My girlfriend Laura was chatting with me about the workout video Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred one day. It claims that I could lose 20 pounds in 30 days. I was watching  the demo on YouTube (sitting in front of my computer in a cushioned, swivel chair) thinking about getting the video so I would be in shape for all the upcoming weddings. Great idea, right? Then my husband brought me back to reality. "It looks hard. You would actually have to do the work." Hmmmmm...I knew there had to be a catch. "You mean to tell me that simply owning it is not enough???!!!"

homeschooling high school
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Homeschooling High School is a Lot Like Exercise Videos

You can buy all the exercise videos and equipment you need, but it's not going to do you any good unless you USE the products. A homeschooler confessed to me that she bought the Total Transcript Solution months ago, but hadn't started her child's transcript yet. Simply owning a transcript solution will not solve your transcript problem any more than owning an exercise video will solve a weight problem.

With that in mind, can I make a suggestion? Please make your transcript today! When Spring comes around I will start to get those calls from parents with a senior in high school, in full panic mode. Failure is an option (even for great homeschool kids and wonderful homeschool teachers) if you never make a transcript or apply to a college at all. But panic can be completely eliminated if you simply work on your transcript each year in high school.

Another homeschooler recently called me, asking for some feedback on her transcript. She was embarrassed and giggling about her transcript for a 9th grader. "Who makes a transcript for a *freshman*?" she laughed. She is getting her transcript done in 9th grade! She will never feel that senior year panic.  She will always feel confident in her record keeping abilities.  She will be prepared for any scholarship, internship, insurance, or summer camp experience that might need a transcript. No panic.

Again, please work on your transcript. Don't just own what you need to make the transcript, actually MAKE the transcript. Work on it every year in the spring. It doesn't have to be perfect, you can always call it your "work in progress." Don't wait until senior year!

Have you found the discipline to work on your child's transcript, or an exercise video? Let me know in the comments!


Please note: This post was originally published in March 2010 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

You can get the Total Transcript Solution here. Then all you have to do is get started!