My homeschoolers were "Alexas" and not "Roombas" and I've discovered that
teenagers aren't anything like Roomba. Maybe I should explain... I'm
sensing a blank stare here ...
We recently acquired two pieces of technology that have transformed our
simple suburban lives. First came Alexa, the shiny white music cylinder.
Yes, I know it does more than play music, but being non-millennials, we
learn new tricks more slowly. I could say, "Alexa, what's the weather
outside?" but I haven't convinced myself the answer will be more reliable
than my tried-and-true strategy of looking out the window.
Later came Roomba, our personal vacuuming robot ninja. Roomba doesn't talk
and certainly doesn't listen - which was a real surprise to my 90 year old
mother who spent the first day just yelling directions at her Roomba.
Seriously, you just press a button and it's off to do its job. When it hits
an obstacle, it moves around it and keeps going. When it is done it returns
to home base and chirps a happy little tune to say it's proud of a job well
Don't you wish your teens were like Roomba? Don't you wish you could press
a button and they would happily start their homeschooling day and never
bother you until they were done? Alas, it's not going to happen. Teens are
not like Roomba, they are more like Alexa. They require voice commands and
will frequently reply with, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that."
How I wish I could have just pushed a button on my teens to start them down
the path of earning college admission and scholarships. I wish I didn't
need to get involved until admission and scholarships offers filled our
mailbox, all from colleges we loved and trusted.
But like Alexa, my teens would just sit there with music blaring until we
came in and took control of the situation and told them specifically,
clearly, and unambiguously, what to do and when to do it.
That's where we find the three terrors of college admission.
1. Nothing gets done without your teen's involvement.
2. Nothing gets worked on without supervision from you.
3. Nothing gets initiated until you know what to do and when to do it.
The great news is I can help you with all three of these terrors!
I created the College Launch Solution to help you with all three of these
challenges! First, I will first enlist your teen as full partner in the
battle for admission and scholarships. Second, I will motivate, encourage,
and train you to be your teen's best college coach. Finally, I will tell
you exactly what to do and when to do it and give you all the helpful
nudges you need to get the job done right.
Here's a helpful summary of the cool stuff I have inside this solution.
Read this summary
Group Coaching Option with the College Launch Solution - NOW WITH LIFETIME ACCESS!!
Private Coaching Option with the College Launch Solution - NOW WITH LIFETIME ACCESS!!