ECollegeFinder rounded up the tamest school in each state to make this map. See which school is tamest party school in your state! Do you think it's true?
Would you prefer a party school for your child? They almost say “Tamest Party Schools in Each State” as if it were a bad thing, but I'm guessing that most homeschool parents hope their children go to college for the education, and not just the parties!
In Washington State, they listed Seattle Pacific University as the tamest party school in our state. I have to admit, I was pleased to see them! "We're Number One!" never felt so good!
Make sure you visit a college before you apply. Names and reputation aren't enough to know what a school is REALLY like. Do you know what college often makes it into the top party schools? Texas Christian University! So never judge a college by the name. Always make a visit!
Read more about how to find a college here: Three Steps to Finding a College