How to Earn $1600 an Hour Writing Course Descriptions

If your homeschool family is struggling to make the time to write course descriptions, this might be a good blog post to share with your spouse.

If you had the perfect job, working from home, loving your children, how much could you earn per hour, do you think? Traci found out that her job as a homeschool parent was actually earning her WELL over minimum wage. Can you believe it? $1600/hour for working on her homeschool course descriptions!
 “I just had to write to let you know that my daughter received the Regent's Scholarship for a $40,700 annual award.  I am still in shock daily. Of course this is after hours and hours of work on both of our parts, my daughter writing countless essays and filling out applications, and me writing course descriptions.  But we figured out that even if we spent 100 hours in the process, we were actually making about $1600 an hour! I cannot thank you enough for all the direction you have given me over the past few years.  Honestly, the college application process has proven to be one of the most challenging things I have ever done.  It challenged my faith and sanity.  I cannot imagine trying to do it on my own.  Thank you for choosing to spend your post-schooling years helping others! The prospect of homeschooling high school IS scary, but looking back, the blessing of intimacy I now share with my daughter by having spent these past  four years together was worth it.  Thank you for helping!

~ Sincerely, Traci Minor

Why would you share this information with your spouse? Because writing course descriptions is like changing a baby's diaper. It's a dirty job, but somebody has got to do it. If you and your beloved can just agree that course descriptions are important, and encourage one another, then maybe you can have the perfect job working from home too, and earn HUGE amounts of cold, hard cash for college.

Here are some resources to get your started!

Learn more about creating awesome course descriptions with this FREE class.

Homeschool Records That Open Doors

 If you prefer, try this coordinating Coffee Break Book for $3 on Kindle.

Comprehensive Homeschool Records: Put Your Best Foot Forward to Win College Admission and Scholarships

 If you need a book you can hold in your hands, try this $24.95 paperback.

Setting the Records Straight: How to Craft Homeschool Transcripts and Course Descriptions for College Admission and Scholarships

 I'll be glad to hold your hand through the whole college admission process.

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