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Subject line: College Policy Discourages Homeschool Applicants
Dear {University Name} Admissions,
I have a question about your university's homeschool admission policy. Your school is not a homeschool friendly college as it has unique requirements just for homeschoolers seeking admission. A homeschool friendly college is one that treats a homeschool applicant the same as a public or private school applicant.
Your homeschool admission policy requires {INSERT DETAILS: an accredited home school program, validation by an outside agency, or successful completion of the GED}, which is shown on your website here {INSERT LINK or else name of person who told you their policy.}
Your policy is mystifying for homeschoolers, because most homeschoolers are independent, like a private school, and are allowed to provide a diploma. Homeschoolers are not required by law to provide accreditation by their state or produce a GED to demonstrate successful completion of high school.
Admission policies that require a GED of homeschoolers are frustrating. The GED has a stigma attached, as it is often used for high school drop outs. Our students have not dropped out of high school. Homeschoolers are willing to provide the SAT or ACT that other high school students must submit, but the GED should not be required.
Since 1998, homeschool students can receive federal financial aid without having a GED. There are public and private high schools that are not accredited. I suggest that you treat homeschoolers the way you would an unknown public or private school, which may not be accredited either.
Our student will not consider a college that institutes a {GED requirement} because it's an unfair requirement imposed on homeschoolers.
Can you please respond to these concerns, and let me know how you can support applicants that have homeschooled independently? I am eager to hear your response.
{First Last Name}, Home Educator
{Phone number}