Including Online Classes
Think carefully before you cede your authority as a home school parent to another person or institution, and be aware of the potential constraints when you enroll in these programs.
If you are using an accredited program for an online class, then you are not the teacher in charge. The accredited teacher will provide a grade you can’t alter and your child will receive an accredited transcript that must be submitted to all the colleges where your student applies.
If you are using a non-accredited program, however, YOU are the teacher. Whether it’s a casual co-op, an online classical education class taught by a teacher, or a scheduled weekly live class by a science expert, if it’s not accredited, you are still the teacher. That means you can decide which assignments are important for your child to complete, and what will improve their learning experience and their love of learning.
Online classes are one tool you can use to educate your children, and one tool you can use when you formulate your grade. Don’t let an online class become your taskmaster. If you are feeling stressed over a certain time of year such as the holidays, you don’t need to feel MORE stressed because online classes are piling on more homework. You can pick and choose from the grades they provide to determine a true grade that reflects your child and your child’s learning experience. The class grade does not have to include grades you (as the teacher) choose to drop.
If you are feeling like a square peg forced into a round hole, then you might enjoy my article, Cooped Up in a Co-op. Generally, co-op teachers and teachers for online classes are willing to be flexible. If you need to drop busy work over holidays or vacations, tell the online teacher and they will probably accommodate you. Using a co-op can be a great supplement to your homeschool, as long as it’s a good fit for you and your child. But use it in a way that meets your child's needs.
Choose a curriculum meant for homeschoolers, and you can be successful with any subject you teach in your own home. As I always say, you don't have to know the subject and you don't have to teach it, you just have to make sure they learn it! If it works, keep doing it. If it's not working, stop! Do something else!
Are you incorporating online classes in your homeschool? Please share!

Please note: This post was originally published in November 2012 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
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