Relationship and purity studies are an important health topic for all teenagers. Look at books to decide which is the best fit for your family, and you can read and discuss issues about dating with your child. You might choose just one book and include it in your health class. Or you might provide a significant reading list, that becomes the cornerstone of your healthy relationships course. Here are my suggestions.

My Top 3 Relationship Books

For younger teens, "Passport to Purity" by Dennis and Barbara Rainey

For older teens, age 14-19, "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy

For young adults, "Boundaries in Dating" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

No book can be perfect for all families, and conversations can't be replaced with reading a book. I did some "crowd-sourcing" on Facebook to see what other families have used. In the context of conversations with your teens, you may find these books are a better fit for your family. Carefully read the book descriptions and the reviews. You want to find a book that matches your values but is challenging enough to make your teenager really think.

Again, the relationship books below have been recommended by other homeschool families, and I have not read them myself. My children are bibliophiles, and we provided multiple books on relationships for them to read. I have not reviewed every book on this list below, so carefully look at the descriptions to determine the best fit. Some of these books may be controversial within your friend group, and others may be too shocking or too staid. You are trying to find a book or books that will be a challenging read, but not blow your child out of the water. You know your child(ren) best.

Relationship and Purity Studies Book List

"And The Bride Wore White" by Dannah Gresh for girls

"Before you meet Prince Charming" by Sarah Mally

"Courtship and Dating: So, What's the Difference?" by Dennis Gundersen of Grace and Truth books. Homeschooler Martha said, "The book is full of practical biblical counsel. Big fan of it."

"Danger Signs of an Unhealthy Dating Relationship" by Lou Priolo. Dennis Gundersen, owner of of Grace & Truth Books, recommends this book by a highly regarded Christian counselor.

"Dateable: Are you? Are They?" by Justin Lookadoo (Author), Hayley DiMarco.

"Dating with Integrity" by John Holzmann. This is sold with Sonlight Curriculum.

"Every Young Man's Battle" by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker

"Every Young Woman's Battle" by Shannon Ethridge and Stephen Arterburn

"For Young Women Only: What You Need to Know About How Guys Think" by Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa A. Rice

"Gates and Fences - Straight Talk in a Crooked World" by Lori Wagner

"God Is a Matchmaker: Seven Biblical Principles for Finding Your Mate" by Derek Prince. Angela said: "EXCELLENT. However, the audience is for those ready for marriage. Derek Prince is a sound biblical teacher!"

"I Gave Dating a Chance: A Biblical Perspective to Balance the Extremes" by Jeramy Clark. This book was recommended by Dr. Jay Wile, of Berean Builders, author of the "Exploring Creation with…" series of high school textbooks.
"I, Isaac, Take Thee, Rebekah: Moving from Romance to Lasting Love" by Ravi Zaccharius. One mom wrote "This one might be for older teens/young adults because it talks about marriage more than some of the others."

"Let me be a Woman" by Elisabeth Elliot

"Letters to My Daughters" by Paul Friesan. One mom wrote, "Well-balanced approach to relationships from a Biblical view."

"Love, Honor, and Virtue" by Hal and Melanie Young of Raising Real Men. I personally know and trust Hal and Melanie for giving great advice!

"The Mark of a Man: Following Christ's Example of Masculinity" by Elisabeth Elliot

"Meet Mr. Smith: Revolutionize the Way You Think About Sex, Purity, and Romance" by Eric and Leslie Ludy

"Mingling of Souls" by Matt and Lauren Chandler. Megan in college wrote, "I highly recommend any dating/relationship materials by Matt and Lauren Chandler. Mingling of Souls has a part about attraction and dating and is also about marriage and I have used many of his resources for years. Very Christ-centered and helpful. I cannot suggest his materials enough."

"More Than Just the Talk" by Jonathan McKee (for parents)

"Of Knights & Fair Maidens" by Jeff & Danielle Myers. This was recommended as a good, short book about courtship.

"Passion and Purity" by Elizabeth Elliott. This author is frequently recommended by most homeschoolers I know and trust.

"Passport to Purity" by Denis and Barbra Rainey. This is what I used with my own children in middle school.

"Relationships" by Dean Sherman. This is recommended by Jill Bell, who also homeschooled boys.
"The Sacred Search: What If It's Not about Who You Marry, But Why? " By Gary Thomas. Laura said, "This is an awesome book. I think every single person should read it, take notes, and read it again!"

"Sacred Singleness: The Set-Apart Girl's Guide to Purpose and Fulfillment" by Leslie Ludy, the most frequently suggested author in this topic.

"Sex180: The Next Revolution" by Chip Ingram and Tim Walkter. Yuki says it's "excellent all-around teaching guys and girls"

"Sex Matters" by Jonathan McKee. This book addresses the current youth culture and may not be appropriate for all families.

"Sex, Dating and Relating" DVD by Marg Gungor. One mom wrote, "This is a really good DVD series we used at home and at church."

"Teaching True Love to a Sex-at-13 Generation" by Eric and Leslie Ludy

"Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives" and "Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives" by Laura C. Schlessinger. JA says it is "Written for a secular audience; good advice but it's more for adult women, especially younger women who have made those mistakes."

"The Talk, Changes: 7 Biblical Lessons to Make Sense of Puberty" by Luke Gilkerson. Melissa says "His books are wonderful"

"The Talks: A Parent's Guide to Critical Conversations about Sex, Dating, and Other Unmentionables" by Barrett Johnson

"Wait for Me: Rediscovering the Joy of Purity in Romance" by Rebecca St. James.

"What Are You Waiting For? The One Thing No One Ever Tells You About Sex" By Danna Gresh. Yuki wrote "This is the 'why' behind 'wait' for girls.
I hope you enjoy this list and find something that makes it comfortable for you to talk with your kids. Do you know of more good books on the topic of purity?

For more help, read Homeschool Health for High School: How to Create Healthy Teens. You'll learn the 10 topics you should cover in your high school health class, and what critical discussions you need to have with your teens. It suggests a curriculum for your health class, and how to emphasize healthy living for a lifetime.