Homemade Felt Ornaments for Christmas #Homeschool @TheHomeScholar

My assistant Robin is such a genius! Look at these ADORABLE homemade felt ornaments she created for her Christmas tree! Wouldn't they be awesome as a gift from a child, or to decorate your home with a classic Christmas feel?  Just download this pattern, cut out the colored felt, and stitch. Easy-peasy, cute-and-fun gifts!

Stone Soup


"We have lots of little ones joining our family! Having some older siblings with adult children, I now have several great nieces and great nephews! I remember when my  children were little. Our tree was bald from "toddler height" down! My teens and I will be making some felt ornaments for our family and friends with little ones this year. That way their trees will have toddler-friendly ornaments on the bottom of the tree." ~ Robin

You can create a cute red candy cane, icy-cold snowflake, or snowman with hat, scarf, and carrot nose!

Materials needed:


These are just the sweetest homemade felt ornaments that are perfectly imperfect for your Christmas holidays!

Homemade Felt Ornaments for Christmas
