebook Posts posts, webinars, emails and sense of humour! One of our daughters is finishing grade 12/Gap Year and the other is in grade 11. They, because of your guidance, are taking online university courses, preparing for a few CLEP exams... and teaching music lessons in their own studio -- all for high school credit (and university). I am sad that our homes school days are drawing to an end. I want to run well and finish the course. It's been a wonderful adventure! Thank you for being a part of our homeschool adventure. Look how happy the Gold Care Club made Jonathan and I! Blessings on you and your family as you continue to help home school families, like ours, homeschool to the best of our abilities. We will be forever grateful!
Take a deep breath and be calm. Remember that our goal is to raise adults who will go out into society and make the world a better place. The rest of school is just for bonus points.

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