Record Keeping Round Up
A collection of the best resources available to homeschoolers with high school record keeping, transcripts, and course descriptions.
Learn How to Make a Homeschool Transcript
Transcripts are just a simple piece of paper that translates your normal, natural homeschool experience into the words and numbers colleges understand. Read, How to Make a Homeschool Transcript to find out how to calculate credits, give grades, and calculate a GPA – all without turning yourself into some test-taking public-school imitation.
Ready to Make a Transcript?
Ready to get started? Sign up for the Total Transcript Solution to make the process a BREEZE! It even has an "emergency transcript" section to help you get the job done within one hour. Plus you'll get an opportunity for a free 20 minute consultation with The HomeScholar, in case you get stymied.
Learn How to Include Delight Directed Learning on your Transcript
Learn how to put fabulous fun on your homeschool transcript and convert natural learning into high school credit with this free eBook. Including Delight Directed Learning in your homeschool is so important, so put those great experiences on the transcript and create a fabulous resume. This easy-to-understand eBook can help! Read, How to Put Fabulous Fun on Your Homeschool Transcript.
Learn How to Write Perfect Course Descriptions
While some colleges say they don't need course descriptions, most colleges require, request, or appreciate course descriptions. A wise homeschool parent will maximize scholarships by writing perfect course descriptions for core classes, electives, and delight directed learning. Read, How to Write Perfect Course Descriptions to learn the 3 ingredients of a perfect course description, get 3 writing prompts to prevent writer's block, discover the 4 ways to describe how you grades, and 6 tips for really tough course descriptions.
Ready to Write Course Descriptions?
Ready to get started? Sign up for the Comprehensive Record Solution to make the process as simple as possible. It even has an "emergency course description" section to help you get the job done within one weekend. Plus you'll get the Total Transcript Solution free with your purchase.
Learn How to Keep High School Records
Stuck at the very beginning? It's important for every homeschool parent to consider record keeping in high school. At some point in the future you will need to provide records of your student's high school experience.
You may need records for your child to become a camp counselor, or to get a "good student discount" on car insurance. They may be needed for college admission, job application, or graduate school. Homeschool record keeping will ensure you'll always be prepared for the future. Read, High School Record Keeping to get out of denial.
See Some Record Keeping Samples
I'm a visual learner - are you? Sometimes you just need to SEE what you need to go! These record keeping samples are perfect for visual learners who want to see a course description and transcript examples. These record keeping samples and many more are captured in my book, "Setting the Records Straight, How to Craft Homeschool Transcripts and Records for College Admission and Scholarships." Sign up to get Record Keeping Samples.