As a nurse working in a hospital,  I learned that the warm touch of hand-holding can improve heath and healing.  I think it's true for homeschoolers as well! I loved what Anita wrote in this note about hand-holding!

Dear Lee, I want to thank you so very much for all the hand holding for my first graduate.  It was so nice to be able to email you with questions that I had regarding my daughters transcripts and course descriptions.  As only a 5-year veteran of homeschooling, it really calmed my nerves to have you in my back pocket.She was accepted to all three of her choice collegesand we didn’t even apply to any of the “safe” ones.  Scholarship hunting is going well too, especially since I have everything ready to go at the push of a button now. So far the scholarships she has received are from her ACT scores, so only the full ride freshman year so far.  After that if she doesn’t bump up she’ll have 4000 a year for an honors if she keeps her GPA up.
The bonus with this is her brother, who is just two years behind her, has his transcript up to date as well now.

Thank-you again so much for your help and support.  It really means a lot.



Hand-holding helps!  If you would like to learn more, I have some free classes that may encourage you!

FREE Webinar! A Homeschool Parent's Guide to Grades, Credits and Transcripts

FREE Webinar!  Homeschool Records that Open Doors!

FREE Webinar - Taking the Mystery Out of the SAT and ACT, with Andrew Pudewa