Students may be tempted to cheat in college. While they are at home, tell them you are aware of the problem, and talk to them about the consequences. Conversations you have now can prevent problems in college and on the job. It might be a good idea to compare these news reports on cheating, and compare them to current events news stories on cheating. I'm so thankful this college is taking a firm stand on the issue of cheating in business. Stories about AIG, BP, and Bernie Madoff underscore the value of honest business practices.
Parents can make all the difference. Homeschool parents have the advantage, because they can make sure honesty is promoted, and that conversations about honesty reflect their values.
You can watch the news report on cheating in college:
Christian families will enjoy this Josh McDowell sermon on "Why is Lying Wrong." What a challenging message! If you are a book-lover, you can read more in Josh McDowell's book Right from Wrong.